
情不自禁  qíng bù zì jìn








  • 那个笑话让她情不自禁地笑了起来。
    She can't help laughing after hearing the joke.

  • 听相声,我们情不自禁地笑了起来。
    When we listen to the crosstalk, we cannot help laughing.

  • 听到那个坏消息,她情不自禁地哭起来。
    She couldn't when she heard the bad news.

  • 情不自禁地向费雷太太主动提出援助。
    It was instinctive for her to proffer help to Mrs. Fisher .

  • 这忠厚的人儿情不自禁,转身回到花园里面。
    And the kind creature retreated into the garden, overcome with emotion.

  • 回想起他在国外的经历而情不自禁地微笑起来。
    He started laughing when he reminisced about his experiences abroad.

  • 对小孩说的有趣的事情我情不自禁地露齿一笑。
    I can't help grinning at the funny things the child says.

  • 当你就在我身边的时候我还是会情不自禁的想你。
    I can't help thinking of you even when you are in me side.

  • 她被音乐会上的乐曲迷住了,自己情不自禁地也唱起来。
    She got carried away by the music at the concert and started to sing it herself.

  • 然而,当老师向我表示祝贺的时候,我情不自禁地笑了起来。
    When the professor offered me his congratulations, however, I could hardly hold back a smile.

  • 这时候公爵突然省悟了过来,情不自禁地流出了眼泪:“啊!
    "At this time the Duke of suddenly come out of the tears could not help:" ah!

  • 听到她父母亲不幸在车祸中遇难的消息时,她情不自禁地哭了起来。
    Hearing that her parents were killed in the road accident, she couldn't help crying.

  • 小姑娘则根本不穿内裤,这样就不用怕自己情不自禁时会跳脱衣舞了。
    Young women often don't wear underpants at all thus practically eliminating all possibility of a strip-tease.

  • 他渐渐地的把唇移向她的唇,她一点点的被唤醒,情不自禁的闭上了眼…
    With a sip of champagne in his mouth, he gradually moved his lips to hers.

  • 其实你们真正需要的是水,不是杯子,但我们都情不自禁地拿更好的杯子。
    What all of you wanted was water, not the cup, but we unconsciously went for the better cups.

  • 杰克是如此爱著玛丽,以至于晚饭时都情不自禁地用脚在桌子底下表达爱意。
    Jake was so in love with Mary that he let himself go to express his love for her with his feet under the table.

  • 我看过室外剧院里小型的喷泉随着苏泽的进行曲舞动就激起人们情不自禁的掌声。
    I saw the smaller fountains in the open-air theatre dancing to a Sousa march and broke into spontaneous applause.

  • 我知道这不会仅仅是一次拍拍肩膀那么简单,我很可能会陷入一段情不自禁的爱恋。
    Somehow I knew that this wasn't another tap on the shoulder, that I might be starting something I couldn't stop.

  • 现在,比赛很有趣而且很适合家庭观看,但队员们情不自禁地展现出他们竞争的一面。
    Now, the game was all in fun and family-friendly, players cannot help but show their competitive sides.

  • 球场上的激情都是有感而发,一旦我们得分或者取得胜利,我情不自禁流露我的喜悦。
    It's always been like that and the passion comes out on the field when we score or win. I can't help it.

  • “别生我的气,”她再一次支吾地说,接着就把脸埋进他胸怀里,情不自禁地痛哭起来。
    "Don't be angry with me, " she faltered again, and then, breaking down, buried her face in his bosom.

  • 他是个十分有趣的伴儿。尽管你明知这个人一钱不值,你还是情不自禁地喜欢和他在一起。
    He was a most amusing companion and though you knew he was perfectly worthless you could not but enjoy his society.

  • 我“真正的”声音非常低沉,不过无疑没有文崔斯这样撩人——她是情不自禁地就性感起来!
    My "real" voice is pretty deep, but definitely not as sultry as Ventress's -- she can't help but be sexy!

  • 如果偶然在空中看到一轮黄灿灿的满月,我们都会情不自禁地抬头仰望,凝视她的尊贵姿容。
    If we unexpectedly encounter the full moon, huge and yellow over the horizon, we are helpless but to start back at its commanding presence.

  • 不过,我情不自禁地猜想,会不会当我们休假的时候,或许我们的创造性会体现最为淋漓尽致。
    I can't help wondering, though, if perhaps even the most prolifically creative among us are better off when they take a vacation.

  • 尽管我知道大部分的蛇是没有毒的,但当我一看到蛇,甚至在动物园里,还是情不自禁的害怕,起鸡皮疙瘩。
    I know that most snakes are harmless, but I can't help it -- every time I see a snake, even in a zoo, I get goose bumps all over!

  • 读着读着,我情不自禁地被吸引、被感动、被震撼了,因为它字里行间所充满的是人类最美好的语言——爱。
    Reading reading, I can not help but be attracted to, be moved, was shocked, because it is between the lines are full of the best languages of humanity - love.

  • 也许你会觉得那样会使得球队在获取这些势不可挡的廉价品时有所畏惧,但是一旦愚蠢的自由球员市场开启,他们就会情不自禁
    You'd think this would dissuade teams from offering it in all but the most overwhelming bargains, but once the silliness of free-agent season starts, it seem they just can't help themselves.

  • 就在走廊里,这位即将步入退休年纪的,瘦小而可爱的女人,这位虽然已经记不起我的老师,情不自禁流出了眼泪,她把我拥抱在怀里。
    And there in the hallway, this slightlovely woman, now nearing retirement age, this teacher who doesn't remember me, begins to weep; she encircles me in her arms.

  • 斯佩兰斯基没有把目光从一个人身上一下子移到另一个人身上,并不像进入大庭广众中时情不自禁地用视线扫视那样,他也不急忙开口说话。
    Speransky's eyes did not shift from one face to another, as one's eyes unconsciously do on first coming into a large company, and he was in no hurry to speak.

  • 情不自禁造句相关
