
前所未闻  qián suǒ wèi wén






  • 我们正以前所未闻的速度发展生产。
    We are developing our production at a speed unheard-of before.

  • 失业“与”福利“将前所未闻
    "Unemployment" and "welfare" will be unheard of.

  • 这是一种在剧院或音乐会上前所未闻的音乐型态。
    The result was a music never before heard in a theater or concert hall.

  • 兼职员工能享有这种福利,在美国几乎是前所未闻
    Such benefits for part-time workers are almost unheard of in America.

  • 一个前所未闻的作家的处女作;以空前的规模发展。
    a first novel by an unheard of writer; developments on an unheard-of scale.

  • 我将带着这世上前所未闻的悔改讯息来到权力的座位。
    AM coming to the seats of power with a message of repentance the Earth has never heard before.

  • 能发现这样完整的结构是不寻常的,罕见的,前所未闻的。
    To find a perfectly formed structure (like this) is extremely unique, unusual, borderline unheard of.

  • 一个前所未闻的伟大爱情故事。-罗密欧与朱丽叶。这只是个建议。
    a comedy about the greatest love story almost never told. -Romeo and Juliet. Just a suggestion.

  • 简直是前所未闻,极具权威的新道理,竟然连邪鬼也服从祂的命令。
    A new teaching--and with authority! He even gives orders to evil spirits and they obey him.

  • 于是后来他开始用班卓琴演奏爵士乐——一种前所未闻的音乐的融合。
    Wooten is a jazz bassist who lays down riffs that will make your stomach tingle.

  • 这是些不仅初学者们前所未闻,就是地质学家通常也很少涉猎的领域。
    frequented by geologists and were unheard of at the freshman level.

  • 这是些不仅初学者们前所未闻,就是地质学家通常也很少涉猎的领域。
    Tese areas were not normally frequented by geologists and were unheard of at the freshman level.

  • 不过,老天爷呀,我今天算是了解到了查尔斯公爵一生前所未闻的情况。
    But, Pasques dieu, my friend, I have this day learned more of Duke Charles than I before knew.

  • 但对扑热息痛过敏应实际上是前所未闻,除了偶见章无充分证据的报导。
    Anaphylaxis to Paracetamol is virtually unheard of, despite the occasional unsubstantiated reports in the past.

  • 这几乎是前所未闻的,因为严肃的机器人学领域常以功能挂帅,而非外表。
    Burick says that he spent a year honing their appearance, something almost unheard of in serious robotics, where function usually trumps form.

  • 他们俩参加过很多亲友的传统婚礼,因此决定做一件这个世界上前所未闻的事情。
    They went to so many "conventional" weddings they decided to do something out of this world.

  • 不过,现在他们的手段是能够在分子水平上叠加不同口味,制造出前所未闻的味道来。
    The trick now, though, is they can stack flavors at a molecular level to create never-before experienced flavors.

  • 他们现在正在接受由政府费用提供的免费透析治疗,这样的事情在中国几乎是前所未闻
    They are now enjoying free dialysis at the government's expense, something almost unheard of in China.

  • 为了办案,换掉“总长”,不仅前所未闻;祭出大动作,彷佛已未审先判,都非智者所为。
    In order to handle a case, replaces "the total length", is not only unprecedented; Offers a sacrifice to the big movement, has prejudged as if, non-wise behavior.

  • 最近宏观政策出台之密集是前所未闻,因此市场对于正在召开的中央经济工作会议浮想联翩。
    The recent introduction of macro-policy is unheard of, so the market is the central economic work conference imagination.

  • 在我们有生之年,也许不会再看到这种景象了。125胜,前所未闻!他们真是一支神奇的球队!
    In our lifetime, we may probably never see this again. 125 wins, unheard of!

  • 极微小的太空碎片可能偶尔会打击到卫星,而在上周却发生了两颗卫星直接对撞,这可是前所未闻
    Although minuscule space debris may strike any satellite on occasion, the first known collision between time two full satellites occurred only last week.

  • 《爱我本色》再接再厉,创发行双白金的纪录,对一位乡村女歌手的处女作而言,这是前所未闻的成绩。
    Take Me as I Am went on to reach double-platinum status, an unheard-of accomplishment for a debut by a female country singer.

  • 基督徒的司祭职真是前所未闻的!他本身是祭品,又是司祭;他不必在他以外寻找、他该奉献给天主的祭品;
    How marvelous is the priesthood of the Christian, for he is both the victim that is offered on his own behalf, and the priest who makes the offering.

  • 比丘们,我对前所未闻之法,升起视眼、升起洞见、升起明辨、升起知识、升起光明:‘此苦圣谛已全知’。
    Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose within me with regard to things never heard before: 'This noble truth of stress has been comprehended. '

  • 比丘们,我对前所未闻之法,升起视眼、升起洞见、升起明辨、升起知识、升起光明:‘此为苦的止息圣谛’。
    Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose within me with regard to things never heard before: 'This is the noble truth of the cessation of stress. '

  • 一片怪叫和欢笑声之间,在场的大人和小孩都学到了不少前所未闻的有趣知识,让他们更加喜爱这些无脊椎动物。
    In between all the squeals and the laughter, the children (and adults) have their eyes opened to some surprisingly endearing facts about invertebrates.

  • 原创性的真正定义,必须既包括全新的、前所未闻的思想,又囊括后来用新奇的方法把旧思想综合起来而创造的事物。
    The true definition of originality must include both brand new, previously unheard of ideas as well as the later combination of those ideas in new-fangled ways to create something innovative.

  • 但是几乎所有的美国民众都开始支持巴拉克。奥巴马:他的支持率上升至80%,这对于一名未就职的当选总统是前所未闻的。
    But almost everybody in the United States right now likes Barack Obama: polls give him an approval rating above 80%, unheard of for a president-elect.

  • 比丘们,我对前所未闻之法,升起视眼、升起洞见、升起明辨、升起知识、升起光明[眼生智生慧生明生光生]:‘此为苦圣谛’。
    Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose within me with regard to things never heard before: 'This is the noble truth of stress. '

  • 前所未闻造句相关
