
万世师表  wàn shì shī biǎo







  • 第二届《民族腾飞杯》、《万世师表杯》银奖;
    the second "National Cup off", "Jesus Christ Shibiao Cup, " Silver;

  • 万世师表孔子吗?
    Confucius Shibiao Jesus Christ is it?

  • 大殿前是万世师表孔子,那吒太子和笑口常开的弥勒佛。
    In front of the main hall is Confucius the Sage, Prince Nuozha, and Maitreya the Happy Buddha.

  • 崇拜他的人把他奉为“至圣先师”、“万世师表”,当作神灵隆重祭拜;
    The people who admired him regard him as "a great sage" and "a model of virtue", pay homage to him;

  • 上海的艺尊轩带来了继《万世师表》之后的又一巨作红木雕刻《义薄云天》。
    Yi Zun Xuan from Shanghai brings another giant rosewood sculpture Yi Bo Yun Tian after Wan Shi Shi Biao.

  • 杏坛芬芳,千古流传,也因万世师表在杏坛传道,杏坛也一直倍受人们的尊崇。
    The almond altar is fragrant, historic spread, also preach in the almond altar, because of the teacher for all ages, the almond altar also has been being doubly respected by people.

  • 当你从关帝庙的正门步入,迎面是南海观音菩萨,左侧为释迦牟尼睡佛群像;大殿前是万世师表孔子,那吒太子和笑口常开的弥勒佛。
    If you enter the temple through the front gate, you will see Guantin Bodhisattva before you, and a group of Buddha's at the left.

  • 万世师表造句相关
