
名垂千古  míng chuí qiān gǔ







  • 分享你所知道的。也许可以名垂千古
    Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.

  • 这幅插图会使他名垂千古
    It would be the piece that would immortalize his name forever.

  • 你的成就将使你名垂千古
    You will go down history for your accomplishment.

  • 你的成就将使你名垂千古
    You will go down in history for your accomplishment.

  • 我不希望名垂千古,那代表我已经死了。
    I don't want to be remembered at all. That means I'm dead.

  • 做太监的人有福了,因为他们必名垂千古
    Blessed are the eunuchs, for they shall obtain an everlasting name.

  • 垂垂老矣的学者,最担心自己不能名垂千古
    The old scholar is afraid of his name can't be conserved in the far future.

  • 她的勇敢决定作为我们大家的榜样而名垂千古
    Her brave decision reverberates through history as an example to us all.

  • 艺术家之所以名垂千古就是因为他们是“独特“的。
    The artists' names live on because their art is unique.

  • 使他获得喜乐和愉快的冠冕,叫他承受名垂千古的基业。
    Joy and gladness he will find, an everlasting name inherit.

  • 使他获得喜乐和愉快的冠冕,叫他承受名垂千古的基业。
    She shall heap upon him a treasure of joy and gladness, and shall cause him to inherit an everlasting name.

  • 好吧!你们这座名垂千古的大城真是一个呱呱叫的好城市。
    Well, your Eternal City is a nice sort of place.

  • 他们用智慧和才能写下了许多可歌可泣、名垂千古的史篇。
    They can and the wisdom to write a lot of moving, down through the ages of the history of the chapter.

  • 他将会名垂千古…他的名字会永存战争史上…永存在阿拉伯的传说当中。
    His name will live in history. It will live in the annals of war…It will live in the legends of Arabia.

  • 俄罗斯人一杯伏特加后的传统开胃菜———泡菜,将名垂千古于艺术当中。
    MOSCOW - The pickle, the appetizer traditionally eaten in Russia after a glass of vodka, will now be immortalized in art.

  • 当有客人来访时,主人一定会泡上一壶名垂千古的潮汕功夫茶来热情款待你。
    When having visitor to come to visit host can soak a bottle of name surely Chui the tide through the ages Shan congou enthusiastic reception you.

  • 一些收藏者设法使他们的轿车在电影里名垂千古且它们的主人偶尔也会露面。
    Some collectors manage to get their old cars immortalized on film, and occasionally their owners make cameo appearances, too.

  • 这个联盟的特殊让我们确信,我们现在所做的将名垂千古。其中的成就感只能暗自体会。
    A union with another preserves our uniqueness and assures us that we matter, that we will be remembered long after we are gone.

  • 那些真正名垂千古的人,都不会被仁善这个词的表面意义所束缚,而是会去发掘仁善的本质。
    He who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness.

  • 今天我很高兴与大家共同参加这次将会在我国历史上名垂千古,为追求*而举行的最大一次*运动。
    I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.

  • 苏格拉底之所以名垂千古,并非因为他无所不知,而是因为他到了七十高龄还能明白自己仍然一无所知。
    We forget that Socrates was famous for wisdom not because he knew everything but because he realized that at the age of seventy he still knew nothing.

  • 今天我很高兴与大家共同参加这次将会在我国历史上名垂千古,为追求自由而举行的最大一次示威运动。
    I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.

  • 浪漫佳偶如想找理想的结婚场所,现在可以考虑在维洛那的阳台共结连理,这个阳台是因莎士比亚名剧《罗密欧与茱丽叶》而名垂千古
    Romantic couples searching for the perfect wedding spot can now tie the knot on the Verona balcony immortalised by Shakespeare in "Romeo and Juliet".

  • 浪漫佳偶如想找理想的结婚场所,现在可以考虑在维洛那的阳台共结连理,这个阳台是因莎士比亚名剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》而名垂千古
    Romantic couples searching for the perfect wedding spot can now tie the knot on the Verona balcony immortalised by Shakespeare in "Romeo and Juliet".

  • 韦拉扎诺绝对算不上一个伟大的探险家,但也许他会名垂千古,国在为1964年11月21日建成一座世界上最长的悬索桥是以他的名字命名的。
    Though Verrazano is by no means considered to be a great explorer, his name will probably remain immortal, for on November 21st, 1964, the longest suspension bridge in the world was named after him.

  • 邓小平深受人们的尊敬并名垂千古,同时也给我留下了深刻的印象.我认为伟大领袖邓小平的许多伟大事迹有很多是值得我学习的。同样也希望大家都能读读这本书。
    For the great works of the great leader Deng Xiaoping i believe there are lot we can i learn. wish you all will read. if anybody could tell me names of another book then i will read that too.

  • 邓小平深受人们的尊敬并名垂千古,同时也给我留下了深刻的印象.我认为伟大领袖邓小平的许多伟大事迹有很多是值得我学习的。同样也希望大家都能读读这本 书。
    For the great works of the great leader Deng Xiaoping i believe there are lot we can i learn. wish you all will read. if anybody could tell me names of another book then i will read that too.

  • 名垂千古造句相关
