
如醉如痴  rú zuì rú chī








  • 歌唱家优美的歌声令听众如醉如痴
    The singer's beautiful voice enraptured the audience.

  • 马戏团的表演让孩子们看得如醉如痴
    The circus performance totally entranced the kids.

  • 一整天,珂赛特都处在如醉如痴的状态中。
    All day long, Cosette remained in a sort of bewilderment.

  • 恋爱可以使人如醉如痴,恋爱是有季节性的。
    Love can give people mesmerized, love is seasonal in nature.

  • 至于女人,他已经一度如醉如痴,堕入过情网。
    As to women, he had once already been drawn headlong by impetuous folly.

  • 有的叔叔还边跳边饮酒,如醉如痴,通宵达旦。
    Some of his uncle while also jump while drinking, all night long.

  • 于是,我只好用美丽的谎言敷哄我如醉如痴的思念;
    So I had to coax deposited with beautiful lies mesmerized my thoughts;

  • 那么一来,太太便有事可做了,如醉如痴地管理现钱。
    Then his wife busies herself, grows passionately fond of handling coin.

  • 我当时真是读的如醉如痴,不知道为什么它这么吸引我。
    Be sure to eat crepes while reading it. I don't know why,   it just works.

  • 如醉如痴的听众似乎对他所说的每一个字都凝神倾听。
    His enrapt audience seemed to hang on every word he said.

  • 她的优雅风度比她的美貌更使埃及人如醉如痴,五体投地。
    The Egyptian was intoxicated and subdued by her grace even more than by her beauty.

  • “鱼在天上游,鸟在水底飞”的奇幻景象,使人如醉如痴
    "Fish in the upper reaches of days, the birds fly in the bottom" of the fantasy scenes, people Ruzuiruchi.

  • 不会有女学生如醉如痴地排长队等着看“他”最近的电影。
    There is no queue of schoolgirls swooning over his latest film.

  • 如醉如痴。接着,他似乎从高山上跌入了满是人群的峡谷之中。
    He felt drunk, then as though he had come down from a high hill into a valley of people.

  • 老爷如醉如痴地欣赏他心爱的侄女那种双眼饱含泪水的认真神情。
    The massa's eyes drank in the wet-eyed earnestness of his beloved niece.

  • 我弹钢琴弹得很不错,所以每当我弹完一首曲子,我都会如醉如痴
    I play the piano well, so I would be in ecstasies once I finished a melody.

  • 她一面想过这些事情,一面看她母亲坐在那里,沉默,憔悴,如醉如痴
    She thought this over as she looked at her mother sitting there so silent, haggard, and distraught.

  • 他对流行音乐的爱好一开始只是为了放松自己,到后来可以说是如醉如痴
    He a fondness for pop music a the beginning is just for relaxing the oneself, arrive afterwards could be if inebriate such as 痴 .

  • 道林·格雷正把脸埋在大而清凉的丁香花丛里,如醉如痴地摄入花儿的芬芳。
    Dorian Gray was burying his face in the great cool lilac-blossoms and feverishly drinking in their perfume.

  • 他就一直如醉如痴地盯住了她看,用约翰·巴顿的话来说,连一点“神气”也没有了。
    He watched her too closely, and too anxiously, to have much of what John Barton called " spunk " in him.

  • 那时,天台山不仅是绿色王国,也是花的海洋,登其山者,无不心旷神怡如醉如痴
    At that time, the Kingdom of Tiantai Mountain is not only green, but also spent the oceans, its mountain boarding, and all its refreshing, dream.

  • 一树树槐花,在暮春暖融融的阳光下,开得丛丛簇簇、如醉如痴,向空中散溢着醉人的清香。
    Sophorae tree a tree, nice and warm in the sun in late spring, opened scattered into the air intoxicating fragrance.

  • 这么一来,外国人就能够对我们的美味佳肴有所认识,在食髓知味之际,便会对之如醉如痴
    This would allow foreigners to learn about our gourmet offerings before they could appreciate and be nuts about them.

  • 她忘却了尸骨未寒的真实的爱德华,回忆着使她爱得如醉如痴的那个高挑个儿的健壮的年轻人。
    Forgetting the real Edward who had just died, she remembered the tall strong youth who had made her faint with love.

  • 我的快乐的眼睛老是盯着它;而且我老是坐在那里不动,一百二十分的踌躇满志,高兴得简直如醉如痴
    My happy eye was upon it always, and I sat motionless, steeped in satisfaction, drunk with enjoyment.

  • 我发疯般地迷上了书,读起书来废寝忘食,飘飘欲仙,如醉如痴。书籍开启了我人生中第一扇智慧之窗。
    I am fascinated by the book like crazy, reading from the book to sleepless nights, carried away . book opens the door to my life, the wisdom of the first window.

  • 他又笑又叫,又唱又跳,好象过节似的兴高采烈如醉如痴,直闹到眼睛睁不开来,安安静静地进入了睡乡。
    He laughed, sang, shuffled and shouted in a festival of inebriated ecstasy until he could no longer keep awake and receded peacefully into slumber.

  • 在你面前,我的表演为什么酣畅得淋漓尽致?我的歌喉为什么嘹亮得如醉如痴?灯光下,有没有留下我美丽的倩影?
    In front of you, why is my performance incisively and vividly merry ? Why is my voice clear and loud in ecstasiesly? Under the light, my beautiful such shadow has stayed ?

  • 音乐是一种道德律,它使宇宙有了魂魄,心灵有了翅膀,想像得以飞翔,使忧伤与欢乐有如醉如痴的力量,使一切事物有了生命;
    Music is a moral law. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the minds, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gayety and life to everything.

  • 我的儿子曾经对美式足球明星维克(MichaelVick)的神勇表现崇拜得如醉如痴,但在得知维克的很多性格缺陷后显得非常失望。
    My son, enthralled as a child by the breathtaking play of NFL star Michael Vick, was deeply disappointed after learning of his many character flaws.

  • 如醉如痴造句相关
