
姑息养奸  gū xī yǎng jiān








  • 这个国家的领导人不得不承认一直在姑息养奸,那个人是间谍。
    The leader of the country has to admit that he has been nursing a viper in his bosom___that man is a spy.

  • 慈悲为怀是对的,但如果放纵歹徒姑息养奸,就是「错误」的。
    It is right to be compassionate; it is wrong to coddle the wicked.

  • 她是姑息养奸。她的好友露西算计了她。露西先是勾引了她的丈夫而后又陷害她。
    B:She nursed a viper in her bosom. Her best friend Lucy framed her in. Lucy first seduced her husband and then trapped her.

  • 免疫系统有时会反应迟钝或姑息养奸,譬如在面对癌症或呼吸道融合性病毒感染时;
    The immune system is sometimes too slow or complacent in its reaction—for example, to cancers or to infection by respiratory syncytial virus.

  • 她是姑息养奸。她最好的朋友露西陷害了她。露西先是引诱了她丈夫,然二栽赃给她。
    She nursed a viper in her bosom. Her best friend Lucy framed her in. Lucy first seduced her husband and then trapped her.

  • 波纳先生指责PhRMA游说团支持巴拉克奥巴马医疗改革计划的决定是在“姑息养奸”。
    Mr Boehner denounced as "appeasement" the lobby's decision to support Barack Obama's plans for health-care reform.

  • 她是姑息养奸。她的好友露西算计了她。露西先是勾引了她的丈夫而后又陷害她。英语习语集锦(一)
    She nursed a viper in her bosom. Her best friend Lucy framed her in. Lucy first seduced her husband and then trapped her.

  • 姑息养奸造句相关
