
以讹传讹  yǐ é chuán é








  • 让我这个目击者来告诉他们所发生的事情, 也免得以讹传讹
    Let me, as a witness, tell them what happened so that they will not be wrongly informed.

  • 听到任何的谣言要把它忘记,不要以讹传讹
    Forget the slander that you hear before you can repeat it.

  • 这到底是真的,还是人们以讹传讹的印象呢?
    If it is true or just a misunderstanding?

  • 在这种情况下,投资者更是应该警惕以讹传讹
    Under such circumstances, investors should be wary of incorrectly relay an erroneous message.

  • 因此,我特意制作了这个网页,希望以此停止以讹传讹
    Therefore I made up this page hoping to stop the mistake.

  • 让我这个目击者来告诉他们所发生的事情,也免得以讹传讹
    Let me, as a witness, tell them what happened so that they will not be wrongly informed.

  • 因此,投资者包括媒体都应该引起警惕,千万不能以讹传讹
    Therefore, investors including the media should be a matter of vigilance, must not incorrectly relay an erroneous message.

  • 如果不加辨析,盲目征引,就会以讹传讹,得出错误的结论。
    If does not discriminate, cites blindly, can incorrectly relay an erroneous message, draws the wrong conclusion.

  • 它仅仅只是以讹传讹、穿凿附会的“形象之蜃”、“自尊之蜃”吗?
    Was it merely a mistake caused by misinformation that happened to be able feed our unsatisfied desire for glory, self image and ego?

  • 但迄今为止有关“台民自主”首倡者的说法讹误甚多,以至以讹传讹
    But until now, most of the views concerning the initiator of Taiwan independence prove wrong, which incorrectly relay erroneous messages.

  • 同学们均享受当天与教职员共进晚餐及玩「动作版以讹传讹」游戏的时间。
    Students enjoyed having dinner and playing a game on passing messages using body language with teaching faculty on the first day.

  • 所以后来发现画的是拉斐尔的朋友。这张画像作为拉斐尔的肖像是以讹传讹
    The portrait is now generally accepted to be that of Bindo Altoviti, a wealthy banker and friend, whom Vasari says Raphael painted in Rome.

  • 许多都是以讹传讹,有些最初是真实的东西,传几次也就失真了,变成假的了。
    Many are incorrectly relay erroneous, and some of the first real things - several have been distorted into a fake.

  • 当一场运动从此媒体传播到彼媒体,难免以讹传讹,制造一层又一层新的谎言。
    and as a campaign migrates from medium to medium, fresh layers of falsehood can be created.

  • 仿佛是当年行军队伍错传一个口令,科学院的大批后续队伍就以讹传讹地往下传。
    As if the march was a contingent Chuan wrong password, the Academy team on a large number of follow-up incorrectly relay an erroneous message to Chuan-down.

  • 史家多以曲笔记述方孝孺的“十族”殉难事件,史料中也存在着以讹传讹的现象。
    Historians falsely recorded the incident of Fang Xiaoru's martyrdom. There is rumor phenomenon in historical materials.

  • 彷佛终日云雾缭绕的阿里山让外人永远看不真切,阿里山也有许多以讹传讹的误谬传说。
    Seemingly constantly shrouded in mist and cloud, Alishan's true face has long been somewhat hidden from outsiders.

  • 问题还不止此,更严重的是,所收422名进士名录中,存在严重错误,致以讹传讹,亟须订正。
    What is worse, there are grave errors in the resumes of the existing 422 graduates, which demands correction.

  • 这些无中生有、凭空捏造的信息让我深恶痛绝,同时,我严重声讨这种未经核实,以讹传讹的行为。
    I am personally very upset to find these false and vicious rumors in the Chinese media and I completely condemn them.

  • 在过去的几年,陈的公司年盈利达到了2亿元。(注:又是以讹传讹,明明是年营业额非盈利额。)
    In a few years' time, Chen's company reached a net profit of ¥200 million a year.

  • 各省属高校组织编写的历史教材受其影响,以讹传讹。更有甚者,高中、初中历史课本照抄了这一错误。
    Taking GANSHIXINGJING as an example, influenced by history textbooks used in universities, history textbooks used in high schools followed the same errors.

  • 虽然你的指斥都没有根据,都是听到人家以讹传讹,可是我那次对你的态度,实在应该受到最严厉的责备。
    For, though your accusations were ill-founded, formed on mistaken premises, my behaviour to you at the time had merited the severest reproof.

  • 而也有人质疑,众多新闻媒体有关于倪震周慧敏结婚的具体时间的报道从一开始便以讹传讹,实际上是弄错了时间。
    And some people questioned the news media on numerous Ni Zhen ZhouHuimin married to a specific time of the report incorrectly relay an erroneous message from the start, actually got it wrong time.

  • 每次读到这个故事,都感到人言的力量,这个故事虽然是比喻不真实的传言或事物,以讹传讹后,人们也会信以为真;
    Every time I read the story, are different forces, although the story is a metaphor untrue rumors or things incorrectly relay an erroneous message, people will believe;

  • 与沃尔卡巴什人进行神经元的直接交流有时会引起恐慌,因此有传言说这个种族能够控制别人的大脑,这是以讹传讹
    The sometimes unsettling sensation of direct neuron communication with a Wol Cabasshite has spread to rumors that the species can take control of a subject's brain, though that is not the case.

  • “苏格拉底问题”由“德性即知识”和“德性可教”两个命题所构成,围绕这两个命题存在着长期误解和以讹传讹现象。
    The "Socratic Problem" consists of two propositions, i. e. , "Virtue is knowledge" and "Virtue is teachable", which have been misunderstood for a long time.

  • 在过去了的100多年时间里,这个名词已经被击剑领域的学者以讹传讹,变成了一个充满荒谬、无效、和虚假的剑术体系。
    It has been misrepresented by fencing scholars for the past one hundred years as an ineffectual and artificial system of swordsmanship full of absurdities.

  • 对于影印洪武本、四库全书本中出现的人名、职官、谥号、封号、字号等资料性错误利用他书进行了校对,澄清一些书法史上以讹传讹的问题。
    Through other books, I collated official post, the wrong name , zihao and fenghao to the edition of Hongwu and Sikuquanshu and corrected some questions in handwriting history.

  • 不少关于波巴·费特出身的传奇广为流传——也许这是蓄意的,因为以讹传讹的背景故事中真假参半的不确定性只会为他增添神秘又凶残的光环。
    Many legends propagate as to the origins of Boba Fett -- perhaps by design, since the uncertainty derived from a corrupted back story of half-truths only adds to his mysterious and deadly aura.

  • 《看公视说英语》是可信赖的。学英语时应将英文字念出来,而且,应利用可信赖的发音来源(如查字典、听老师的发音等等)避免以讹传讹。但有一些字有一种以上的正确发音。
    The student used to pronounce the word "copy" as /o/. She heard on Let's talk in English that the teachers of said /α/. She wondered which one is correct?

  • 以讹传讹造句相关
