
一手遮天  yī shǒu zhē tiān







  • 没有哪个决定是总经理一手遮天
    No decision is made in a vacuum.

  • 只允许一种力量强势,不免一手遮天
    If you allow only one kind of force in society, the people are bound to be deceived.

  • 一手遮天---怎么译?
    covering the sky with one hand .

  • 那一刻有种贪婪的魅力,仿佛要一手遮天,独吞天下。
    That kind of greed moment the charm, as if to Yishouzhetian, Dutun the world.

  • 在国华科技,情况差不多就是这样,总裁尤奇一手遮天
    In national China science and technology, the circumstance is almost such, hide the truth from the masses of president You Ji.

  • 若是将他们留在墨西哥的监狱里,他们仍能操纵毒品交易,一手遮天
    They can't go on running their businesses from American prisons, as they can from most Mexican ones.

  • 对文学功用的过分关注与片面夸大导致了思想研究一手遮天的非常态局面。
    It is not normality situation that the excessive concern about the literature function has caused the thought to study and hoodwink the public with exaggerating one-sidedly.

  • 一切好像《水浒传》里的官府一手遮天,不遵循这个规矩就会被这个规矩所害。
    ", All if "Water Margin" Guan Fu hoodwink the inside does not follow this rule will be victimized by this rule.

  • 开国先贤们首先考虑到的是专制暴政的可能性,因为在当时的确有许多人正酝酿着要一手遮天
    Our founders were concerned first and foremost with the potential for authoritarian tyranny, since there was a lot of that afoot in those days.

  • 那么,在政府对教育一手遮天时,因为怕引火上身,教师严格地避免有损法律被尊重的最轻微举动。
    That, in government-endowed teaching positions, the professor rigorously refrain from endangering in the slightest degree the respect due to the laws now in force.

  • 过去欧洲白种人曾经可以一手遮天,统治地球,统治人类,但现在是和平时期,再也不是殖民统治时代了。
    Caucasians had the past can be Europe every pie rule the earth, human rule, but now it is times of peace, is no longer the era of colonial rule.

  • 佛手山形象逼真,不仅5个指头看上去十分清晰,甚至连掌纹都能数出来,每一个指头高十几米,真可谓是“一手遮天”。
    Bergamot Hill lifelike image, not only five fingers seem very clear, and even palm prints are a few out a finger every 10 meters high, it is true, "Yishouzhetian. ""

  • 而站在背后力挺他的仍有伊斯兰共和国最高领袖阿里•哈梅内伊,有安全部队,有国营媒体,当然还有他的保守派战友们一手遮天的国家议会。
    He is still backed by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Islamic Republic's supreme leader, its security forces, its state-run media, and a parliament dominated by fellow conservatives.

  • 而站在背后力挺他的仍有伊斯兰共和国最高领袖阿里?哈梅内伊,有内贾德的安全部队,有国营媒体,当然还有他的保守派战友们一手遮天的国家议会。
    He is still backed by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Islamic Republic's supreme leader, its security forces, its state-run media, and a parliament dominated by fellow conservatives.

  • 人不是因为金钱才存在的, 钱是聪明的人们为了满足自己的外在需求而产生的手段。 它是很重要, 但如果把它当成一手遮天的万能宝贝,结果是它肯定是会让你失望。
    Money is just a toy, we like it so much, we play with it everyday. but eventually it's just a toy, a magic toy which can gets you other toys.

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