
劳燕分飞  láo yàn fēn fēi







  • 劳燕分飞,而非步入婚姻的殿堂,在恋爱关系中日益流行。
    Breakup, rather than marriage, is the norm in dating relationships.

  • 但摆在面前的一个难题是,一旦情侣劳燕分飞,房子怎么办?
    But a difficult question before us is, once lovers Laoyanfenfei, houses?

  • 有时候,命运将相爱的人在一起,只是想让他们劳燕分飞!!
    Sometimes fate throws two lovers together, only to rip them apart.

  • 现如今,另一对形影不离的餐桌伴侣也可能面临劳燕分飞的命运。
    Now it looks as if another great dining table coupling is coming to an end.

  • 当一场早期飞雪的迹象突然削减他们的夏季就业,恩尼斯和杰克他们劳燕分飞
    When signs of an early blizzard cut short their summer employment, Ennis and Jack go their separate ways;

  • 一周的约会共飞后,亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机与哈勃太空望远镜劳燕分飞,渐行渐远。
    Space shuttle Atlantis and the HubbleSpace Telescope continue their relative separation after having been linked together for the better part of a week.

  • 兄弟阋于墙,父母子女反目、亲人成仇敌的事情屡屡上演,夫妻劳燕分飞也常有发生。
    There has been hatred between brothers, parents and children, sibling rivalry and spouses have failed each other.

  • 飘雨的日子,是你我同遮芭蕉雨,在细雨中劳燕分飞,然后各自思索缘尽缘散的日子。
    day is you and me with the rain over plantain in the drizzling rain, and then do their own geo-edge thinking about casual day.

  • 但现实生活的严峻使丈夫的性格日渐暴躁,在女儿不幸夭折后,两人只得离婚,劳燕分飞
    But soon the harsh realities of life strike her husband so much that he grows irritable and depressed. After their little daughter dies of a disease, the two end their marriage in divorce.

  • 劳燕分飞了一年的亲人们也会从天南海北归来,一家人团团圆圆,品尝美味的感恩节火鸡。
    Separated year family members also to be able from to return all over the country, the whole family was all round round, the Thanksgiving Day turkey which tasted the delicacy.

  • 一项研究结果表明,当夫妻双方劳燕分飞时,和男性相比,女性往往想要佔有更多的共同财产。
    Women are more likely than men to keep joint possessions when getting divorced, according to research.

  • 一项研究结果表明,当夫妻双方劳燕分飞时,和男性相比,女性往往想要占有更多的共同财产。
    Women are more likely than men to keep joint possessions when getting divorced, according to research.

  • 约翰·瑟尔和玛吉·克鲁克18岁订婚,后因瑟尔参军、克鲁克远赴加拿大当护士而劳燕分飞
    John Searle and Maggie Crook sadly parted when Crook went to Canada to work as a nurse and Searle joined the army.

  • 我发现要挑出他头四年里执教的错误很难,但在经历了那个劳燕分飞的夏天之后,一切都不一样了。
    I find it hard to fault his first four years, but nothing was the same after that summer.

  • 寝室里的姐妹大都沉浸在毕业的气氛中,找一份稳定的工作,多愁善感地等待着将要来临的“劳燕分飞”。
    The bedroom where the sisters are immersed in an atmosphere of graduation to find a stable job, to appear to be awaiting the arrival of "Laoyanfenfei."

  • 爱你,就不会忘记我们携手共度的逆境、一起流下的泪水、共同编织的蓝图、双双克服的困难以及劳燕分飞的苦痛。
    To love you is to never forget the adversity we have overcome, the tears we have shed, the plans we have made, the problems we have solved, and the pain of separation.

  • 然而,买房为结婚作准备之事如果处理得不好,也会种下“祸根”,甚至导致尚未领取结婚证的恋人反目成仇、劳燕分飞
    However, sales in preparation for marriage matter if not handled properly, it will sow the seeds of "trouble" and even lead to yet to receive marriage certificates Lovers type, Laoyanfenfei.

  • 体操王子楼云既是荣丰2008的形象大使,又被开发商王征先生聘请为CEO,拿的是工资或年薪,可惜光景不长,便劳燕分飞
    Gymnastics prince, the image of clouds is sold 2008 Ambassador levy Mr. Wang was employed as a CEO developers, with a wage or annual salary, but vision is not long, it Laoyanfenfei.

  • 现如今,另一对形影不离的餐桌伴侣也可能面临劳燕分飞的命运。随着越来越多的人愿意单手进餐,刀和叉正在日益滑向分道扬镳的结局。
    now it looks as if another great dining table coupling is coming to an end. the knife and fork are increasingly going their separate ways as more and more diners opt for single-handed eating.

  • 劳燕分飞造句相关
