
居心叵测  jū xīn pǒ cè







  • 他这一手是个居心叵测的大阴谋。
    This manoeuvre of his is a diabolical conspiracy.

  • 我甚至怀疑他的帮助是居心叵测
    I even suspected that his efforts to help might be downright dangerous.

  • 他这一手是个居心叵测的大阴谋。
    of his is a diabolical conspiracy.

  • 他对我阿谀奉承,是居心叵测
    It is disingenuous of him to flatter me.

  • 居心叵测,因为他出卖了他最好的朋友。
    He is a snake in the grass because he sold his best friend down the river.

  • 居心叵测,因为他出卖了他最好的朋友。
    because he sold his best friend down the river.

  • 但是,欧洲的竞争对手们朝气蓬勃、居心叵测
    But Europe's rivals are young and hungry.

  • 后来他逐渐知道她让他做这些事是多么的居心叵测啊。
    Later, he came to know her ill intention of letting him do all this.

  • 现在我可看清了,你是个冷酷无情,居心叵测的家伙。
    Now I see that you are callous and treacherous.

  • 但是如果有人企图阻止我们交朋友,那他肯定是居心叵测
    But if someone wants to stop us from making friends, one must have a poisoned heart.

  • 我在这里明确地声明:这个谣言纯系居心叵测的亲戚恶意捏造。
    I expressly declare here and now that this rumor was simply the invention of evil-minded relations.

  • 中国改革开放30年带来的“发展和成功”,被西方居心叵测者诬为“威胁”。
    China's reform and opening up 30 years brought about by the "growth and success", was morally suspect in the West who slandered "the threat.

  • 你很善良,可人们还是有可能中伤你说你自私,居心叵测,无论如何,还是善良一点吧。
    If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway.

  • 那些居心叵测的人会说拜纳姆回来后会和球队发生化学反应吗?拜纳姆会100%康复吗?
    The only thing Laker haters are saying is when Andrew Bynum comes back it might ruin the chemistry, or Bynum might not be 100%.

  • ‘杰克总能高瞻远瞩,未雨绸缪,这一点我早就心服口服了。’莉莉居心叵测地夸奖杰克。
    'Jack is always far-sighted. I knew that when I was with him. ' Lily praises deliberately.

  • 面对复杂的国际形势,面对许多居心叵测的对手,中国应该冷静,不要陷入对手的“圈套”!
    In the face of complex international situation, in the face of many opponents of the morally suspect, China should be calm and not to fall into the opponent's "trap"!

  • 谣言四起,以至于警长怀疑史蒂夫居心叵测,想把病毒传染给镇上的居民,想拖几个人为他陪葬。
    Rumors everywhere, even suspected of Sergeant Steve harbor evil designs, trying to spread the virus to the town's residents, few people want to drag his funerary.

  • 以爱情之名让一条鱼忘记游泳…对现代女性而言,<<海的女儿>>这种童话居心叵测且严重过时。
    A fish forgetting how to swim in the name of love?…For a modern woman, fairy tales like "Daughter of the Sea" are full of sinister implications and seriously outdated.

  • 慈善制度的不健全,慈善缺乏法律保障,有人好心没办好事,有人是居心叵测,这是中国慈善的悲哀。
    Charity is not a sound system, the lack of legal protection charity, it was not good and good things, some people are dubious that this is China's sorrow charity.

  • 揭示了控告居心叵测的本质,我确信如果我是来自一个不同的背景,并且真的被解雇的话,我将一次次发现罪恶。
    Given the obscure nature of the charge, I feel sure that if I had come from a different background, and had really been unemployed, there is every chance that I would have been found guilty.

  • 某些居心叵测的政客们只知道挖空心思为“西藏独立”制造理论依据,却没有想到使他们自己陷入了自相矛盾的境地。
    Some ill-intentioned politicians , racking their brains to fabricate a theoretical justification for "Tibet independence", Is unaware that they have landed themselves in self-contradiction.

  • 辩论时他既不刻薄也不狭隘,不贪图不义之利,不把人身攻击或尖刻的措辞误认为争论,也不会居心叵测却不敢直言。
    He is never mean or little in his disputes, never takes unfair advantage, never mistakes personalities or sharp sayings for arguments, or insinuates evil which he dare not say out.

  • 她目前依然下落不明,但至少留下了两个著名的弟子——一个叫弗林特的年轻人和居心叵测的皇家卫队成员卡诺尔·贾克斯。
    Her current whereabouts are unknown, but she did leave behind a legacy of at least two pupils -- a young man named Flint and a treacherous Royal Guard named Carnor Jax.

  • 莱特曼承认存在两个泰勒,他写道:“有一个热情、脆弱、矛盾、理想主义的泰勒,还有一个发狂、危险、居心叵测的泰勒。”
    He writes, "There is a warm, vulnerable, honestly conflicted, idealistic Teller, and there is a maniacal, dangerous, and devious Teller."

  • 过去5年来,它居心叵测地为这一借口进行着准备,通过在南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹非法签发护照,“制造”供其保护的俄罗斯公民。
    Over the past five years it cynically laid the groundwork for this pretence, by illegally distributing passports in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, "manufacturing" Russian citizens to protect.

  • 如果一个居心叵测的黑客够聪明的话,他就会躲开追踪的视线而隐藏自己的踪迹,而调查的结果只会显示攻击行为来自一个匿名帐号。
    If a malicious hacker is clever enough, he might be able to conceal his footsteps from prying eyes and an investigation might reveal only that the attack originated at an anonymous account.

  • 一个极端的选举人——或是一个因为互相摸黑的政治辩论而不再理睬任何一党的选举人——都很容易被对政府居心叵测的人危险人物所利用。
    a polarized electorate—or one that easily dismisses both parties because of the nasty, dishonest tone of the debate—works perfectly well for those who seek to chip away at the very idea of government.

  • 在全球科学界,美国的减排承诺被视为至关重要,因美国碳排放量约占全球总排放量的五分之一,但对于美国部分保守派人士来说,这些都是居心叵测的言论。
    In global scientific circles, that is seen as vital as America accounts for around a fifth of global emissions. But for some conservative U. S. activists it all seems sinister.

  • 我在准备扣扳机时,心里涌起一阵伤感:是本能驱使蛇来到我的住处以便寻找一个冬眠的地方,它们并不是居心叵测,没有想把我和我的妻子置于危险境地的恶念。
    As I pulled the trigger, I was feeling sad. Instinct had driven the snake into my house to seek a place to hibernate. It wasn't moved by malice or design to put me and mine in danger.

  • 在法律体系内,法官自由裁量是司法正义的工具,其不仅容易被居心叵测的法官滥用,而且由于滥用已经遭到社会各界的批评,如何预防和拉制法官自由裁量权滥用自然为法学界和实务界所关注。
    In legal system, the right of judgement is the tool of justice, which not only can be easily misused by the judge with bad temptation, but also meets much criticism from the society.

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