
好自为之  hǎo zì wéi zhī







  • 你的一句好自为之让我真的难过。
    Your a good look out for themselves so I am really sorry.

  • 从现在起,请你好自为之
    From now on, please behave yourself.

  • 给你两个星期,你有点正型(好自为之)。
    You've got two weeks to shape up.

  • 所以不想和你骂来骂去,但请你好自为之
    So you do not want to and the ones to criticize, but please be careful!

  • 有的投资比较被动,只寄希望于中国的银行能“好自为之”。
    Some have invested passively, praying that the Chinese banks manage themselves well.

  • 可这小裁缝并不泄气,说他已拿定了主意,且会好自为之的。
    But the little tailor not discouraged, said he has decided, and will take care of yourself.

  • 有的投资比较被动,只寄希望于中国的银行能“好自为之“。
    Some have invested passively, praying that the Chinese banks manage themselves well.

  • 但愿你会好自为之吧。(直译:但愿你清楚你现在在干嘛!)
    I hope you know what you get yourself into.

  • 这个世界,有些人是支持你的,有些人只是想看你的笑话,请你好自为之
    In this world, some people support you, some people just want to make fun of you. Please putting best into it .

  • 这个世界,有些人是支持你的,有些人只是想看你的笑话,请你好自为之
    In today's world , some are always ready to raise you up , while others are deliberately meant to get you down . Just take care!

  • 这个世界,有些人是支持你的,有些人只是想看你的笑话,请你好自为之
    On this world, someone supports you while the others just want to see your failure. Please take care of yourself.

  • 名誉的发扬,比河流,越散布越广,所以美名、恶名,全在自己好自为之
    Reputation spreads like a river flowing far and wide. A person's reputation, good or bad, is entirely his own creation.

  • 求你今日光照我们,这一天是你放在我们手中的,我们必须好自为之,在日常工作中找到乐趣。
    Never put your hand in front of the circumstances and say - I am going to be my own providence here, I must watch this, and guard that.

  • 自己只要不败,那就得很了,对手败不败.并没有太大关系,他如不好自为之,迟早会败的;
    As long as I myself am not defeated, it does not really matter whether my opponent loses. If he does not handle himself well, he will eventually be defeated.

  • 今年早些时候,她的《乔治亚法则》的制作人发出的告诉她好自为之的书面警告在新闻界到处流传。
    Earlier this year, a written warning telling her to shape up from her producer in Georgia Rules was circulated in the press.

  • 仲天骐:吧,你说得对,我们两个什么关系都不是,我心劝你,你不听,从此以后你的事跟我无关,你好自为之
    Vernon zhong: Ok, you are right. We are of none business. I suggest you kindly, but you don't listened. You have no business with me from now on, please behave yourself.

  • 今天心情比较,因为曼联拿到了冠军!所以不想和你骂来骂去,但请你好自为之!这种无聊头顶的问题不用再重复了。
    Feeling better today, as Manchester United get the championship! So you do not want to and the ones to criticize, but please be careful! Head of this senseless, needless repetition.

  • 不久,汉堡包盒子上将标明:”警告:摄入含油脂过多及大量盐份的食物可能有害于您的身体健康,进膳危险,请好自为之
    Soon, there may be signs on hamburger boxes: "WARNING: Ingestion of foods dripping with grease and loaded with salt may be hazardous to your health. Eat at your own risk. ""

  • 不过偶这译得太啦。你那个于师可能一下子就能看得出不是出自你手的哦。唉。你还是自己好自为之学习为上呀!!!
    I hope that in the division will be able to understand me and give me one last chance! I will make good use of this!

  • 好自为之造句相关
