
并行不悖  bìng xíng bù bèi








  • 为何高油价与经济高增长并行不悖?
    Why do High Oil Prices Accompany Strong Economic Growth?

  • 创新和创业真的是并行不悖的。
    Innovation and entrepreneurship really go hand in hand.

  • 这两个原因是并行不悖、相辅相成的。
    These two reasons are compatible, complement one another.

  • 所形成的基本特征是:发展与控制并行不悖
    Therefore, the basic characters developed are: to develop and control parallelly with no conflicts;

  • 然而,的确有一种方法可以使燃煤和保护气候并行不悖
    There does, however, seem to be a way of reconciling coal and climate.

  • 脑海中充斥的这种种并行不悖的情况带来的是一种幸福感。
    A sense of well-being comes with this saturation of parallel pathways in the brain.

  • 今天各种分行网,联营行号或代理银行同时存在,并行不悖
    Today the various networks of branches, joint ventures, and correspondent banks exist peacefully.

  • 他在功利与自由之间设置了一个很好的张力,使二者并行不悖
    He sets a good tension between utility and liberty, which enables the two to coexist without going against one another.

  • 在拆与建之间,有没有一个并行不悖的方案,有没有一个结合点?
    In between demolition and construction, have a parallel programme, has one of the points?

  • 另一个巨型企业「耐吉」就证明了成长和原真性是可以并行不悖的。
    Another colossus, Nike, has demonstrated that growth and authenticity can be compatible.

  • 极端的二元性并行不悖,宁静的日和动感的夜二者合一成为城市名片。
    These polar opposites create a dual identity for the development, one that is serene by day and dynamic by night.

  • 由此可确定“入世”后的我国,应是市场开放和维护市场秩序并行不悖
    So after China's entry into the WTO, the open-up of market and maintenance of the market mechanism are not contradictory.

  • 但同时,当日本对外侵略扩张时,又能与其“军国主义”思想并行不悖
    However, when Japan pursued the policy of aggression and expansion, these two principles did not seem to come into conflict with its militarism.

  • 鲍恩认为穆斯林的价值观与法兰西世俗主义观点可以并行不悖的和谐发展。
    Mr Bowen thinks that Muslim values and French secularism could be compatible.

  • 发展中欧关系与推进中国的民主政治建设是中国并行不悖的两大政策目标。
    Developing Sino-European relations and promoting Chinese democracy construction are two policy goals that do not interfere on each other.

  • 讲得明白些,就是中国和美国同意有必要执行并行不悖的政策维持世界的均衡。
    In plain language, China and the United States agreed on the need for parallel policies toward the world balance of power.

  • 然而,欧洲的经历实际上展示的却是相反的一面:社会正义和经济发展可以并行不悖
    But what European experience actually demonstrates is the opposite: social justice and progress can go hand in hand.

  • 手工制作和数码技术可以并行不悖,两者甚至可以结合起来创造出有自己特色的东西。
    We think that analogue and digital methods can co-exist and that they can even mix and create something of their own.

  • 通过分析两个效益的辩证关系认为,医院坚持社会效益首位原则与重视经济效益并行不悖
    We considered that the relationship between social benefit and economic benefit was dialectic for hospital.

  • 如果你想坚持经商与正义是并行不悖的概念,你就需要以持续、公开与可以检验的方法来证明。
    If you want to make the assertion that commerce and justice are not divorceable notions, then you need to demonstrate that in a constant, open and inspect-able way.

  • 意识到弗里德曼有关全球化的观点和马克思的历史理论并行不悖,这受到人们的欢迎,十分有用。
    This acknowledgment of the parallels between his view of globalization and Marx\\'s theory of history is welcome and useful.

  • 其次,作为国家管理经济事物的方法或手段,“放任主义”与“干涉主义”又被并行不悖地统一起来。
    Secondly, as the method or means for the state to administrate economic activities, the "Laissez faire" and "Interventionism" are consolidated in parallel.

  • 马来西亚国家石油公司的唯一股东是总理办公室,所以,Hassan说该公司与国家建设并行不悖
    Petronas's sole shareholder is the office of the prime minister, and the firm, says Mr Hassan, is "aligned to nation-building".

  • 虽然在表面上存在差异,但实质上它们在政治上融汇互补,并行不悖,奠定了整个封建社会道德政治的理论基础。
    Though there are some ostensible differences, they are essentially complimentary in politics which laid the theoretical foundation for the moral politics of feudalist society.

  • 以这种方式,戒律滋养的不仅仅是健康的个体,而且也滋养着一个健康的社会——一个自尊与互敬并行不悖的社会。
    In this way the precepts foster not only healthy individuals, but also a healthy society — a society in which the self-respect and mutual respect are not at odds.

  • 以这种方式,戒律滋养的不仅仅是健康的个体,而且也滋养著一个健康的社会——一个自尊与互敬并行不悖的社会。
    In this way the precepts foster not only healthy individuals, but also a healthy society — a society in which the self-respect and mutual respect are not at odds.

  • 到本日为止,仍无法得出一个不合明的结论,此刻的不软包行业,刚印和瘪印为两栽并行不悖的制卡和会员卡制作工艺。
    To date, is still unable to draw a definite conclusion, now of industry, flexographic printing and gravure printing for both departure business card printing and membership card processing technology.

  • 这条著名的评论,似乎证明爱因斯坦认为科学和宗教是并行不悖的,并且经常被那些宣称爱因斯坦是宗教门徒的人所引用。
    This famous remark seems to suggest that Einstein thought that science and religion were compatible and is often quoted by those who want to claim Einstein for the religious lobby.

  • 不是那些分道扬镳的、并行不悖的、最终汇合的军队的躁动,而是一种更难掌握、更隐秘的、已由那些军队预先展示的激动。
    It was not the pullulation of two divergent, parallel, and finally converging armies, but an agitation more inaccessible, more intimate, prefigured by them in some way.

  • 人们一般都认为亚健康是非健康非疾病的中间状态;但有些学者却强调亚健康也是疾病。其实这二种提法并行不悖。因为日常生活中“病”的概念非常广泛,人们有时从“症”论病;
    Generally, people believe that Sub-health is between the states of non-health and non disease, but some scholars emphasize that Sub-health is also a kind of disease.

  • 并行不悖造句相关
