
各执己见  gè zhí jǐ jiàn







  • 所以,在追求快乐方面,我们同意各执己见
    So, when it comes to our own pursuits of happiness, we agree to disagree.

  • 当双方就事故原因各执己见时,我们该如何处理?
    How do we resolve the case when both sides hold different opinions on the cause of the accident?

  • 关于旅游发展对传统艺术和工艺可能产生的影响,人们各执己见
    There is also some disagreement about the effects that tourism development can have on traditional arts and crafts.

  • 双方各执己见,案件在天河区法院两次判决后,一路上到广州中院。
    Bilateral each hold oneself see, the case adjudicates twice in court of district of the Milky way hind, go to Guangzhou all the way quadrangle.

  • 西方工程哲学研究目前已初具雏形,但学者们对工程概念的理解则各执己见
    The study of Western engineering philosophy has achieved elementary scale, and ontological study is its foundation.

  • 两人对论,各执己见,这是常有之事。但是道理是不欺人的,绝无两张面孔。
    It may occur that two may meet with exactly opposite views and yet each thinks to have reason on his side, yet reason is always true to itself and never has two faces.

  • 针对它的时代归属、创作权及摹本时代等问题,学者们见仁见智,各执己见,莫衷一是。
    Scholars have expressed their ideas about the time of its creation, the authorship of the painting, and the copy of it, but their ideas differ from one another.

  • 在国家相关法规规定不一的情况下,几个政府部门各执己见,其背后的利益冲突随之凸显。
    relevant regulations in the country of varying circumstances, Several government departments have opposed see, the underlying conflict of interest with highlights.

  • 面对这样一部“大片”,观众们各执己见:有的认为这是一次接受爱国主义教育的好机会;
    The audiences have different opinions on such a blockbuster: some say it is a good chance to receive patriotic education;

  • 她在二月份告诉我:“我们经常进行争论,因为彼此都是各执己见,相当聪明的人,而且并不总是结果那么好。
    We get into arguments a lot, because we're all really smart people with opinions, and it doesn't always turn out that great.

  • 近年来,随着电子图书数量的不断增加,有关电子图书的研究也日益增加,学者们对电子图书的看法也是各执己见
    Recently, along with the increase of E-book, studies on E-books also increased steadily and researchers have different opinions on E-books.

  • 一种完整的全面的哲学模式不是一种各执己见和顾此失彼的单项度趋向的哲学模式,而应是对两种哲学的全面的兼综。
    Any thorough philosophical pattern should not be a stubborn insists on its own stand, but a homogeneous fusion of the two.

  • 自由民主党领导人基多•威斯特威勒虽然现在担任外交部长,但仍积极推行减税政策,及各政党各执己见的关于福利的辩论。
    Despite his new role as foreign minister, the FDP's leader, Guido Westerwelle, pushed for more tax cuts and started a divisive debate about welfare.

  • 《心灵史》作为张承志的“生命之作”、“毕生之作”,批评家对其评价褒贬不一、各执己见,甚至出现截然对立、完全不同的两种极端评价。
    The history of soul, as his lifelong masterpiece has stirred different commentaries among critics who even fall into sharp contrasts.

  • 上述数字表明,虽然安理会成员有时各执己见使得联合国在某些问题上碌碌无为,诸如2003年的美国入侵伊拉克,还有现在的达尔富尔问题。
    These numbers tell you that although a divided Security Council can paralyse the UN, as before the Iraq invasion of 2003 and over Darfur now, the council is not always divided.

  • 由此可见,门户党派之见往往依赖于个人好恶或性情,使人各执己见,而科学方法却能使人联合起来,去追求某种不带任何庸俗成分的崇高目标。
    Hence, while sectarian and partisan faiths are based on personal choice or temperament and divide men, scientific procedure unites men in something nobly devoid of all pettiness .

  • 对‘爱’这个词的释义人们总是各执己见,但依据威廉森的见解(还有一部分是来自我个人的经历),爱是不计名利,无私奉献给对方的一种情感,它并不会给人带来困扰。
    I think the 'in love' phase is obsessive but according to Williamson (and backed up by paltry experience), love does not involve the ego, is selfless and the opposite of obsession.

  • 各执己见造句相关
