
一口咬定  yī kǒu yǎo dìng








  • 一口咬定当时不在现场。
    He stated categorically that he was not at the scene of the crime.

  • 那贼一口咬定他是在找他自己的财物。
    The thief maintained that he was looking for his own property.

  • 一口咬定,泡沫与否只有上帝知道。
    He firmly denied that, bubble or not known only to God.

  • 一口咬定我煽动不满,还说要解聘我。
    He insisted I fomenting dissent , and he said he would have to terminate me.

  • 有人一口咬定他是强盗。
    Someone swore a charge against him as a robber.

  • 她会一口咬定,房间里压根儿就没有什么箱子。
    She would deny that there had ever been a chest in the room.

  • “你看上去的确没精打采的,”对方一口咬定说。
    "You look knocked up, " asserted the other.

  • 「目前,」他一口咬定「治疗爱滋病没有真正有效的方法。」
    At present, he contended, there is no really effective cure for AIDS.

  • 和卖主交涉,对方一口咬定发货的时候是好的,弄坏是快递造成。
    With seller bargaining, when delivering goods, the other side is insisted readily is good, bang up is express is caused.

  • 那么,那次她一口咬定她不在家时是我开了她的车又该怎么说呢?
    And how about the time she insisted I had been driving her car when she had been away?

  • 娜娜说她最喜欢的电子表丢了,一口咬定是我拿的,可我真的没有。
    Lily: Nana said her favorite electronic watch was lost, and she insisted that I took it, but I didn't.

  • 娜娜说她最喜欢的电子表丢了,一口咬定是我拿的,可我真的没有。
    Nana said her favorite electronic watch was lost, and she insisted that I took it, but I didn't.

  • 而那些思维刻板一口咬定海外的科索沃人的只不过是些种族主义者。
    Some stereotypes widely believed and repeated about Kosovars abroad are merely racist.

  • 一口咬定自己并不讨厌美国人,而只是对美国的悲观未来提出警告。
    Panarin insists he does not dislike Americans. But he warns that the outlook for them is dire.

  • 记者问一个看上去只有十二三岁的男孩儿,他一口咬定自己已经18岁了。
    The boy that the reporter asks to one looks to have only 923 years old, he insists himself readily already 18 years old.

  • 一口咬定事故发生的时候,他没有和你在一起,对此,你有什么可说的?
    He alleges that he was not with you at the time the accident occurred. What do you say to that?

  • 而你仍然一口咬定,在案发之前就把枪扔进河里了。这种说法的确是很省事。
    Yet you still maintain to throw your gun into the river before the murders took place. That's very convenient.

  • 古时候,有两个人外乡人到衙门里找县官打官司,都一口咬定对方抢了自己的孩子。
    Ancient times, asks the county magistrate some two person some other place person to the yamen in to bring a lawsuit, all stuck to what one has said opposite party to snatch own child.

  • 我想我在夜总会看到西尔维娅同一位男子在一起,可是她一口咬定她没有去过那儿。
    I thought I saw Silvia with a man in the nightclub but she swears black and blue that she's never been there.

  • 2003年之前他们一口咬定伊拉克拥有生化武器并正在寻求核武器,结果他们错了。
    Before 2003 they said that Iraq had chemical and biological weapons and was seeking nuclear ones. They were wrong.

  • 身着一件布满被飞溅的火星烧焦的破旧毛式中山装,这位保安一口咬定钢铁厂已经关闭。
    Dressed in a shabby Mao suit covered with singe marks from flying sparks, the security guard insisted that the steel plant had been shut down.

  • 后头那些村民声称三个孩子被害,并一口咬定吸血鬼干了这事,他们对那些东西恨之入骨。
    Those people back in the village who claim three children have been killed or whatever it was by the vampire, they hate it and want to destroy it.

  • 一口咬定说,正当他站在山上放哨的时候,朝勃南一看,他觉得那里的树林子挪动起来了。
    He averred, that as he stood upon his watch on the hill, he looked towards Birnan, and to his thinking the wood began to move.

  • 一些声称很久以前去过天空神域的人说它看上去象是他们以前在那看到的路卡琳,但是谁敢一口咬定呢?
    Some who claim to have been to the Plane of Sky long ago agreed it looked like what they saw there, but who can say for certain?

  • 在开发商一口咬定的“棘齿定理”下(类似钟表发条上的齿轮只能沿一个方向旋紧,只能越旋越紧不能倒退。
    In developers firmly denied that the "savage teeth theorem" (similar to the gear clocks starting along one direction only tightened, not only the crisis in the tight.

  • 不知是她笨还是真的和我抬杠,一口咬定我应该多来几次,每次只带两张单子,我说这样不是增加你的工作量了吗?
    It was even said that the Age of Conan power leveling was in hot selling too. and now, I don't think I've heard a more ignorant statment.

  • 安倍晋三说,他会遵守1993年声明的内容,但他还是扯后腿,一口咬定没有证据显示,日本军方强徵妇女当性奴隶。
    Mr. Abe said he would adhere to the 1993 statement, but he also undercut it by asserting that there was no evidence showing the military's role in forcing women into sexual slavery.

  • 东京一直坚称有11名日本公民,在90年代遭北韩间谍掳走。北韩领导人金正日矢口否认(一口咬定,死不承认)指控。
    Tokyo has long claimed that 11 Japanese citizens were kidnapped by North Korea in the late 1990's. North Korean leader Kim Jong-il vehemently denies these allegations.

  • 至于答案问题,要视乎学生是用作参考用途(虽然概然性很低但真有可能)或真的是照抄答案,不可一口咬定学生不合道德。
    Because the teachers' version Textbooks are free and there are answers on the Textbooks. Therefore both students who use them and the teachers who sell them are immoral and should be banned.

  • 拉霍伊一口咬定,人民党并未接受任何不法收入,他说:“我向大家保证,人民党内并没有通过腐败行径获得资金,至少据我所知是这样。”
    Mr Rajoy denies that any dirty money has gone to the PP's coffers. "I give my word that the party has not financed itself with this corruption, not that I know of, " he says.

  • 一口咬定造句相关
