
惺惺作态  xīng xīng zuò tài






  • 然而也存在其他的惺惺作态
    But there were other assumptions, too.

  • 她羞怯的举止迥然不同于妓女的惺惺作态
    In the diffident manner was nothing of the art of the courtesan.

  • 学习在任何事情都得中庸,并且试着别惺惺作态
    Learn moderation in everything, and try not to be hypocritical.

  • 「可不是!」范太太说著,便惺惺作态地拭著眼泪。
    "Bless him! " said Mrs. Mann, wiping away a tear which was not in her eye.

  • 愤世嫉俗者大概会说,这不过是政治上的惺惺作态
    A cynic might say this is political posturing.

  • 他本身并没有增加F1的魅力,他只是惺惺作态而已。
    He did not bring glamour to F1, he has always been as iffy as fake tan.

  • 我鄙夷那些为了让人感念,在临终之际不忘惺惺作态一番的人。
    I despise people who on their deathbed master themselves and adopt a pose in order to impress.

  • 我们更加期待下次聚会,到时我们将会更成熟,不再惺惺作态
    We look forward with more keenness to the next reunion, at which, when it takes place at a time ripe for us, we will not be coy.

  • 如果兰赫尔博士是正确的,那么,惺惺作态或许不是真实的解释。
    If Dr Rangel is right, though, pretence may not be the true explanation.

  • 多亏了那些善于惺惺作态的政客们,英国不久电力就要告罄。英国该何去何从?
    Thanks to its posturing politicians, Britain will soon start to run out of electricity. What should it do?

  • 没有任何惺惺作态,在周三晚上的记者会上坎贝尔没有掩饰自己的失望,他还说到了他最近的良好表现和不错的身体状态。
    Although he was making no assumptions, Campbell did not appear to be bracing himself for bad news when he appeared before the media on Wednesday evening and talked about his good form and fitness.

  • 她秀丽可爱,举止优美,由于缺乏自信而羞羞答答。大大的眼睛里带着一种孩子般的表情,这表情一下子吸引住了这位惺惺作态的正人君子。
    She was pretty, graceful, rich in the timidity born of uncertainty, and with a something childlike in her large eyes which captured the fancy of this starched and conventional poser among men.

  • 另一个关键是「合适性」,不同的人适用不同的练习,坐下来想像你自己最好的表现(一个乐观性练习),如果想像的情景让你觉得惺惺作态,那麽你就不太可能去实行它。
    Another key: "fit, " or how well the exercise matches the person. If sitting down to imagine your best possible self (an optimism exercise) feels contrived, you will be less likely to do it.

  • 惺惺作态造句相关
