
干将莫邪  gān jiàng mò yé







  • 人们把其中一把叫做干将,另一把叫做莫邪
    People called them a go-getters, and the other is called the moye.

  • 干将死后不久,莫邪生了一个男孩,取名赤鼻。
    shortly after the death of go-getters, moye birth to a boy, named the red nose.

  • 这时,干将的妻子莫邪快生孩子了,这使干将更加愁眉苦脸。
    At this time, Gan Jiang's wife, children moye fast, which makes more go-getters from the facial expression.

  • 到京城交剑的日子到了,干将莫邪说:“我这一去肯定回不来了。
    Beijing to cross swords in the day, on moye Gan said: "I am sure that no return to the."

  • 干将莫邪在各种文学样式中也被作为典故来使用,作为利剑代称、形容才华横溢、表达爱情坚贞等。
    Gan Jiang and Mo Ye is also used as a Literary quotation, meaning sharp swords, full of wits, expressing firm love, etc.

  • 干将莫邪传说至晚于唐代从吴越地区经海路传入日本,被重新演绎,同时对日本文学文化产生了较大影响。
    Gan Jiang and Mo Ye story was introduced into Japan in Tang dynasty by sea from Wu in China at latest, and was re-deducted and had deeply impressed Japan's literature.

  • 正当我国大部份地区还处在青铜器时代,吴国因为铸铁、铸剑而出名,出现了欧治子、干将莫邪等著名铁匠。
    Due in most parts of our country is still in the Bronze Age, Wu cast iron because, swords and well-known, appeared in Europe and sub-rule, go-getters, moye, and other well-known blacksmith.

  • 干将莫邪造句相关
