
大功告成  dà gōng gào chéng








  • 那个重大计划终于大功告成了。
    The big project finally came off with honors.

  • “现在再一下就大功告成了,”她说。
    "And now for the final touch, " she said.

  • 辛苦了一天,总算大功告成
    After a hard day's work, we've got the results!

  • 多谢楼主发好片!恭喜楼主大功告成
    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful series.

  • 木偶现在算是大功告成
    Now, the puppet was finished.

  • 如今既已大功告成,祂可以回到父那里去了。
    He could go home to the Father with everything finalised.

  • 半文零用钱也不给孩子,不是就庶几大功告成了吗?
    Wen and a half or pocket money to children, so as not to complete it?

  • 乔蒂:我只要挂上这些长袜,然后我们就大功告成了。
    Jodi: I just need to hang these stockings. Then we'll be finished.

  • 加ㄧ些盐跟胡椒粉尝尝,洒一些芝麻子上去就大功告成
    Season to taste with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

  • 做糙米的时候直接加入辣椒再放入焗炉中就大功告成了。
    Put some spices on something and throw it in the oven while you cook some brown rice.

  • 只要加入冰激凌,你最喜欢的冰激凌圣代就大功告成了。
    Just add ice cream and your favorite ice-cream sundae toppings.

  • 公司老板常说,只要把中期款和尾款如数收回就算大功告成
    Company bosses often said that as long as the medium-term recovery, and feel even less success.

  • 拉米说,多哈回合谈判有希望在2010年某个时候大功告成
    Lamy said he is hopeful the round could be concluded some time in 2010.

  • 他们付出了不少心血,使机场铁路计划得以大功告成,成绩斐然。
    Ladies and gentlemen, let me take this opportunity to congratulate the Mass Transit Railway Corporation and all who have contributed to make the Airport Railway project such a huge success.

  • 拿出精美的糖纸给一块块巧克力穿上“衣服”,一切就大功告成了!
    Bring out some nice sweet wrappers to put "clothes" on each piece of chocolate, and your creation is complete!

  • 我们本来以为永远也完成不了这项工作了,可现在我们知道即将大功告成
    We thought we should never finish this work; but now we can see daylight.

  • 大功告成,最后还有一些办法可以让画面看上去有更多地细节和更好的效果。
    When you finished your work, you can add some flavorings at last. They will give you more details and make your image real.

  • 可是正当大功告成要松一口气的时候,她却发现二者的美于同时间消失殆尽。
    But due to a breathing spell success when she found both on the same time the U. S. completely gone.

  • 武汉市政府和湖北省政府先后介入,以为将要大功告成时,东星却又不卖了。
    Wuhan Municipal Government and the Hubei Provincial Government has to intervene, that will be done, the East stars but not sold.

  • 他们下拉到一个平台上底部的5。25 -在。海湾和您可以检索他们时,你就大功告成了。
    They drop down to a platform at the bottom of the 5. 25-in. bays and you can retrieve them when you're done.

  • 用刀切开,注意,每切一次,要用水或把刀擦一下,因为米饭会粘,会沾在刀上的。呵呵,大功告成
    Slice the sushi, attention, wash your knife everytime after you cut it because the rice will stick on your knife. Well, mission completed!

  • 愿你体会到生活生活赐予的所有美好感觉——美梦成真的快乐,努力有所值的欢欣,以及大功告成的满足。
    May you experience all the good things in life---the happiness of realizing your dreams , the joy of feeling worthwhile , and the satisfaction of knowing you've succeeded.

  • 不管怎么说,假设一下,2007年他26岁了,假设他是作为让曼联新踢法大功告成的完美签约而来到老特拉福德。
    Suppose, however, he had been a 26-year-old in 2007, arriving at Old Trafford as the perfect signing to complete United's new approach.

  • 我们只需要做一些细节处理,新的豪华度假酒店就能大功告成,比如在大堂里放置一架大钢琴,在每间客房放几束鲜花。
    EXAMPLE: To complete the luxurious new resort hotel, all that was needed were a few finishing touches such as a grand piano in the lobby and bouquets of fresh flowers in each guest's room.

  • 永远没有大功告成之时。英格拉西亚说,他常对自己的团队成员说,在并购合约上进行的95%的磋商是为了最后结果中的5%。
    The Work Is Never Done: Ingrassia said he used to tell his team that 95% of negotiating an M&A contract was to prepare for 5% of the outcomes.

  • 当经历感受过那种事业大功告成的美好之后,(接下来)会发生什么呢?你会变得期待做的更多些,那样可以再次营造那种美好的感受。
    What happens when you've just experienced how good it feels to get something done? You become eager to do more, so you can create that great feeling again.

  • 学习物理学时,学生要学习由少数几条规律支配的很多简单的系统,并能得出精确的答案,只要一页纸或差不多的样子就可以大功告成
    When students learn physics, they are taught about many simple systems that bow to the power of a few laws, yielding wonderfully precise answers: a page or so of equations and you're done.

  • 挖好洞的雄蛙好不容易松口气:「总算大功告成」!(中)筑好洞,鼓起喉咙鸣叫,好为家找个女主人。(下)台北树蛙交配、产卵前,雌蛙会先踢出泡沫。
    A male frog that has just finished digging his hole tries it out for size. (Midist) Hole completed, he croaks to attract a mate. (Below)In mating, a female beats her secretions into foam.

  • 然后急急忙忙地飞回去,照着王宫的样子用蜂蜡建造了一个皇宫模型,建造的速度如此之快,竟让人以为是从地底下冒出来的一般,天黑之前,已经是大功告成了。
    Then they hurried back and modeled the palace in wax with such rapidity that any one looking on would have thought it was growing before his eyes.

  • 爬山虎的“脚”就像吸盘一样紧紧地趴在石缝中,使劲趴在墙上,不容易被风吹倒,然后再向外延伸。种爬山虎的人,只要把爬山虎的“脚”放在石缝或裂缝中,再浇些水,就大功告成了。
    Parthenocissus tricuspidata "feet" like a sucker, like lying in the crevice in tightly, straining lie on the wall, is not easy to wind down, and then extend outward.

  • 大功告成造句相关
