
一网打尽  yī wǎng dǎ jìn








  • 当6个月内,她可以说一网打尽
    When 6 months, she could say DADA.

  • 一网打尽的声音非常清楚。
    And the sound DADA was very clear.

  • 警察将赌徒一网打尽
    The gamblers were cleaned out by the policemen.

  • 将邪恶组织一网打尽
    dismantle the evil criminal network.

  • 此时的专案组一直静待时机,决定来个一网打尽
    At this point the task force has been waiting for the opportunity to come to a decision to me.

  • 楼盘分布范围也较广,几乎将上海的各个区一网打尽
    Property distribution is also broader, almost every district of Shanghai will be wiped out;

  • 昨天挑选了瓷砖,今天我们就把卫生间的洁具一网打尽
    Chose ceramic tile yesterday, we have catch the whole lot in an action with respect to the clean toilet today.

  • 不过,嘉定即将兴建的销品茂也许会帮你“一网打尽”。
    However, the imminent construction of the Jiading might help you sell goods Mau "wiped out".

  • 导演罗卓瑶似乎打算在《如梦》中一网打尽上海的时尚地带。
    Director Clara Law appears to be intended to "Like a Dream" friends of the Shanghai Fashion Strip.

  • 你想要的,一网打尽!科学,运动,时尚,小说,诗歌无所不在!
    Articles about everything you are interested in! Science, sports, fashion, fiction, poetry… and more!

  • 打仗时,我们必须知道敌人的阵营在哪里,才能将敌人一网打尽
    When battling we must known where the enemies are and then we can fight off them.

  • 他们要等到最后一刻(尤其是节假日里)才疯狂出击,试图一次一网打尽
    This person waits until the last minute, especially around the holiday season, and then runs around frantically, trying to get all the shopping done in one shot.

  • 特点:所有登记注册的单位一网打尽,注意事项:提交的单位名必须准确。
    Features: All registered unit friends, note: The author of the 000 units must be accurate.

  • 通知将现在各大视频网站尚未取得国内播映许可证的国外影视剧“一网打尽”。
    Each big video website has not obtain announcement general now the drama of foreign movie and TV of domestic televise licence " catch the whole lot in an action " .

  • 战争的另一方是警察、电脑天才和反间谍专家,他们要将这些犯罪分子一网打尽
    On the other side are the cops, computer geniuses, and counter spies who want to bring them down.

  • 正在这时,一条捕鱼船开了过来,所有的青鱼被一网打尽,当天就被送到了市场。
    Well just then, a fishing boat came by, and all the herrings were caught in a net and taken to market that very day.

  • 他们想用拖网一网打尽,然后有上别处去打。我们出力,他们受益,弄得我们一无所有。
    They want to sweep everything up with their dragnets and then move on, benefiting from our work and sacrifice and leaving us with nothing.

  • 2003年张樟、我、还有其他几个朋友决定自己做一个分类广告刊物,网上网下一网打尽
    So finally in 2003, ZZ and I, along with some other friends, decided to start our own classified post magazine, offering both online and offline services.

  • 当时没有互联网这么好的工具,可以把各队球员信息一网打尽,我只能用电视和报纸来“突击”。
    There is not a tool at that time, OK a catch the whole lot in an action of information of each team player, I can come with TV and newspaper only " assault " .

  • 最后,荣与祖决战于会展天台,并将罪犯一网打尽,歼灭了这次有组织、无目的的恐怖叛逆行动。
    Finally, the ancestral-and decisive battle in the Convention and Exhibition rooftops, and criminals Clean Sweep, annihilated in this organized, with the purpose of terrorist actions treason.

  • 我们都安排妥当,已经查出他们的大本营了,希望这次能把席克人一网打尽,统统送到金星炼狱去。
    We're all set up and have located their general headquarters. Hopefully, we'll be able to get all the Seeks this time and send them to the purgatory on Venus.

  • 无论您是二房二厅、错层、复式、别墅还是商业空间,各种房型、各种档次,各种风格,统统让您一网打尽
    Whether you are helpful Erting, Cuoceng, duplex, villas and commercial space, various Fangxing, various grades, and various styles, all let you wiped out.

  • 福吉大声说,一只脚已经跨进了火焰,“我们很快就会把他们一网打尽的——只是觉得应该让你知道而已!”
    shouted Fudge, already with one foot in the flames. "We'll have them rounded up in no time--just thought you ought to know! ""

  • 二是操盘中国南车的机构通过媒体大肆宣扬新的大盘领军个股,不仅在高位卖出股票,更把散户游资一网打尽
    Second, the South China Trader car body Through the media to promote a new stock market leader, not only in high sell shares to small investors even more hot money friends.

  • 除了能向投资者提供基本证券服务外,还提供期货、外汇、港股、基金等多个金融品种,一套软件,一网打尽
    In addition to the securities to investors to provide basic services, also provides futures, foreign exchange, Hong Kong stocks, funds and other financial products, software, a clean sweep.

  • 而我现在只做15至25岁这个年龄段的少女服装,看上去似乎缩小了顾客群,其实是把这一部分客人一网打尽
    I now only do 15 to 25-year-old girls in this age of clothing, seemingly reduced customer groups, this is part of the guest wiped out.

  • 另一个苍老的声音道:“这小子骑了那贱人的黑马,定是那贱人的相好,且放他进去,咱们斩草除根一网打尽。”
    Why are you so rude?" Then another old voice said, "This little brat has ridden that bitch's black horse, therefore he must be her lover. Now let him in and we will exterminate them all.

  • 业内人士透露,贝塔斯曼对于中国市场有着一网打尽的“野心”,其战略意图也绝不仅仅是一个贝塔斯曼书友会那么简单。
    Industry sources, Bertelsmann for the Chinese market has a Clean Sweep of "ambition" and its strategic intentions and must not merely a Bertelsmann book club that simple.

  • 在一位当时颇有影响力的青年导师的支持之下,我开始拍摄《大地震》,试图将这群急不可待要跨进下个世纪的混蛋们一网打尽
    In an influential and young teacher's support, I began filming the "big earthquake", in attempt to catch those fellows, whom can't wait for the next century.

  • 北面的朋友身処京师厤古兵精绝无数,甚是钦羡,俺手上这点实不足道哉。觅弟贽伏两年后重初,兴趣忽发宽广,似有一网打尽之气度,可喜可佩!
    Friends in north have experienced unnumbered fine ancient weapon in Beijing, I admire it very much. Those in my hands are really a few and unimportant.

  • 一网打尽造句相关
