
冥顽不灵  míng wán bù líng








  • 我以前决未料到爱德华是这样的冥顽不灵,如此无情无义。
    I never thought Edward so stubborn, so unfeeling before.

  • 不幸的降临,正源于捆绑心灵的处世态度及冥顽不灵的个性!
    Unfortunately, the arrival is due to attitude of the soul and the bundled stubborn personality!

  • 他很容易厌烦,非常容易,那些冥顽不灵的人总使他受不了。
    He was easily bored, too easily , and dull people always put him out.

  • 这究竟是个什么人呢?他那副冥顽不灵的表情是什么性质的呢?
    Who was this man? what was the nature of his apathy? was it imbecility or craft?

  • 描述了我们成名的女主角们的兴起与衰落,她们冥顽不灵的粗俗和低下。
    Fat Slags charts the rise and fall of our eponymous heroines, who are unrepentantly vulgar and crass.

  • 联邦政府的冥顽不灵成为制定有效全球方略解决此一棘手问题的最大障碍。
    The federal government's recalcitrance on the subject remains the biggest obstacle to an effective global scheme to tackle the problem.

  • 相反,那些兑换银钱的人和宗教领袖,却是傲慢、硬心、伪善和冥顽不灵
    The spirit of the money changers and religious leaders, on the other hand, was proud, hard, hypocritical, and defiant.

  • 弗波瓦姑娘是她那种人中的典型,是一头冥顽不灵、没有一点聪明的银鼠。
    Mademoiselle Vaubois, perfect in her style, was the ermine of stupidity without a single spot of intelligence.

  • 现在再简单地认定反抗军是“好的”、而苏丹政府是“坏的”就是冥顽不灵了。
    It is wrongheaded nowadays simply to tag the rebels as "good" and the Sudanese government forces as "evil".

  • 他是冥顽不灵的悲观论者之一,觉得股价估值过高,认为经济复苏的根基不够坚实。
    He is one of a stubborn bunch of pessimists who believe that share prices are overvalued and the economic recovery is built on sand.

  • 冥顽不灵的老头们在临终的床上赞颂你,因为他们对你犯下的罪过现在变成了祝福。
    The foolish old men on their deathbeds praise you, because their sins against you are turned into blessings.

  • 这个词看似褒义,实则暗贬。因为这个词让人联想到不切实际、百无一用和冥顽不灵
    This would seem to be a complimentary term, but in point of fact it is not, for it has picked up associations of impracticality and ineffectuality and general dopiness.

  • 一名分析人士认为,这个基地清楚的证明北朝鲜仍然在冥顽不灵的发展自己的弹道导弹。
    One analyst says the base is a clear indication the country continues to develop its ballistic missile program.

  • 一个人能生活得好,就是最大的学问。否则,你知识再渊博,也只是一个冥顽不灵的书橱而已。
    a person can live well, is the greatest science. Otherwise, your vast knowledge and then, it is just a stubborn bookcase only.

  • 无知和恐惧固然导致冥顽不灵,但那些自以为知道神会在某些情况下采取甚麽行动的,也是如此;
    Ignorance and fear can lead to having a closed mind. So can believing that we know how God will act in certain situations he has told us about.

  • 可是,我自己却不跟你们一起去了,免得我在途中受不了,就把你们消灭,因为你们是那麽的冥顽不灵
    If I were to go with you even for a moment, I might destroy you. Now take off your ornaments and I will decide what to do with you.

  • 雕刻家与建筑师所经营的材料虽较为耐久,但却又操持困难,冥顽不灵,不容易承受心灵状态的各种印记。
    the sculptor and the architect deal in less perishable ware; but the stuff is recalcitrant and stubborn, and will not take the impress of all states of the soul.

  • 企业界冥顽不灵的首席执行官们现在也承认,在网络和结盟的时代,公司犯不着打击他人就可以大把地赚钱。
    Hard-nosed CEOs in the business world now recognize that in the era of networks and alliances, companies can make billions without beating others.

  • 况且,在现行的体制下,自然也有应付即使是冥顽不灵的学子,实在无需诉诸谩骂和行为暴力等非理性行为。
    Besides, even for recalcitrant students, there are provisions under the current system to deal with them. Irrational acts of verbal abuse or even aggression are totally unnecesary.

  • 所谓的“上帝的意愿”经常被用在那些生性懒惰被宿命缠绕和那些冥顽不灵总觉得是“拜上天所赐”的人身上。
    " That so-called "Will of God" is more often than not either pure laziness on the part of the resigned one or pure cussedness on the part of the one that is "putting something over" on him.

  • 出9:34(CLV)法老看见灾祸停止,便再硬著心肠,违抗上帝,因而得罪上帝,他的官长也跟他一样冥顽不灵
    Exodus 9:34(CLV) And when Pharaoh saw that the rain and the hail and the thunders were ceased, he sinned yet more, and hardened his heart, he and his servants.

  • 9然而,绵羊听不到他们的哭喊,也不会听到他们所说的话;但那些又聋、又瞎、又冥顽不灵的处于极度开心的状态。
    Yea, they cried to them, but they did not hearken to what they said to them, but were exceedingly deaf, and their eyes were very exceedingly blinded.

  • 如果你有那麽多的时间,为什麽不去帮帮那些需要你帮忙的人,为什麽要每天无所实事??你们这里人为什麽那麽冥顽不灵呢?
    Will you spend your time to help those who need help if you have too much time, and get nothing to do every days?? How come all you rubbish people are so stubborn?

  • 如果你有那麽多的时间,为什麽不去帮帮那些需要你帮忙的人,为什麽要每天无所实事??你们这里人为什麽那麽冥顽不灵呢??
    Will you spend your time to help those who need help if you have too much time, and get nothing to do every days?? How come all you rubbish people are so stubborn?

  • 大卫劝人人要顺服的来到上帝面前,不要像一只冥顽不灵的畜牲,因为与上帝和好可以带来喜悦和平安,我们真该为这福气颂赞!
    David urged them to come to God willingly and submissively, not like a stubborn animal, for fellowship with God brings great joy and inward peace, about which we should sing and shout!

  • 他们虽然认识了天主,却没有以他为天主而予以光荣或感谢,而他们所思所想的,反成了荒谬绝论的;他们冥顽不灵的心陷入了黑暗;
    21 for although they knew God they did not accord him glory as God or give him thanks. Instead, they became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless minds were darkened.

  • 不久之后,牠们认为大神派了这样冥顽不灵的统治者来管理牠们,真是岂有此理,于是又派一个代表,去向周彼得请求,另外派给牠们一个王。
    After some time they began to think themselves ill-treated in the appointment of so inert a Ruler, and sent a second deputation to Jupiter to pray that he would set over them another sovereign.

  • 我非常喜欢那个冥顽不灵的小子神气活现,叼着香烟,手里小心地捧着一束花所摆出反差的样子。人家只是想知道他会送花进来呢,还是带花离去。
    cigarette in the teeth, and a bouquet of flowers carefully cradled in his hands. One could only wonder whether he was coming or going with them.

  • 我是那样一个冥顽不灵的笨蛋,躺在医院里,吞嚥困难的时候,还满脑袋在回味美食的滋味,心里盘算著离开医院以后,要立刻去吃遍各大美食名店。
    I was such an idiot that lying in the hospital, swallowing tribulations, and still imagining delicious food in my mind. I decided to go to all the famous restaurants when I leave hospital.

  • 伊朗如此冥顽不灵,何以俄罗斯在布什尔问题上还会改变策略?2005年,俄罗斯曾表示,只要外界对伊朗的和平意图仍存有疑问,就不会给任何燃料放行。但核查人员有着许多疑问。
    With Iran so obdurate, why the changed tack over Bushehr? In 2005 Russia said no fuel would go while questions remained about Iran's peaceful intentions. But inspectors have plenty of those.

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