
一马当先  yī mǎ dāng xiān








  • 金马家具,一马当先,马到成功。
    King Horse Furniture, take the lead, success immediately upon arrival.

  • 本来,可以说山东鲁能一马当先
    Originally, it can be said Shandong Luneng in the lead.

  • 这群网商,做生意,他们一马当先
    These networks, business, and they lead;

  • 以大型项目见长的德国人更是一马当先
    to large-scale projects are growing at the German was Leads the Way.

  • 汤姆在狩猎时一马当先
    Tom was leading the field in hunting.

  • 真邪了,那匹马一马当先,他赢了不少钱。
    Surely, that horse came first bringing him a lot of money.

  • 赛马一开始,一匹黑马便一马当先,冲到内圈。
    A black horse was on the inside track at the start of the race.

  • 赛马一开始,一匹黑马便一马当先,冲到内圈。
    A small black horse had the inside track at the start of the race.

  • 赛马一开始,一匹黑马便一马当先,冲到圈内。
    A black horse was on the inside track ---- the race.

  • 最佳的跑者总是一马当先──为何不奔向永生上帝?
    Straightforward is the best runner -- why do I not run at once to the living God?

  • 在谱写2007管理软件行业主旋律的进程中,谁一马当先
    Who takes the leading position during the process of composing the theme of business software?

  • 香港地区和澳大利亚一马当先,以超过4%的比率双双领先。
    Hong Kong and Australia led the charge, with prices rising by more than 4%.

  • 个股继续全线涨停,使得金融保险板块当日依然一马当先涨幅居前。
    Stock trading across the board to continue to make financial and insurance sector continues to lead the day's biggest gainers.

  • 首先,应一马当先,树立新的投资理念。千万不能再把股市当作“赌马场”。
    First, should take the lead and establish new investment ideas. 10 million as the stock market can no longer be "horse race".

  • 北京时间4月24日晚间,欧洲股市大幅高收,银行和石油生产板块一马当先
    Beijing April 24 evening, the European stock market sharply higher, banks and oil production in the lead plate.

  • 课堂教学是实施新课程改革的重要平台,在新课程改革的实践中,课堂教学一马当先
    As we all know that Classroom teaching is an important platform for the implementation of the new curriculum reform. So it is necessary and valuable to research Classroom teaching of Politics.

  • 但全球衰退使中国得以一马当先,抢占哈萨克斯坦的石油资产,并将触角伸向更广泛的经济领域。
    But the global recession has allowed China to race ahead by snapping up oil assets and expanding into the broader economy.

  • 然而,一马当先的白雪对于自己的夺冠成绩却并不是十分满意,绝对的优势反而影响了她的发挥。
    However, pushes to the front the white snow regarding own wins the championship the result is actually not satisfies, the absolute superiority has instead affected her display.

  • 1939年3月,党卫队警察部队在占领布拉格时一马当先,并且占领了捷克斯洛伐克的其他地区。
    In March 1939, SS police units were at the forefront of the operation to occupy Prague and subjugate the rest of Czechoslovakia.

  • 苹果的iPhone一马当先,展示了消费者对于可以上网或运行有趣应用程序的设备越来越有兴趣。
    Apple's i Phone has led the way in demonstrating that consumers are becoming more interested in devices that can tap the Internet or run clever applications.

  • 中国在这方面一马当先,它证明集权政府的一大优势是能迅速向经济注入大量刺激资金并命令银行放贷。
    China led the way, demonstrating that one advantage of an authoritarian government is that it can inject massive doses of stimulus quickly and order banks to lend.

  • 自旋电子学革命无论在那一个领域,都是一马当先的,而且将持续衍生出非量子世界所难以想像的新科技。
    On every front, the spintronics revolution is racing ahead and will continue to generate technologies that would be inconceivable in a non-quantum world.

  • 赛前,一匹被专家断定没有获胜希望的马.却在赛马中跑出了惊人的速度,而一马当先。这被称为“黑马”。
    "A dark horse" is one that shows unexpected racing speed and comes in the first, even though the experts said he had little chance of winning.

  • 此后,肯亚野生物服务处在对抗盗猎者上已有长足的进步,肯亚在推动国际禁止交易象牙的行动上也一马当先
    Since then, the Kenya Wildlife Service has made great progress fighting against the poachers and Kenya is at the forefront of the campaign to keep an international ban on trading ivory.

  • 他每战披头散发,戴铜面具,一马当先,所向披靡,在4年时间里,参加了大小25次战役,身中8箭,但从不畏怯。
    Hair every battle he wears a mask of copper, lead, skelter, in 4 years, participated in the Battle of the size of 25, are 8 arrows, but not timid.

  • 这并非杞人忧天——到了9月22日这天,在美国上市的中国概念股全线下跌,其中百度更是一马当先,跌去7。29%。
    This is not a worry - to September 22 that day, in the United States listed China-related stocks fell across the board, Baidu is in the lead, fell 7. 29 percent.

  • 没有人质疑他的个人胆量--无论是迎战希腊的重装步兵军团,还是骑者大象的印度人,他总是带领骑兵一马当先地猛攻。
    No one is questioning his personal courage: Whether battling Greek hoplitesor Indians mounted on elephants, he always led the cavalry charge.

  • 男子象棋个人赛中国许银川以积11分一马当先。洪智以积10分紧随其后。不出意外,中国选手将包揽这个项目的金银牌。
    Chinese men's individual chess Xu Yinchuan lead to 11 points. Hongzhi with 10 points followed. No unexpected events occur, Chinese players will win the gold, silver project.

  • 在那些依赖进口石油、天然气和金属的亚洲国家中,中国公司一马当先,尝试在澳大利亚等大宗商品资源丰富的国家获取资源控制权。
    Chinese companies are leading an attempt by Asian nations that rely on imports of oil, gas and metals to gain control over resources in commodities-rich countries such as Australia.

  • 首先是工具行为主义 ,它强调决策与行动的效益 ,但与可持续的理念和实践相抵触。其次是现代个人主义 ,它在该地区的官方集体主义垮台后一马当先
    It is tool behavior creed above all, it emphasizes decision-making the benefit with the action, but as inimical as the concept that can last and practice photograph.

  • 一马当先造句相关
