
心猿意马  xīn yuán yì mǎ








  • ③哪儿都能见到心猿意马的人。
    Unfocused person can be seen everywhere.

  • 心猿意马、头脑的习性是四处游荡。
    It is the nature of the mind to roam about.

  • 在学习一样东西的时候,切不可心猿意马
    Never think of learning another subject while studying one thing.

  • 巨蟹座往往选择一种口味的巧克力就很少再心猿意马
    Cancers often choose one kind of taste in chocolate and rarely then change their minds.

  • 博客未能发力,心猿意马的网易便开始侧重于搜索的研发。
    It has poor achieving in Blog, NetEase began to search for other new field for profit.

  • 妙音是瑜伽行者心猿意马的门栓,应坚持练习谛听妙音的法门。
    Nada is the bolt of the stable door for the horse (the minds of the Yogis). A Yogi should determine to practice constantly in the hearing of the nada sounds.

  • 婚姻,是一辈子的事,不能再心猿意马,得定下心来,好好经营。
    Marriage is a lifetime thing, and we can no longer floating, to be excellent, good business.

  • 我的思绪心猿意马,约束不住,既然鼓声已停,音乐便也离我远去。
    My thoughts are spreading. The music is slipping away from me, now that the drums have ceased.

  • 心猿意马的边后卫加布里埃尔。海因策下周将在委员会上与曼联争论。
    Unsettled full-back Gabriel Heinze will take his dispute with Manchester United to a Premier League arbitration panel next week.

  • 我觉得考研最主要的还是一个心态的问题:三心二意、心猿意马、心浮气噪。
    I think the most important study section is a mentality of the problem: half-hearted, Xinyuanyima, Xinfu gas noise.

  • 当供求曲线还在心猿意马地上下移动时,我们趁机享受如梦初醒前错配的欢愉。
    When supply and demand curves are still Xinyuanyima to move up and down, we enjoy the opportunity to wake up before the mismatch of joy.

  • 心猿意马的他们,通过聆听西方摇滚歌曲学习英文,并在匮乏的资源里面费力寻找唱片。
    Xinyuanyima of them, listened to Western rock songs by learning English, and scarce resources inside effort to find records.

  • 但是他心猿意马,不能自持,他要问自己,难道主人殷勤接待就是世上最神圣的事物吗?
    He was now in imminent danger of asking himself if hospitality were the most sacred thing in the world .

  • 乱花渐欲迷人眼的楼盘展示会、立体平面面面俱到的广告轰炸,看买房的人们心猿意马
    Squandering is charming eyes to the real exhibition, three-dimensional, two-dimensional aspect of the advertising bombardment, watching people floating houses.

  • 人们都知道她们正在谈恋爱,当他唱起那支少女热恋水手的歌儿的时候,她总是快活的心猿意马
    Peopleknew that they were courting , and , when he sang about the lass that loves a sailor , she always felt pleasantly confused .

  • 不知所云式聆听:你确信正在谈论的主题超过了你的理解范围,于是你起身离开,至少心猿意马
    Over-My-Head2 Listening: You are convinced that the subject is beyond you, so you depart, at least in spirit.

  • 在开始时,你也许发现继续地数到十,有一点困难,而且你常常会心猿意马,一下子想起别的事来。
    At the beginning you may find it difficult to count continuously up to ten. Very often your mind will run away, and you will lose your concentration on counting.

  • 不知所云式聆听:你确信正在谈论的主题超过了你的理解范围,于是你起身离开,至少也是心猿意马
    Over-My-Head2 Listening: You are convinced that the subject is beyond you, so you depart, at least in spirit. You may be right.

  • 不知所云式聆听:你确信正在谈论的主题超过了你的理解范围,于是你起身离开,至少也是心猿意马
    Over-My-Head Listening: You are convinced that the subject is beyond you, so you depart, at least in spirit.

  • 不知所云式聆听:你确信正在谈论的主题超过了你的理解范围,于是你起身离去,至少也是心猿意马
    Over-My-Head Listening: You are convinced that the subject is beyond you, so you depart, at least spirit.

  • 不知所云式聆听:你确信正在谈论的主题超过了你的理解范围,于是你起身离开,至少也是心猿意马
    Over-My-Head2 Listening: You are convinced that the subject is beyond you, so you depart, at least in spirit.

  • 你不会因陈词滥调的观点而心猿意马,而是在阅读过程中思考着对于这部不错的小说自己将作何评断。
    Rather than allowing your body and mind to zone out to programmed messages, read and critically think about a good fiction story.

  • 这时你需要纸笔进行头脑风暴,即便在遇到障碍时灰心丧气,写下思路却能使你依然保持精神的集中而不至于心猿意马
    Break down roadblocks by brainstorming or planning on a piece of paper. Writing out your thought processes can keep you focused even if you might become frustrated.

  • 为师要你们去追,不是去追财神爷,而是追回你们的心猿意马,再现你的智慧,而不是用知识,这知识有时是会误导的啊!
    Holy Teacher does not want us to pursue the wealth but to pursue and bring our wandering heart back to show the wisdom instead of the knowledge, which may misguide us sometimes.

  • 因此他积极运作寻找买家,起先公司的老板们抵制了一阵,但是在法律诉讼,董事会心猿意马,以及他人的冷嘲热讽面前,它们退缩了-至少表面上让步了。
    Biogen Idec's bosses resisted at first, but in the face of lawsuits, boardroom manoeuvring and acrimonious attacks they relented—or so it seemed.

  • 我想换一个。如果你买了件蓝色的东西,后来改变主意,又喜欢红色的,没问题,你可以拿回商店换红色的。但是如果你一而再,再而三的心猿意马,小心了!
    If you buy something in blue and later decide that you really want it in red, you can return to the store and ask to exchange it for the new color.

  • 心猿意马造句相关
