
休养生息  xiū yǎng shēng xī








  • 休养生息的理念,让臀部更舒活舒畅。
    Description ◎Let buttocks be comforting and relaxing with the idea of rest and building up strength.

  • 经过多年的休养生息,我们慢慢恢复了元气。
    After years of recuperation, we have slowly recovered.

  • 经“康乾盛世”时期的休养生息,人口迅速增长。
    By the "Spirit Kangxi and Qianlong" period of recuperation, rapid population growth.

  • 牛和其它牲畜吃草的同时,草场也需要时间来休养生息
    Grass lands Grasslands need time to rest when cattle and other animals feed on them.

  • 此外人适合的时间来享受和放松的网站/休养生息在轻松的环境。
    In addition people fit in time to enjoy the sites and relax/recuperate in a relaxing environment.

  • 在旧约中,土地免去一年的耕作是神的指示,以使土地得到休养生息
    In the Old Testament a year of rest was ordered by God, to give the land time to rest and rejuvenate itself.

  • 在激烈的选举竞争之后,人民需要的是休养生息,国家需要的是团结安定。
    Now that the heated campaigns have ended, the people need calm and rest, while the nation needs solidarity and stability.

  • 另外,有报道称证监会微调了新股发行审核节奏,有让市场休养生息之意。
    In addition, the SFC has been reported that fine-tuning of initial public offerings review rhythm, there is meaning to let the market recuperate.

  • 昆虫则将明天寄托于自己的卵蛹之中,高潮已经过去,生命开始了休养生息
    The insect stows tomorrow in the egg and the pupa. The surge is almost over and life begins to relax.

  • 当牛羊等牲畜以草场牧地为主要生存来源的时候,草场就需要时间休养生息了。
    Grasslands need time to rest when cattle and other animals feed on them.

  • 连续不断的战事使人民感到厌恶,普遍渴望能有一个赖以休养生息的和平环境。
    Continuous war to make people feel tired, a universal desire to have a chance to recuperate's peaceful environment.

  • 连续不断的战事使人民感到厌恶,普遍渴望能有一个赖以休养生息的和平环境。
    Continuously the unceasing war makes the people to feel the loathing, the universal hope can have the peaceful environment which depends on rests and builds up strength.

  • 与此同时,大幅度地提高农产品的价格,减轻农民负担,使农民得以休养生息
    Meanwhile, raise the price of produce substantially, reduce farmer burden, make farmer be able to rehabilitate.

  • 家族里的猎人们在屋里休养生息,从昏暗的窗户中能看到星星点点的橘色烛光。
    Families hunker down indoors, hanging illuminated orange paper stars in their darkened windows.

  • 连续不断的战事使人民感到厌恶,普遍渴望能有一个赖以休养生息的和平环境。
    The war continuously makes the people to feel the loathing, the universal hope can have the peaceful environment which Lai Yi rests and builds up strength.

  • 结合“休养生息”内含,探讨了浑河沈阳城区段水体“休养生息的”的必要性及意义。
    Combined with the conception of rehabilitation, this paper discussed the necessity and significance of it in Hunhe river Shenyang section.

  • 白天,太阳带给你新的活力;夜晚,月亮使你休养生息;而雨水则把你的忧虑冲刷殆尽。
    4/20 May the sun bring you new energies by day, may the moon softly restore you by night, may the rain wash away any worries you may have.

  • 如果使用手机时间长(如30分钟),则受影响的经络需要30分钟或更长时间休养生息
    If phone use was longer (30 minutes), the stressed meridianstook longer to recuperate (30 minutes or more).

  • 通过对现有法律、法规的进一步完善,强化准入制度,把“休养生息的”制度化、法律化;
    The rehabilitation was institutionalized and legislative according to developing the exist laws and code.

  • 星期三巴里切罗去探望了马萨的家人,头骨断裂的巴西同胞继续休养生息,自匈牙利大奖赛后。
    Barrichello visited Massa's home on Wednesday, as his fellow Brazilian continues to recuperate from the fractured skull he sustained during qualifying for the Hungarian Grand Prix.

  • 随着火种源的消失,我们无法回到我们的星球,只能留在这个世界休养生息:一个叫家园的新世界。
    With the Allspark gone, we cannot return life to our planet. And fate has yielded its reward: a new world to call home.

  • 时值兵炙之后,田园荒芜,民穷财尽,人多徙外地,他招来流散百姓,免除田赋摇役,让其休养生息
    Sunburn military value, the barren countryside, people have been used up, a large resettlement overseas, he brought the people dispersed, shake Land Tax exemption from service, to recuperate.

  • 财政司司长唐英年表示,《2004-05年度财政预算案》会在维持经济复苏势头的同时,让市民休养生息
    The 2004-05 Budget will give the community a respite while helping to maintain the momentum of economic recovery, the Financial Secretary, Mr Henry Tang, said.

  • 不过也有少数网友予以反对,他们认为这时地震中的人们最需要休养生息,“这种形式主义只会增加他们的伤痛”。
    Nevertheless also a few netizen gives object, they think the people of at this moment epicenter needs rest and build up strength most, "The pain that this kind of formalism can increase them only " .

  • 从8月1日开始,渔民恢复了在南海的捕捞作业,他们都希望经过两个月的休养生息后,海洋能给予他们更多的回报。
    On August 1st, these fishing boats resumed fishing again in the South China Sea. They all hope that after two months' fishing-cease, the ocean will reward them more.

  • 艺术市场发展到今天的阶段,一定程度上为艺术家和艺术机构提供了一个喘息的机会,在紧张焦躁的危机过后得以休养生息
    This phase is expected to allow artists and other members of the art community some breathing space which should eventually help the market.

  • 而天然结晶盐灯其实就像是一般市面上的负离子机,使用方式极为简单,只需要当一般的台灯使用,即可以净化空气,休养生息
    But the natural crystallization salt lamp actually is the anion machine in the general market, the use way is extremely simple, only needs to work as the common desk lamp use, can purify the air.

  • 所以有识之士如老子者,他们始终认为,只要为百姓提供一个开放、自由、公正的空间,让他们休养生息,让他们自由自在的发展就行了。
    So, wise men like Laotse held that the only work that government should do is to offer people an open, free and just society and let them develop their careers freely.

  • 上下这样地互相体恤,就是最团结的表现。打了胜仗就高奏凯歌,表达喜庆的心情。结束战争后,高筑“灵台”集会,慰劳民众,表示从此开始休养生息
    They stored away the implements of war, erected the Spirit Terrace, and celebrate the end of labors of the people and to show that time for rest had come.

  • 其中鸟岛是百花湖珍贵的一景,每当春冬两季,岛上百鸟盘旋,给秀丽的自然景观增添了许多乐趣。田园野趣也是这里的一大特色,湖中有三个小村寨,几十户农家在岛上休养生息,渔家扁舟停泊水边林旁,诗情画意,野趣倍增。
    Pastoral Yequ here is also a major feature of the lake has three small village, dozens of farm households on the island to recuperate, Yujiabianzhou parked next to the water-lam, poetic, Yequ doubled.

  • 休养生息造句相关
