
延年益寿  yán nián yì shòu








  • 这种自我按摩的目的是延年益寿
    This self-massage is aimed at promoting longevity.

  • 长期习练,可陶冶情操,延年益寿
    Take practice for a long time will prolong your life.

  • 我儿,你要听受我的言语,就必延年益寿
    Listen, my son, accept what I say, and the years of your life will be many.

  • 我儿、你要听受我的言语、就必延年益寿
    Hear, my son, and accept my sayings And the years of your life will be many.

  • 在她右边是延年益寿,在她左边是富贵荣华。
    With her right hand she offers you length of days, with her left, riches and glory.

  • 寻常人家奉为“长石”,预兆吉祥,延年益寿
    ordinary people as "long stone", an auspicious omen, and longevity.

  • 此绣片为京绣,图案是松鹤图,象征着延年益寿
    This is "Jing" embroidery with the design of "pine-crane", which symbolizes longevity.

  • 两件事情最延年益寿:可以安静的心和一个爱你的妻子。
    Two things prolong your life: A quiet heart and a loving wife.

  • 笑一笑,世界与你同笑。但笑的功效不止于此,还可以延年益寿
    Laugh and the world laughs with you. Even better, you might live longer.

  • 使你的身体年轻,刺激器官和腺体,提高活力,而且有延年益寿的作用。
    Bee pollen rejuvenates your body, stimulates organs and glands, enhances vitality, and brings about a longer life span.

  • 我发现,不论你年龄多大,散步有可能使你祛病强身,矫形正体,延年益寿
    I found that it is possible to walk your way to better health, a trimmer body and a long life ----no matter what your age.

  • 知道哪个方面最需要改善,哪些已经处于健康的状态对延年益寿是至关重要的。
    Knowing which areas need the most improvement and which are already healthy is the key to increasing your life span.

  • 意大利研究人员称适量饮酒可延年益寿,而过量则相反。这一研究结果来得正是时候。
    This couldn't have come at a better time. Researchers in Italy say moderate drinking may lengthen your life, while too much may shorten it.

  • 适当而满意的性生活可以延年益寿、使心情舒畅、情绪稳定、消除孤独、增强生活的信心。
    A healthy and satisfying sex life can prolong longevity, ease the mind, create emotional stability, eliminate loneliness, and increase confidence in other areas of life.

  • 红酒似乎可以保护心脏并延年益寿。现在一项新的研究表明,红酒还可能是对付肥胖的武器。
    Red wine appears to protect the heart and prolong life. Now a new study suggests it may also be a weapon against obesity.

  • 保健按摩不论过去、现在,还是将来,对于人们在强身健体,延年益寿方面,都有很大作用。
    Health Massage for the past, present, or in the future, for people in physical fitness, longevity, there has been very useful.

  • 是典型现代人追求的绿色健康食品,经常食用可起到强筋壮骨,补骨强心,延年益寿之功效。
    By taking the beef frequently, you can get the efficacy of strengthening sinews and bones and prolonging the life.

  • 长期坚持打网球,青年人能保持青春活力和健美体态,老年人能保持旺盛的精力并延年益寿
    The long term practice tennis can make young people keep their youthful vigor and healthy and graceful body shapes. It can make the elderly keep their vigorous energy and prolong their lives.

  • 现代科学证明,茯苓有增强免疫、强身健体、抵抗衰老和防癌美容之功效,长期食用可延年益寿
    Modern science proves that Poria Cocos improves our immune functions, enhances our body and resists aging and regularly taking can prevent cancer and bring a cosmetic effect and a longer life.

  • 蜂蜜含有丰富的维化命B群和泛酸,具有还老返童延年益寿的功用,加热会破坏这个抑制杀菌的作用。
    Honey is a rich source of vitamin B and pantothenic acid, which has some rejuvenating properties. Heating up honey destroys its antibacterial qualities.

  • 服食辟谷术是道门中人追求延年益寿的一种重要的炼养方术,与现代医学的科学控制饮食的思想相吻合。
    "Fushi Pigu" is the important practice method of taoist priests expecting longevity, and it tallies with the thought of modern medicine about controlling diet scientifically.

  • 并对中医学说中利用五行的相生相克,促进人体机能的健康发展,达到延年益寿的目的起到了重要作用。
    Using Wuxing Theory for reference, Chinese medicine helps promote the healthy development of the human body and promise human longevity.

  • 棒蘑、元蘑故有“长生不老、延年益寿”之功能、经常食用可提高人体免疫力、并具有美容、益色之功能。
    It functions in prolonging life and is good for beauty care and coloring. It improves human's immune system if served frequently.

  • 样当然能够帮助我们舒缓压力,而且一些研究表明,这样还能降低患上心血管疾病的风险,使得我们延年益寿
    It certainly helps to relieve stress and, some studies suggest, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and might extend life spans.

  • 通过研究,还通过从事家庭保健医生工作中的临床观察,我发现,无论年龄大小,散步都能健身瘦身,延年益寿
    From this research, and my clinical observations as a family physician, I found that it is possible to walk your way to better health, a trimmer body and a longer life -- no matter what your age.

  • 尊重父母,这是我——主,你们的上帝——的旨意;这样,你们在我赐予你们的土地上便会万事如意,延年益寿
    Respect your father and your mother, as I, the Lord your God, command you, so that all may go well with you and so that you may live a long time in the land that I am giving you.

  • 史玉柱看到,即是平时这些不在乎饮食营养的群体,其实在深层意识中,对于强身健体和延年益寿有着特别强烈的追求。
    Shi Yuzhu see, that is, they usually do not care about the diet group, in fact, in the sense of deep, fit and healthy for the longevity and has a particularly strong pursuit.

  • 理论上而言,抗氧化维生素或许会重现限食的部分效果,然而截至目前的实验证据显示,抗氧化维生素恐怕是无法延年益寿
    In theory, antioxidant vitamins might fit that bill. Research conducted to date, however, indicates that this particular intervention probably will not extend longevity.

  • 而这种思想的来源则可远溯自古代印度教某些教徒所深信的——“在交媾当中男性若能保持精液不漏失,就能增强性爱快感并且延年益寿”。
    The idea goes back to the ancient Hindus who believed that the retention of semen during intercourse increased sexual pleasure and made men live longer.

  • 还是仅仅超重了那么一点点?无论答案如何,阿金博士的职业生涯都是给现代营销的威力作了个很好的注脚,却未能宏扬自己的延年益寿之术。
    Whatever the answer, the doctor's career is a more powerful tribute to the power of modern marketing than to the capacity of his nostrums to prolong life.

  • 延年益寿造句相关
