
半推半就  bàn tuī bàn jiù








  • 半推半就, 收下了我送给他的礼物。
    He accepted my gift while pretending to refuse.

  • 也有的面露难色,最后还是半推半就地接了过去,场面非常尴尬。
    Also some faces show appear to be reluctant, still received the past partly compliantly finally, occasion is very awkward.

  • 然后也没有任何人出来,虽然镇鼠约翰尼曾半推半就答应了来造访。
    And nobody got out, though Johnny Town mouse had half promised a visit.

  • 下一个是工程队,闲着也是闲着,半推半就入了局,这轮盘就转了起来。
    The next project is the team idle is idle, making the bureau into the turn up on the wheel disk.

  • 所以当时的政府不顾奴隶的悲惨遭遇,半推半就地让奴隶制在美国合法化。
    Thus, the government reluctantly allowed slavery to be legal in America, despite the terrible sufferings of the slaves.

  • 有的情侣可能是因为共租合同或一起花钱,以及其他的现实考量才半推半就进入婚姻的围城。
    Couples might also be nudged into nuptials because of a joint lease or shared ownership of Fido — along with other practicalities.

  • 女人必须以半推半就的方式让男人来追求自己,这样既不会显得太热情,也不会显得过于冷淡。
    Women have to make men chase them only to push them away so they appear neither easy nor frigid.

  • 对于在片中没有安排葛优和舒淇的亲热戏,冯小刚解释说,要么就露个彻底,半推半就干脆不弄。
    Regarding has not arranged Ge You and Shu Qi's intimate play in the piece, Feng Xiaogang explains that either on dew thorough, yields with a show of reluctance simply does not make.

  • 金花开始时是震惊,接着是激动,最后是害怕,先是拒绝,接着半推半就,最后气愤地叫他走开。
    At first shocked, then excited, then frightened, Gold Flower, rebuffed him, half-succumbed to him, then angrily told him to leave.

  • 半推半就造句相关
