
乳臭未干  rǔ xiù wèi gān








  • 妳,我并非是个乳臭未干的孩子。
    Remind you, I am not a sucking boy.

  • 就是这群乳臭未干的小孩吗?啊?
    What the…a bunch of little snot-nosed kids? -Huh?

  • 醒你,我并非是个乳臭未干的孩子。
    Reminding you again that I am not a sucking baby.

  • 那时候他仍然有些乳臭未干
    At that time he was still wet behind the ears.

  • 你居然相信他,一个乳臭未干的小子?
    How could you believe him-a guy still wet behind his ears?

  • 那个乳臭未干的小毛孩来了,我们该怎么办呢?
    What we are gonna do that little brat gets here?

  • 别把这事放在心上。他们只是些乳臭未干的小子。
    Don't take it to heart, they are just babes and suck lings.

  • 金无足赤,人无完人,更何况一只乳臭未干的小猫!
    "Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect" quite apart from a small cat not dry behind the ears !

  • 多了个乳臭未干的家伙,霎时让我们在街上的回头率加倍。
    More a callow guy suddenly fall in the street so that we keep returning double.

  • 他知道如何去处理这种问题,他可不是乳臭未干的小孩子。
    He knows how to solve such a problem. He was not born yesterday.

  • 这个人简直乳臭未干,他甚至连这工作怎么着手干都不知道。
    This guy is still wet behind the ears - he has no idea of how to even start the job.

  • 第二个误区则是,多数个体创业的人都是些乳臭未干的小鬼。
    The second myth is that most entrepreneurs are just out of short trousers.

  • 听着,我想要一个经验丰富的老师,不想要一个乳臭未干的人。
    Look, I want an experienced teacher, I don't want someone who is wet behind the ears.

  • 我还以为你是个乳臭未干的小子,但是看起来你真的度过了难关!
    I'd have thought ya were too wet behind the ears, but it looks like ya really pulled through!

  • 他竟然两次败在乳臭未干的小子手下,大力士的名声从此一落千丈。
    He had lost his reputation as a strong man, having been defeated twice by a mere boy.

  • 噢,你这个乳臭未干的小家伙。我知道你在说谎,因为你根本就没有哥哥。
    Oh, boy, you are still wet behind the ears. I know you are lying because you don't have a brother at all.

  • 他从一名乳臭未干的新飞行员快速成长为最伟大的起义军王牌战斗机飞行员。
    He quickly grew from a wet-behind-the-ears rookie pilot to the greatest ace of the Rebel fighter pilot forces.

  • 当然了,蠢货。乳臭未干?这个任务对我来说很简单,没看见我已经干完了。
    Of course, fool. Wet behind the ears? This job was below me, now that it's done I can see that.

  • 众议院发言人萨姆?雷伯恩就是攻击肯尼迪乳臭未干的几个民主党领导人之一。
    Lei Baien attacks one of leader of a few the Democratic Parties with not dry behind the ears Kennedy namely.

  • 结婚那天就送这些(乳臭未干的)家伙去瑞士,有相片吗,我和他们,你要选择。
    Meredith Blake: The day we get married is the day I ship those brats off to Switzerland, get the picture? It's me, or them. Take your pick.

  • 你总是像我祖父似的给我说教。但是我已经不是那个总是做恶作剧的乳臭未干的小孩了!
    You always lecture me like you're my grandfather or something. But I'm not the little brat who used to pull pranks all the time!

  • 出于惊慌,他们聚拢在福田周围,而现年71岁的福田看起来比乳臭未干的安倍要老练得多。
    In a panic, they closed around Mr Fukuda, who at 71 is the face of experience over Mr Abe's callow youth.

  • 珍妮弗就是有一种难以置信的能力去表演好这个乳臭未干的小家伙,而且无论如何都会让你爱上她!
    Jennifer just had this incredible ability to play such a brat and make you love her anyway!

  • 我们听说过多少乳臭未干的年轻人落入头生黄发,脸抹脂粉的女冒险家之手因而断送了生命的故事。
    youths been known to ruin their lives by falling into the clutches of an adventuress with yellow hair and painted cheeks.

  • 此外,这种驾驶风格会使你看起来像一个乳臭未干、满脸青春痘的傻逼,这些人总以为开得快就牛逼。
    Also, driving that way makes you look like a teenage, zit-faced douchebag who thinks that having a lead foot makes him a big man.

  • 首先,有刀疤这个家伙,他知道自己当不了荣耀之地的国王,除非铲除掉该死的穆法沙和他乳臭未干的儿子。
    First you have Scar, who knew he couldn't be king of the pridelands until that dick Mufasa and his brat son were out of the way.

  • “我已经当了十五年乳臭未干的小青年了,”他调皮地说。“如果你认为我们不懂礼貌,你最好看看目前的一代。”
    "I am a younger of fifteen years' standing, sir, " he said adroitly, "and if you think that we are disrespectful, you should see those of the present generation. "

  • 您和这个先生交朋友,像他这样的小人,还情有可原,而您,而您就不可饶恕了,只有乳臭未干的孩子才能这样逗乐哩。
    It is all very well for a worthless fellow like that individual of whom you have made a friend, but not for you, not for you.

  • 然而,这个场景挥之不去。由此我想到:不光是这个华盛顿郊区乳臭未干的小毛孩子,包括我们所有的人,都已经被宠坏。
    The scene stuck with me, though, and I began thinking about how spoiled we all are, not just this little brat in suburban Washington.

  • 是的,从某种角度来看,我可以看上去像个忧郁的意大利哲学家而不受人议论,同时不得不向那些乳臭未干的18岁年轻人解释后现代主义,但这就够了。
    Yes, in a certain light I could just get away with grouchy Italian philosopher having to explain postmodernism to yet another group of callow 18-year-olds, but that's as far as it went.

  • 乳臭未干造句相关
