
志得意满  zhì dé yì mǎn








  • 一般人有了如此成就,也许会志得意满
    Most people would be satisfied with all this.

  • 时间变成了无处不在的志得意满的死亡。
    Time has become Death triumphant over all.

  • 今天晚上你很志得意满啊。
    You're really having a banner evening.

  • 看到自己的作品成了畅销书,他志得意满
    He had the satisfaction of seeing his book become a best-seller.

  • 关于战斗与凯旋生活的思考让他感到志得意满
    The thought of a life of battle and triumph had made him feel exalted.

  • 当一个人志得意满的时候,他忘了谦冲为怀是一种习惯。
    When a man complacency is, he forgot to humble is a habit.

  • 所以我们必须了解,当我们志得意满,他们便结束了任务。
    What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done.

  • 随着一系列运作屡获好评,年轻的火箭总经理莫雷显得志得意满
    With the A series of award-operation of the well, young Rockets general manager of the significant Morley blossom fully satisfied.

  • 这并不代表光州人民已志得意满,也不代表执法当局放松了警戒心。
    That does not mean that the people of Kwangju are growing complacent or law enforcement agencies less vigilant.

  • 奥利:老天爷!你够有胆子的啊,女士。今天晚上你很志得意满啊。
    Ollie:Jesus Christ! You've got some nerve, Lady. You're really having a banner evening.

  • 志得意满无所畏惧,却未曾想到会在自己设置的障碍前裹足不前。
    You satisfied full, fearless, but never expected that he would be in their own obstacles to deter the former.

  • 但他们随后展示的“花絮”,则不折不扣地表现了其志得意满的心态。
    But they then display the "Others" are thoroughly demonstrated its self-Chi mentality.

  • 再加上一些宏观经济学家对现有成就志得意满,理智的声音的就消失殆尽了。
    Put that together with the complacency of the macro economists and there were too few voices shouting stop.

  • 为何有些人一生中志得意满,而另外一些人则被生活中的坎坷折磨得消沉低迷?
    Why do some people sail happily through life whereas others are brought low by its slings and arrows?

  • 的确,神圣的人和罪恶之徒都能同时沐浴到阳光,我们常常看到恶人志得意满
    True enough, the sun shines on the saint and the sinner alike, and too often it seems that the wicked prosper.

  • 朋友不是志得意满时那一首首唱和的歌,而是那句及时的提醒,那句真诚的批评。
    Friend is not songs sang when we are achieving our ambitions, ; it's a reminder coming in time, it's sincere criticisms.

  • 富足感并不是垃圾邮件带给人的唯一好处,但这个好处足以让我们感到志得意满
    The exciting muchness of spam is only part of the story, but what a wonderful part it is!

  • 45岁的大伟事业有成,受人尊重,与妻子感情也很好,可称得上是志得意满了。
    Big Wei career of 45 years old has, get person respect, as very good also as wife affection, can saying to go up is to be fully contented.

  • 赛后志得意满的奇拉维特说:“博格斯应该好好学习学习,守门员在场上应如何全神贯注。”
    After the match, fully satisfied, Chilavert said: "Burgers should learn well how a goalkeeper keeps concentrated during a match. ""

  • 我必须要有「老闆」,才能维持良好表现,或皮少不会让自己过于志得意满,我想大家也一样。
    I need a boss of some sort to keep me good, or at least not complacent , and so do you.

  • 也没提到在洪水中诺亚驶舟经过小小艘的船,里面坐以为能够自己度过、曾经志得意满的傢伙。
    Nor during the flood itself do we see Noah cruising past small boats, filled with once-proud folk who thought they could go it alone.

  • 耶稣并没有在欢呼声中志得意满,也没有屈从群众的计画,祂反而利用这个公开的机会洁净圣殿。
    So, instead of glorying in the adulation and capitulating to the not-so-hidden agenda of the people, Jesus capitalized on the exposure by cleansing the temple are.

  • 无穷无尽的荣誉令埃尔维斯志得意满,而杰克逊的荣誉却令销蚀着他的骨肉,你甚至能看到他的颤抖。
    While endless fame seemed to inflate Elvis like helium, Jackson's fame seemed to scrub the flesh and wear into his bones until you could almost see him shiver.

  • 如此“工程技术差距”让印度志得意满,令美国错愕不已。美国也开始担心西方高技术岗位“东渐”。
    This "engineering gap" is a source of pride in India and consternation in America, which fears the cutting and pasting of high-tech jobs from West to East.

  • 志得意满众人追捧时,想想自己那些失意孤寂的日子;觉得自己无所不能时,那就试一试能否让自己变回少年;
    I don't think you do is good, but If you can't control myself, you need self-confidence. you need friends help me get rid of SY.

  • 志得意满的黄金岁月里,金融经济学家开始相信市场的内在稳定性——相信股票和其他资产的定价在实际上都是对头的。
    During the golden years, financial economists came to believe that markets were inherently stable — indeed, that stocks and other assets were always priced just right.

  • 摆到桌面上来的是志得意满的矜持和高傲,以及气度不凡的派头和从容的举止,让客人们发出由衷的赞叹,感到十分惊讶。
    What showed upon the surface was a serene and lofty contentment and a dignity of carriage and gravity of deportment which compelled the admiration and likewise the wonder of the company.

  • 布朗先生任职财政大臣期间,通货膨胀率低且稳定,经济产出逐季增长;年复一年,戈登•布朗因其骄人的成绩而志得意满
    When he was chancellor of the exchequer, inflation was low and stable, national output grew quarter after quarter, and year after year Mr Brown boasted of his brilliant management.

  • 当一个人讲道的经验越丰富,往往会越志得意满,认为自己明白一切,参加课程不是要学习只是寻找自我印证的过程,想证明自己做的一切是对的。
    You see, the longer you've preached, the more you think you know it all. You come to the class not to learn, but to find confirmation of what you have been doing.

  • 他邀请来的那些和他交情更深一些的朋友现在也坐着马车陆陆续续来到了,他们大摇大摆地进来,炫耀地穿着考究精美的服装,一副明显的志得意满的要人气派。
    Some of the more favoured of his friends whom he had invited began to roll up in carriages now. They came shuffling in with a great show of finery and much evident feeling of content and importance.

  • 志得意满造句相关
