
恶语中伤  è yǔ zhòng shāng







  • 他将要在我的葬礼上说一些恶语中伤的话吧?
    Will he say nasty things at my funeral?

  • 衣服上的破洞易缝补;但受恶语中伤的心灵难以修复。
    A torn jacket is soon mended; but hard words bruise the heart of a child.

  • 一些邻居私下类似“走资派”的恶语中伤很快消声觅迹了。
    Mutterings among some of the neighbors about wicked "capitalist roaders" soon died down.

  • 我是坚决反对针对他的恶语中伤,同时我也不完全同意你的意见!
    I am dead set against someone's calumniation about DelMonaco! At the same time I don't swallow you whole!

  • 不论你的生活如何卑贱,你要面对它生活,不要躲避它,更不要恶语中伤它。
    No natter how mean our lives are, face it and live it. Do not shun it and call it hard names.

  • 今天,这次摊牌缺少在拳击界中的仇恨、愤怒、恶语中伤以及其它嘲讽的平常事。
    The showdown lacked the hatred, anger, foul verbal assaults and other such banter commonplace in boxing today.

  • 有些人不敢讲他们自己家里那些败家子的坏话,却津津有味的用恶语中伤残疾人。
    People who wouldn't dare utter anything negative about black sheep in their own family just love to take a cheap shot at the disabled.

  • 热爱自己的国家,莫要恶语中伤他人,即使是你的敌人;遭遇别人诽谤的时候,莫要沮丧。
    Love your country, speak ill of no one, even your enemies and do not be dismayed when others speak ill of you.

  • 不要误会,候选人不是互相给对方扔泥土,而是试图通过讲对方坏话、散发恶语中伤的广告等手段来毁坏对手的声誉。
    But they may try to destroy their opponent's good name by saying bad things or through misleading advertisements.

  • 大多数恶语中伤的卡写给大腹便便,斗鸡眼,独腿的女人,或是老处女,希望她们遇到三件可怕的事情:耻辱、死亡或诅咒。
    Most of the nasty cards were addressed to the pot-bellied, cross-eyed, one-legged or to old maids, wishing them the three dreadful "Ds": Disgrace, Death or Damnation.

  • 可对于他和他的副手曾经恶语中伤这位印度企业家的公司和文化,以及将米塔尔所占股份看成是“猴子钱”而对其不屑一顾,他并不感到后悔。
    He also denied any regret for the insults he and his lieutenants hurled at the Indian-born entrepreneur's company and culture, including a dismissal of Mittal shares as "monkey money".

  • 恶语中伤造句相关
