
侃侃而谈  kǎn kǎn ér tán








  • 我也能侃侃而谈投资利得所得税。
    And I got some patter with the capital gains tax, too.

  • 汤姆一旦谈起来,就能侃侃而谈
    Tom could talk high, wide and handsome when he set out to.

  • 他能就他的宠物侃侃而谈几小时。
    He can drone on for hours about his pet subjects.

  • 语文是侃侃而谈的风度和气魄。
    Language is talking about the grace and spirit.

  • 口若悬河侃侃而谈,吸引了不少人听。
    He speaks volubly like a flowing river; many people are attracted to stop and listen.

  • 几位奥运明星侃侃而谈,现场气氛高潮迭起。
    Several Olympic star spoke with fervor and assurance, the scene atmosphere climaxed repeatedly.

  • 当被问及中国和诺贝尔文学奖的关系,余光中侃侃而谈
    When asked about China and the relationship between the Nobel Prize for literature, spoke Yu Kuang-chung.

  • 想象你自己在侃侃而谈,声音洪亮、吐字清晰、充满自信。
    Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear, and assured.

  • 他代表美国的复杂性和尊严,他在记者面前用三种语言侃侃而谈
    He represented his country with sophistication and dignity, conducting interviews in three languages.

  • 他冲着教师们侃侃而谈,仿佛就在一两个星期前刚和他们分别似的。
    He talked to the masters quite easily as though he had parted from them a week or two before.

  • 他们会畅所欲言,而你就有机会在面试中像一个顾问一样侃侃而谈
    They will open up and you then get the opportunity to speak as a consultant in the midst of the interview.

  • 他用一个开怀的笑容回应了地球人,丢掉手中的铁锹,坐下来侃侃而谈
    He returned the compliment with a wide blue smile, dropped his shovel and sat down to talk.

  • 侃侃而谈,因此我也要好好的为我这个里程碑式的考试好好的调上滋味。
    And speak contentedly, so I also want thoroughly to thoroughly adjust up the taste for my examination of this milestone type.

  • 徐一鸿教授的文笔有著轻讽、诗意性的幽默……,恍如在他的读者前侃侃而谈
    Zee writes with wry, poetic humor… It's as if he's conducting an easygoing conversation with his audience. "-- The New York Times".

  • 新华通讯社说,侃侃而谈应该是“转化为具体行动,做一个自己的好工作” 。
    Xinhua news agency said the fervour should be "transformed into concrete actions to do one's own work well".

  • 嗓门大,说话冲。有时我有点牙尖嘴利,在事情还没想清楚之前就侃侃而谈了。
    and can just jump right in there before everything has been thought through.

  • 这次,米帅是为某服装品牌的代言而来,从穿衣风格到购衣心得,米帅无不侃侃而谈
    This time, Mi Shuai is speaks on another's behalf for some clothing brand comes, to buys the clothes attainment from the putting on clothes style, Mi Shuai speaks with confidence all.

  • 的帖子,文中写道:“平日里的《新闻1+1》董倩和白岩松配合很默契,白岩松侃侃而谈
    "The post, wrote:" Day of Peace, "Press 1 +1" DONG Qian and Bai Yansong with very understanding, Bai Yansong speak.

  • 除了办公室里围绕商业午餐而进行的侃侃而谈之外,这些年来年轻职业女性确实又弄出了些什么呢?
    Exactly what do young professional women have to offer these days, aside from hyper office talk over a business lunch?

  • 我特别希望以后在我们的小书店中,我能对书中的故事侃侃而谈,让顾客不必看简介便知道书的大概内容。
    I hoped specially later in ours small bookstore, I can speak with confidence to the book story, lets the customer not need to look the synopsis then knows the book the general content.

  • “设立合理的销售体系,与两个因素密切相关,”岑寒侃侃而谈,“一方面要保证销售,直接和德国总公司挂钩;
    The establishment of reasonable " sales system, and is closely related to two factors, " " concern cold in conversation, on the one hand to ensure sales, direct and German –Office hook;

  • 换而言之,对于那些对关爱,分享绿色未来而侃侃而谈的言论,人类生态学者们最终尤为关注这些材料胜过人类。
    In other words, for all the fluffy talk about a caring, sharing, green future, environmentalists are ultimately more concerned about stuff than people.

  • 早前,阿娇从北京返回香港,接受当地记者采访时,知无不言,连广电总局封杀令对其复出工作的影响都侃侃而谈
    Earlier, Gillian returned to Hong Kong from Beijing, local journalists, were made known, and even block the State Administration of Radio go back to work so that the impact of its all go.

  • 他的粗俗达到了极点,他说我是有恋童癖的牧师(可能是城市修道者的别名)刚刚调戏完小孩子还敢到教堂侃侃而谈
    He finished off his vulgarities by calling me a pedophile priest (probably a play on the Urban Monk nickname) who preaches to the church straight after molesting a child.

  • 设想你自己演讲时的情景。想象你自己在侃侃而谈,声音洪亮、吐字清晰、充满自信。倘能设想自己成功,你就一定会成功。
    Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear, and assured. When you visualize yourself as successful, you will be successful.

  • 冰块儿在玻璃杯中叮当作响,她翘着二郎腿,身上散发着魅力,就跟大多数人谈论房地产那样,侃侃而谈爱情里的高潮与低谷。
    One leg casually crossed over the other, ice clinking in her glass, she speaks with appealing frankness, discussing the ups and downs of love the way most people talk about real estate.

  • 他看上去白白净净,很有中国传统书生气质。这想来便是儒家风范。他给我们的第一印象相当普通:彬彬有礼,侃侃而谈,颇为低调,神光内敛。
    He looked very gentle and full of traditional bookishness. The first impression he gave us was that he was an ordinary person: urbane, persuasively and meek.

  • 他看上去白白净净,很有中国传统书生气质。这想来便是儒家风范。他给我们的第一印象相当普通:彬彬有礼,侃侃而谈,颇为低调,神光内敛。
    He looked very gentle and full of traditional bookishness. The first impression he gave us was that he was an ordinary person: urbane, persuasive and meek.

  • 你是不是喜欢跟人静静地谈感受,谈思想,遇到大量观众做演说的时候能侃侃而谈,可是在小范围的人群中,在拉家常的时候,却手足无措,没话可说?
    Who loves quiet conversations about feelings or ideas, and can give a dynamite presentation to a big audience, but seems awkward in groups and maladroit at small talk?

  • 就如同我说过的,什么时候才是真的自己呢?现在的我们隐藏真实的自己才是真的自己。当我没有侃侃而谈,口若悬河的谈资。那多多的沉默才是不让自己觉得轻浮的唯一选择。
    As I have said, When is it really his?Now we have to hide the truth really is their own. When I did not speak, eloquent on the capital. That's a lot of silence not to think light is the only option.

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