
感激涕零  gǎn jī tì líng








  • 父亲感激涕零,“你是急救医生吗?”
    the father cried. "Are you a paramedic?"

  • 于是,小王以下,感激涕零,乃解围而去。
    As a result, following Wang, Ganjitiling, Rescue is away.

  • 当领导者偶尔略施小惠,他们便感激涕零
    When leaders treat the member well occasionally, they accept any and all crumbs gratefully.

  • 他真的感激涕零
    He really appreciated it.

  • 当我没了一切,神的爱与恩典浇灌令我感激涕零
    When I have nothing, the love of God and His grace overwhelm me!

  • “谢谢你,”孩子感激涕零地对这位陌生人说道。
    "Thank you, " the grateful child told the stranger.

  • WJ对我感激涕零,每天都帮我把房子收拾得井井有条。
    WJ Ganjitiling to me every day to help me clean up the house in good order.

  • 我们总期盼其他的国家会对我们的捐赠和贷款感激涕零
    We have expected gratitude from foreign countries for our gifts and loans.

  • 许多致电者和他们之后发现竟然幸存的亲人通上话后,往往感激涕零
    Often the callers are moved to tears of gratitude after speaking to a relative found to be still alive.

  • 吸血鬼和狼人也能相处愉快,如果他们想法也能如出一辙,我将感激涕零
    That vampires and werewolves could get along just fine, thank you very much, if they were of a mind to.

  • 陈某及其子女感激涕零,拉着镇政府领导的手激动地说:“还是党和政府好!
    Chen Ganjitiling and their children, the town took the leadership of the Government's hand excitedly said: "The party and the government is still good!"

  • 八年前的此时,人们对于效率奇高和商业化的布什政府的上台是多么感激涕零
    This time eight years ago people were gushing about how efficient and businesslike the incoming Bush administration was.

  • 他没有乞求施舍。他对在这种撕心的难堪场合下别人给予的救助,当然是感激涕零
    He wasn't begging for a handout but certainly appreciated the help in a heart-breaking, and embarrassing situation.

  • 爸妈开始替我们把东西从租房一点一点的搬去新房,感激涕零,每天下班回到家都有新的惊喜!
    P&M started to move our stuff from rental place to new place. Grateful, big surprises everyday when we were back from work…

  • 而从此税收计划中受益并感激涕零的保险公司总裁和他们的说客给了麦凯恩50,000美元。
    And grateful insurance company executives and their lobbyists who benefit from the tax scheme, gave McCain $50, 000.

  • 这种行为被我认为是极其幼稚的,当然时间每天都有人这样做下去,并且有人潸然泪下。有人感激涕零
    i always consider the action is extremely ludicrous , surely , there are so much guys manage that everyday , waht is more , some other guys are moved even cry .

  • 是吗?如果一个人真的不幸,不知道会比知道更好吗?如果他不知道,他就应该匍匐在圣像面前感激涕零吗?
    Isn't it comforting to know that being miserable is still better than being an idiot?

  • 太太、你可以这么说。她将被放在培植精选花草的苗圃里,我相信她会因为无比荣幸地被选中而感激涕零的。
    Madam, you may: she shall be placed in that nursery of chosen plants, and I trust she will show herself grateful for the inestimable privilege of her election.

  • 朋友们热情洋溢的爱心让我感激涕零。然而,那个星期五放学之后,我目睹了我所能想象得出的最令人惊异的善举。
    The outpouring of love from these friends moved me to tears. But that Friday after school, I witnessed the most amazing act of kindness I could imagine.

  • 葛婆子感激涕零的,对于这个来源的猜测有些怀疑,可是她不说什么,至于珍妮,她是本能地明白这桩事是谁做的。
    Mrs. Gerhardt tearfully suspected the source, but said nothing. Jennie knew, by instinct, the author of it all.

  • 美国却不能这么做,这主要是出于外交上的原因,但如果中国是替我们着想才决定这么做的,那我们真应该对他们感激涕零
    The United States, mainly for diplomatic reasons, can't do this; but if the Chinese decide to do it on our behalf, we should send them a thank-you note.

  • 而且,从富裕的捐助者到感激涕零的受助者这一为人熟稔的权力流向(flowofauthority)已经发生了颠倒。
    and a familiar flow of authority, from rich donor to grateful recipient, had been reversed.

  • 仍然是由于长时间内所养成的习惯的影响,或者是由于他内心思想的关系,这种拥抱果真对库图佐夫又起了作用,他感激涕零
    Again, through old habitual association of ideas, arousing some deep feeling in his own heart, this embrace had its usual effect on Kutuzov: he gave a sob.

  • 精力充沛,有极高的工作热情和强烈的责任心.开朗,谦虚,自律,自信 请高人帮我把这段翻成英文,感激涕零,在线等 谢谢!
    Have a strong sense of teamwork and am always energetic. Besides, I have a passion for work and at the same time, strong sense of responsibility.

  • 没错,她加入了反对之声——这一举动本身可能让坚贞不渝的援助支持人士吃惊不小:他们以为非洲人就应该感激涕零,“无言以对”。
    Yes, she has joined the chorus of disapproval—and that in itself might surprise a few die hards who think that Africans should just be grateful for the aid and shut up.

  • 面包师兴奋地点着头,他没有期待这么大的恩惠会不要报酬,要报酬是可以理解的,议会的一项特别法案可不容易得到,内佐林感激涕零
    The baker nodded his head vigorously. He did not expect such a great favour for nothing. That was understood. A special Act of Congress does not come cheap. Nazorine was almost tearful in his thanks.

  • 本杰明•格雷厄姆和大卫•多德写成《证券分析》已经七十五个春秋了,摩登时代的价值投者家们不断加入其同仁的行列,至今仍对他们感激涕零
    Seventy-five years after Benjamin Graham and David Dodd wrote Security Analysis, a growing coterie of modern-day value investors remain deeply indebted to them.

  • 不过,大多数人似乎忘记了一点:1999年穆沙拉夫第一次军事政变成功后,在穆氏面前信誓旦旦、为自己的晋职而对穆氏感激涕零的那帮人,也是乔杜里及其同僚。
    Most people do not care to remember that Mr Chaudhry and his colleagues also took their oaths after Mr Musharraf's first coup in 1999 and owe their promotions to him.

  • 这就是为什么你必须理性而诚实地估计你能够占有的墙壁份额,而且为什么工作中的头等大事就是尽量取悦现有的老客户,使他们感到无以为报,感激涕零地告诉他们的朋友。
    That's why you need to be realistic about how much share of wallet you can honestly expect, and why job one is delighting existing customers so much that they can't help but tell their friends.

  • 现在,每天早晨醒来,我都知道这一天是属于我的,我会安排好我的工作,但对于我的老板或者主管(在我自认某天的情绪不宜按照安排工作时,他们可是能扣减我的薪水或者把我炒掉的人),我不会感激涕零
    Since my day is my own, I can work out without rushing, and that allows me to get to know the other members of my gym, which means it's a social event as well.

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