
倾国倾城  qīng guó qīng chéng








  • 他妻子是一个倾国倾城的美人。
    His wife is an unmatched beauty.

  • 爱你的倾国倾城,或是真心,或是假意。
    And loved your beauty with love false or true.

  • 是的,奥地利公主千娇百媚、倾国倾城
    Of course, as a princess of Austria, she was Francy pants, to be extremely beautiful;

  • 外貌美,想西施,杨贵妃那样的倾国倾城
    Appearance of the United States, like beauty, like the Empress Dowager Concubine Yang?

  • 妳知道为什么人家说「倾国倾城之色」吗?
    Do you know why people say, "a face could launch a thousand ships?""

  • 原来。我一个人笑,一样可以笑得那么倾国倾城
    The original. Me laugh, can laugh so beautiful!

  • 可见大宝庄的命运,与倾国倾城的葡萄酒是交织在一起的。
    This is the beginning of Chateau Talbot, which gives some romance to the wine.

  • (你喜欢一个男孩/女孩什么?)【倾国倾城】额…这个…
    What do you like in a guy/girl?

  • 一个倾国倾城的妙龄女郎站在一扇店窗之前,望著里面的东西。
    A nice-looking young woman was standing before a shop window, looking at the objects inside.

  • 海伦是天神宙斯的女儿,她的倾国倾城之貌吸引着许多希腊的英雄们。
    Helen was daughter of Zeus, whose matchless beauty and charms drew to many heroes from all parts of Greece.

  • 面对灾难,激发了我们和整个世界前所未有的爱心,人性之美,倾国倾城
    The face of disaster, has inspired us and the whole world an unprecedented love, the beauty of human nature, Qingguoqingcheng.

  • 我是说,三个倾国倾城的公主,两个马戏团小丑,一个怀孕的怪物,还有一个老女人!
    I mean, three super-hot princesses, two circus freaks, a pregnant ogre and an old lady!

  • 毕竟一个美貌绝伦、倾国倾城的玉女,她的气质是足以让整个世界拜倒在她的石榴裙下。
    After all a fine-looking unsurpassed, extremely beautiful jade daughter, her temperament is enough lets whole world prostrate the pomegranate skirt in her to fall.

  • 义乌市倾国倾城饰品有限公司创办于1998年,是一家生产各式高、中档首饰的企业。
    YiWu Qinggqc Ornaments Factory Set up in 1998, Yiwu WEINASI Ornaments Factory produces all kinds of high and medium-grade ornaments.

  • 游戏介绍:虽没有倾国倾城的美貌,但仍然算是位体态婀娜多姿、线条玲珑优美的绝代佳人!
    Kingdom and City : Although not on the beauty of the game, but still rather be considered a body fashion, exquisite lines suited beautiful objects!

  • 曾经获得两次奥斯卡金像奖的伊丽莎白·泰勒有一双美丽的紫色眼睛,被人们认为“倾国倾城”。
    The most expensive eyes : one million dollars Elizabeth Taylor's eyes had been twice Oscar's Elizabeth Taylor a pair of America Laguna purple eyes, the perception that "the Kingdom and City."

  • 在《女人不坏》中,张雨绮的角色比真实年龄大了10岁,是个外貌倾国倾城、坐享顶级时尚的商界魔女。
    "Women are not bad, " Zhang Yu Qi role of the real older than 10 years old, is a Qingguoqingcheng appearance, at the same time the top of the fashion business Witch.

  • 正像他们说的那样,我正欲与倾国倾城的「名望女神」坠入爱河,结果却同恶心的荡妇名人发生了一夜情。
    I fell in love with the gorgeous goddess Fame, but ended up on a one night stand with the disgusting slut Celebrity. Or so they say.

  • 不用觉得羞涩和无助,站在舞台上,你就是佩戴刺剑骑着战马保卫皇族荣誉的好骑士,你就是敢为真爱付出一切的倾国倾城的公主!
    Don't feel shy and helpless, standing on the stage, you're wearing stab sword royal riding horses to defend the honor, good for you dare knights love all of America laguna princess!

  • 教皇寻求托斯坎尼区的玛蒂尔达伯爵夫人的庇佑,这位伯爵夫人是当时世界上最富有的女人,一位倾国倾城,睿智聪颖,极有品味的郡主。
    The Pope had sought the protection of Countess Matilda of Tuscany, then the world's richest woman, and a princess of startling beauty, taste and wisdom.

  • 当你听到这首歌时,你也许会想象出这样的场景:一位倾国倾城的绝代佳人,身着中国传统的凤冠霞帔,醉人沁心,娇媚温婉,宛若仙子。
    When you hear this song, you might imagine a beautiful woman dressed in a traditional Chinese gown, stunning, pretty and tender, like a fairy lady.

  • 一段进行复制它自己的程序。例如从一张磁盘驱动器到另一个,或者通过使用电穿越时空之倾国倾城子邮件或者一些其他的传输装置复制自己。
    A program that makes copies of itself, for example from one disk drive to another, or by copying itself using email or some other transport mechanism.

  • 她经常访问并在那里感到像在家一样。她陶醉于那些富有、显赫的人们对她的注意并对美国公众对其倾国倾城之魅力所给予的热切反响洋洋自得
    She visited America frequently and felt right at home there, reveling in the lavish attentions of the opulent and famous and delighting in the effusive responsiveness of the public to her charms.

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