
心神不定  xīn shén bù dìng







  • 不知他有什么事, 老是心神不定的样子。
    I don't know what is on his mind; he always looks restless.

  • 他是那样心神不定,回答全乱了。
    His answers were all mixed up, so agitated was he.

  • 我还为她的手术而老是心神不定
    And I was worried about her operation.

  • 这个坏消息弄得她好几天心神不定
    The bad news perturbed her for days.

  • 心神不定,祈望她平安归来。
    He was very solicitous for her safe return.

  • 事故之后,他被内疚感搞得心神不定
    He was consumed with guilt after the accident.

  • 我的心就像热锅上的蚂蚁,心神不定
    My heart is like a hot pan on the ants, uncertainty.

  • 听到这件工作已给了别人他一时心神不定
    had been given the job threw him momentarily off balance.

  • 威尔逊只觉得心神不定。嗓子眼里有些发痒。
    Wilson was feeling restless. There was a tickle in his throat.

  • 我不知道他有什么心事,老是心神不定的样子。
    I don't kown what's on his mind, he always looks restless.

  • 当她后半夜回到女儿房间时,看上去有些心神不定
    When she returned to her daughter's house later that night, she seemed upset.

  • 但此刻她那严肃的语调,忧郁的眼神让乔心神不定
    but now her grave tone and her almost wistful glance disconcerted Joe.

  • 一旦你决定开始一项特殊的工作,别让自己心神不定
    But once you have decided to take up a particular job, don't let yourself get distracted on the way.

  • 他们看上去好像并没有被类似我这样的自我分析弄得心神不定
    None of them seems to be bothered by this kind self-analysis.

  • 这样的口号只会使我感觉心神不定、宛若受到凌辱、被人隔离起来。
    The slogan served only to make me feel somewhat distracted, bullied, and alienated. I resolved to disobey.

  • 约翰:怎么回事,苏珊?你是不是因为我明天的行程而感到心神不定
    John: What is it, Susan? Are you upset about my trip tomorrow?

  • 我妈妈不久前病得很重,我必须照顾她。我还为她的手术而感到心神不定
    My mother was very ill; I had to attend to her. And I was worried about her operation.

  • 那条回家吃午饭时,我没有把这事告诉母亲。然而,母亲觉察到我心神不定
    I didn't tell my mother what had happened when I went home for lunch that day.

  • 阿猜狗呢,讨厌打呼噜,他一听呼噜猫打呼噜,就心神不定,连喷嚏也打不痛快。
    Arab League guesses the dog, has the snoring repugnantly, as soon as he listens to the snoring cat to have the snoring, is anxious, also hits including the sneeze not happily.

  • 卡罗尔:迈克,这是早饭,爸爸妈妈要多吃一点蛋白质,你弄的我心神不定的,我再去试试。
    Carol: Mike, it's a breakfast. Mum and dad need all the protein they can get. You're just making me nervous. I'll try again.

  • 当你心神不定、郁郁寡欢,我会帮你摆脱麻烦。当你感到快乐,让我分享甘甜。那就是友谊。
    When you're moody I can help you get your troubles off. when you're happy shared it with me. That's what friends are for.

  • 手指:某女切菜或刺绣时心神不定,伤了手指,自己吮指那叫令人同情,别人帮吮那是在调情。
    Finger:Distracted harmed finger when some female sliced vegetables or embroidery, oneself suck that call sympathize with the person, other people's helping to suck that be in the flirtation.

  • 珍妮可以有点心神不定。 像她的性格(雷切尔)。但她这么温暖和有趣。不可能不喜欢这个女孩子。
    Jennifer can be a little distracted. Like her Character (Rachel). But she's so warm and funny. It's impossible not to like this girl.

  • 但是不幸的是,肖恩·马里昂会对自己的合同尤其关注,作为球队的第三选择,心神不定不会是件好事情。
    But unfortunately, shone · horse Lyons will pay attention especially to own contract, will take the team the third choice, anxious will not be a good matter.

  • 在珂赛特无意中向马吕斯一望使他心神不定的那一时刻,马吕斯同样没料到他也有这样一望使珂赛特心神不定
    At that particular hour when Cosette unconsciously darted that glance which troubled Marius, Marius had no suspicion that he had also launched a look which disturbed Cosette.

  • 吃晚饭时,嘉莉有些心神不定,出走计划给她带来了沉重的思想压力,同时她深切地感到自己在这里不受欢迎。
    At dinner Carrie felt a little nervous. The strain of her own plans were considerable, and the feeling that she was not welcome here was strong.

  • 当他们真的决定走出网络。在现实中见面时。那份期待。那种心跳。那种心神不定。被两位演员演绎的出神入化!
    When they decided to walk out from the net and to meet up in the real life. That expectation. heart beating and unsureness was been acted by those two actor/actress.

  • 当他们真的决定走出网络,在现实中见面时,那份期待,那种心跳,那种心神不定,被两位演员演绎的出神入化!
    When they really made the decision to walk out of the internet and meet each other in reality, the two actors interpreted the expectation, the heartbeat and the uncertainty so majestically!

  • 一堆堆的人,使这心神不定的观察者联想到许多蜂窠,窠里全是些嗡嗡作响的妖魔,正在共同营造着各式各样的黑暗的楼阁。
    All these groups seem to the passing and thoughtful observer so many sombre hives where buzzing spirits construct in concert all sorts of dark edifices.

  • 如果你发现自己成了别人痛苦,无知,小气或心神不定的受害者的时候,请记住,情况可能会更糟。你也有可能会成为他们中的一个。
    Should you find yourself the victim of other people's bitterness, ignorance, smallness or in securities, remember, things could be worse. You could be one of them!

  • 心神不定造句相关
