
悬梁刺骨  xuán liáng cì gǔ







  • 在等待生活的赐予时,你学习起来或细嚼慢咽或悬梁刺骨
    You can learn slowly, and sometimes painfully, by just waiting for life to happen to you.

  • 首先,要学好英语,不发扬一点头悬梁,锥刺骨的精神是绝对办不到的。
    Firstly, it is absolutely impossible to learn English well without working really hard.

  • 首先,要学好英语,不发扬一点“头悬梁,锥刺骨”的精神是绝对办不到的。
    Firstly, in order to learn English, without carrying forward a bit of spirit of "hairs hang, thighs prick", it is absolutely impossible.

  • 首先,要学好英语,不发扬一点“头悬梁,锥刺骨”的精神是绝对办不到的。
    in the first place, in order to study english well, it's impossible without a tenacious and persistence spirit.

  • 把学英语当成一个开心而愉快的美差,而不是硬着头皮、头悬梁、锥刺骨的苦力。
    Study English regard one happy and happy cushy job as, toughen one's scalp, head hang roof beam, awl sharp coolie.

  • 把学英语当成一个开心而愉快的美差,而不是硬着头皮、头悬梁、锥刺骨的苦力。
    To learn English as a happy and pleasant the United States worse rather than task, the first cantilever, cone piercing coolies.

  • 把学英语当成一个开心而愉快的美差,而不是硬着头皮、头悬梁、锥刺骨的苦力。
    To learn English as a happy and pleasant difference Mei, not brazen, the first cantilever, biting the cone coolies.

  • 把学英语当成一个开心而愉快的美差,而不是硬着头皮、头悬梁、锥刺骨的苦力。
    To learn English as a happy and pleasant enthusiasm, rather than crustily skin of head, head of the bone, without pay.

  • 人人摇头晃脑,悬梁刺骨到血流成河,惨不忍睹,仍不能阻止我们睡觉的雄心壮志。
    Everybody wags his head, hang oneself from a beam is biting become a river to blood stream, horrible, still cannot prevent the lofty aspirations and great ideals that we sleep.

  • 大家都不陌生的孙康映学夜读,孙敬头悬梁,苏秦锥刺骨,淋漓尽致地体现了“勤学”二字。
    We are not unfamiliar Sun Kang Ying-school night reading, SUN Jing-head cantilever, Qin Su cone biting, most vividly embody the "Diligence" word.

  • 周奔驰幡然悔悟,头悬梁、锥刺骨凿壁偷光卧薪尝胆,立志苦学英语,把英语说得象周润发一样帅,象谢霆锋一样酷!
    After that reflection Zhou Benchi was determined to push himself really hard to learn English well. He wanted his English to be as hot as Zhou Renfa's and as cool as Xie Tingfeng's.

  • 同学们,当我们坐在宽敞明亮的教室里,诵读着古今优秀诗篇时,我们是不是该重新诠释古人“头悬梁,椎刺骨”的刻苦精神?
    Students, when we sat bright and spacious classroom, reading a good old poem, we are not the re-interpretation of the ancients, "the first cantilever, vertebral bone, " the spirit of the hard?

  • 悬梁刺骨造句相关
