
别有天地  bié yǒu tiān dì








  • 就算是,别有天地,但绝非人间。
    Even if is, the world, but certainly not world.

  • 它闹中取静,别有天地,仍是人间。
    It is a world of its own on earth.

  • 在白天大街显得别有天地
    The street looks very different in daylight.

  • 这里的景色真是别有天地
    The scenery here is like another world.

  • 维多肯族知道它并非此界之物,因此推论出世界之外一定别有天地
    The vedalken know it is not of this world, so they know that this world is not the only one.

  • 洞旁峭壁上,有“九龙一虎”、“别有天地”石刻,崖下路旁有龙虎泉。
    Hole next to cliff, "Kowloon Tiger", "do not have Heaven and Earth" stone, a roadside Yaxia Longhu.

  • 面对安陆的灵山秀水,诗人写下了“桃花流水杳然去,别有天地非人间”的赞誉之辞。
    Xiushui Anlu the face of the Mountain, the poet wrote "Peach Blossom Yaoran to water, there are other non-human world, " the praise of the speech.

  • 山上的桃花随着流水悠悠地向远方流去,这里就像别有天地的桃花源一样,不是凡尘世界所能比拟的。
    No reply with smile as my mind is care free. The peach petals flow in the stream with water away, My faery differs from the human world like scree.

  • 月亮一片白色别有天地。夜空之中一个巨大白色显得柔和的球体,他超越太空实际上向我传递的一切我永远也无法充分认识。
    The moon is a white strange world, great, white, soft-seeming globe in the night sky, and what she actually communicates to me across space I shall never fully know.

  • 每一本书——不论小说、戏剧、传记、游记、日记,以至散文诗词,都别有天地,别有日月星辰,而且还有生存其间的人物。
    Every book, be it a novel, play, biography, travel notes, diary, poem or essay, is like that pot of Hu Gong, containing a world of its own and having all kinds of people living inside.

  • 每一本书——不论小说、戏剧、传记、游记、日记,以至散文诗词,都别有天地,别有日月星辰,而且还有生存其间的人物。
    Every book, be it a novel, play, biography, travel log, diary, poem or essay, is like that pot of Hu Gong, containing a world of its own and having all kinds of people living inside.

  • 壶公悬挂的一把壶里,别有天地日月。每一本书——不论小说、戏剧、传记、游记、日记,以至散文诗词,都别有天地,别有日月星辰,而且还有生存其间的人物。
    The legend of Hu Gong goes that in the small pot always tied to his waist there is a whole universe, same as the world we live in with heaven and earth, Sun and Moon and many other stars.

  • 小巷的动人处就是她无比的悠闲。无论谁,只要你到巷里去踯躅一会,心情就会如巷尾不波的古井,那是一种和平的静穆,而不是阴森和肃杀,它闹中取静,别有天地,仍是人间。
    Whoever loiters around in the lane for a while, he will enjoy a mood as calm as the age-old well in the end of the lane.

  • 别有天地造句相关
