
坚贞不屈  jiān zhēn bù qū








  • 在那些遭受囚禁和酷刑的漫长岁月里, 他始终坚贞不屈
    Through those long years of imprisonment and torture, he remained faithful and unyielding.

  • 告的机密在于坚贞不屈地奔向对象。
    The secret of success is constancy to purpose.

  • 获胜的奇妙在于坚贞不屈地奔向宗旨。
    The secret of success is constancy to purpose.

  • 人在死亡面前是坚贞不屈的。
    Man is constant in the face of death.

  • 包括:民主、自由、机会以及坚贞不屈的希望。
    He said that our strength comes from democracy, freedom, changes and hope.

  • 在那些遭受囚禁和酷刑的漫长岁月里,他始终坚贞不屈
    Through those long years of imprisonment and torture , he remained faithful and unyielding.

  • 在那些遭受囚禁和酷刑的漫长岁月里,他始终坚贞不屈
    Through those long years of imprisonment and torture, he remained faithful and unyielding.

  • “操守”指的是坚持真理、坚贞不屈、廉洁正直等优秀品质。
    Integrity refers to some good virtues such as upholding the truth, faithfulness and never yielding, honesty and uprightness.

  • 坚贞不屈,申请镇定,态度从容地卧倒在敌人的刺刀之下。
    She application calm attitude lie down comfortably under the bayonets of the enemy.

  • 他在狱中坚贞不屈,表现出坚定的民主革命信念和可贵的蔽身精神。
    However, lie remained unbending in there, also showing his strong faith of Democratic Revolution and precious spirit of dedication to the revolution.

  • 她是一名坚贞不屈的女战士,用自己的激情和生命,谱写了人生最华美的篇章。
    Madam Lin was a faithful and unyielding warrior who used her own passion and life to create the most wonderful chapters of her own life.

  • 尔后素食至18岁,坚贞不屈不嫁,为抗婚携一犬一锅逃难至此,独处岩洞修真。
    And then to 18-year-old vegetarian, Jianzhenbuqu not marry for the anti-marriage carrying a pot of a dog to flee this point, to be alone Xiu Zhen-dong.

  • 为了祖国的解放,他们能在战火中出生入死,能在监牢里坚贞不屈,能在刑场上大义凛然。
    For the liberation of the motherland, they can in the war in life, can in jail, up to uphold justice at the execution ground.

  • 由于叛徒出卖而落入敌人魔窟,坚贞不屈,被日本鬼子用铁丝拧住全身窒息而死的县长李子秩;
    because of falling into the hands of the enemy and a traitor to sell Moku, Jianzhenbuqu, Japan has been using wire Devils Twist the body to live the death of Li county rank;

  • 1947年1月12日,在解放战争期间,共产党员刘胡兰面对敌人的威逼利诱始终坚贞不屈
    On January 12, 1947, during the Civil War period, facing enemy's combining threats with inducements, communist partymember Liu Hulan always stood firm and unyielding.

  • 明朝灭后,为阻止清兵南进,南明督师史可法率军坚守孤城,宁死不降,表现了坚贞不屈的民族气节。
    Out of the Ming dynasty, the Qing order to prevent the south, Governor South Ming Shi Shi Kefa Lvjun adhere to isolated, non-Ningsi down, the performance of the Jianzhenbuqu national integrity.

  • 苦难只能磨砺人的意志,不会压垮坚贞不屈的脊梁。前方的道路崎岖而又漫长,擦干悲伤的泪水后,我们依然会更加坚强。
    Sharpen only the suffering of people's will, will not crush the backbone of In front of a long and rugged road, wiped away tears of grief, we will still be stronger.

  • 八大山人是明清之际中国画坛上一个坐标式的人物,他以自己坚贞不屈的民族气节和笔挟风雷之气的山水画树立了一座人格与艺术的丰碑。
    Badashanren is a coordinate person of the Chinese painting field from the end of the Ming Dynasty to the beginning of the Qing Dynasty.

  • 在中华民族的历史长河中,为了真理和正义,为了国家和民族,坚贞不屈、英勇抗敌的事例举不胜举。也正因为如此,中华民族才能延续千年万载,屹立于世界民族之林。
    Chinese history is full of such heroism too numerous to mention, which provides a certainty the nation will always continue as a colossus in the world.

  • 坚贞不屈造句相关
