
冷眼相待  lěng yǎn xiāng dài






  • 我们受到俱乐部老会员们的冷眼相待
    We got a cold shoulder from the older members of the club.

  • 我的爱万水不能冷眼相待
    My love is such that Rivers cannot quench.

  • 为什么兄弟之间总是冷眼相待,互相争吵呢?
    Why are the brothers grow cold and often quarrel with each other?

  • 我们受到俱乐部里那些深于世故的老会员冷眼相待
    We got a cold shoulder from the older, more sophisticated members of the club.

  • 我每次和劳拉打招呼她都冷眼相待的样子,这让我难以忍受。
    I couldn't bear the way Lora gives me the fish-eye every time I greet her.

  • 我选择在一个离家很远的大学上学,遭到我父亲的冷眼相待
    Im in my fathers black books because I chose a university thats far away from my family.

  • 这几天我们一直被凯西冷眼相待,因为上个星期我们吵了一架。
    We keep getting the cold shoulder from Cathy because of that argument we had last week.

  • 我们可能要感谢新任财长不像国防部长,选择了与中国发展关系而不是冷眼相待
    I suspect we will be very grateful that our new Secretary of the Treasury, unlike our Secretary of Defense, chose to cultivate relations with the Chinese rather than give them the cold shoulder.

  • 冷眼相待造句相关
