
声名狼藉  shēng míng láng jí








  • 该国议会在百姓心目中已是声名狼藉
    The Parliament was in bad odour among the people.

  • 他因不诚实而声名狼藉
    He has a bad name on account of his dishonesty.

  • 这家公司近几年来已是声名狼藉
    The company has fallen into disrepute in recent years.

  • 嘲笑一个声名狼藉的名人是幼稚的行为。
    It's naive for a person to scoff at an infamous celebrity.

  • 组织才能“办公室政治”已经声名狼藉
    Organizational Savvy "Office politics" has got a bad name.

  • 他因犯罪而声名狼藉
    His crimes earned him considerable notoriety.

  • 但是他已经声名狼藉,并且被财政问题困扰。
    But his reputation was in tatters, and he struggled with financial problems.

  • 骄者往往早餐丰盛,午餐寒酸,晚餐声名狼藉
    Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined with poverty, and supped with infamy.

  • 花大把银子搞足球搞得声名狼藉,俱乐部焉能不退。
    Spend a lot of money out of football made the infamous, how can reclaim the club.

  • 他们的武装力量装备差,未经训练,有时甚至声名狼藉
    Their armed forces were an ill-equipped, untrained and sometimes disreputable lot.

  • 联邦当局查封了声名狼藉的金融家麦道夫在棕榈滩的豪宅。
    Federal authorities are seizing the Palm Beach mansion of disgraced financier Bernard Madoff.

  • 吝啬鬼的聚会一个声名狼藉的小气鬼终于决定要请一次客了。
    The Mean Mans Party The notorious cheap skate finally decided to have a party.

  • 我就是你们曾经听说过的那个声名狼藉、跟盗贼为伍的女人。
    I am the infamous creature (that) you have heard of that lives among the thieves.

  • 示威者者来到耶拿高中校园那棵曾经有的声名狼藉的大树地方。
    Visitors at the site of the now infamous White Tree on the Jena High School campus.

  • 因为总是攻击其他部族的圣地以试图保护别人,他们声名狼藉
    They are infamous for assaulting other tribal caerns to allegedly secure them.

  • 中国厦门(路透社)—肮脏、污染、拥挤——中国的大城市声名狼藉
    XIAMEN, China (Reuters) - Dirty, polluted, and congested -- China's large cities have an unenviable poor reputation.

  • 在故事扣人心弦的时刻,这种骇人听闻的秘密让人知道了,结果声名狼藉
    At some dramatic moment in the story, the terrible secret becomes known and a reputation is ruined.

  • 而且通常身为教师的人品的并不是多么高尚,有些是因为罪恶而声名狼藉的人。
    Often, too, the instructors were worthless characters, men of no breeding and in some cases infamous for detestable vices.

  • 即便他们做到了,他们也必须小心翼翼,因为中国对于政治异己的容忍度方面声名狼藉
    And even if they did, they'd have to be careful, as China is infamously intolerant of political dissent.

  • 加州1978年的声名狼藉的13号提案缩减了财产税,最主要的市政和学区的收入来源。
    California's infamous Proposition 13 of 1978 cut property taxes, the main source of revenue for municipalities and school districts.

  • 但是后来得知这只是一次停电时,很多人相当担心1977年那场声名狼藉的停电会重演。
    After learning it was solely a power outage, many feared a repeat of the infamous 1977 blackout.

  • 在线学习者必须要学会避开那些声名狼藉的学校肤浅的承诺,管理他们的工作,利用他们的证书。
    Online students must learn to dodge the shallow promises of disreputableschools, manage their work, and use their diplomas to their advantage.

  • 联合国人权理事会去年成立,以取代声誉受损的包括一些声名狼藉的践踏人权国傢的人权委员会。
    The Human Rights Council was created last year to replace the discredited Human Rights Commission, which had included notorious human rights abusers among its members.

  • 此后,开曼群岛以及列支敦士登这些曾声名狼藉的避税天堂便被迫接受改革,以脱离灰名单中并避免制裁威胁。
    Since then, once-notorious tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Liechtenstein have reluctantly accepted reforms to get off the list and escape the threat of sanctions.

  • 在这些圈子中,由于廉价货币一般来说会有利于出口者而对特定产业和企业没有好处,这种政策是最为声名狼藉
    In these circles, a cheap currency is often seen as the least disreputable form of industrial policy, because it benefits exporters in general, without favouring any particular industry or firm.

  • 女士说还有数百只猫被运往中国南部的广州市,这个城市素以提供猫肉、狗肉以及蛇、老虎等稀有动物的肉而声名狼藉
    She said hundreds of cats were also being sent to Guangzhou in southern China, an area infamous for restaurants that serve meat from cats and dogs and exotic animals such as snakes and tigers.

  • 声名狼藉的舒默-格雷厄姆法案——建议对所有中国商品征收27。5%关税以抵消人民币所谓的低估——在去年被撤销。
    The infamous Schumer-Graham bill, which proposed a 27. 5% tariff on all Chinese goods to offset the yuan's alleged undervaluation, was withdrawn last year.

  • 这部表现声名狼藉的士兵故事的影片由同样声名狼藉的昆汀·塔伦蒂诺编剧并执导,韦恩斯坦公司和环球影业共同投资制作。
    The performance of the soldiers in the infamous story of the film by the same notorious writer and director Quentin Tarantino, Universal Studios and the Weinstein Company to jointly invest to produce.

  • 伍兹因为没有充分解释她抹掉那段带子的原因而落得声名狼藉。直到临死前,她也没有说出那段缺失的磁带到底隐匿了什么。
    Woods shot to notoriety for her inadequate explanations of how she came to erase part of the tape. She never told what the tape held before her death.

  • 这些措施惹恼了该市那些平日咄咄逼人,声名狼藉的驾车人。巴黎人和游客们跨上自行车,与其比肩而行前也许需要三思了。
    The measures have infuriated the city's already notoriously aggressive drivers. Parisians and tourists may want to think twice before hopping on a bike alongside them.

  • 声名狼藉造句相关
