
取而代之  qǔ é dài zhī








  • 那位党的领导人已被其对手取而代之
    The party leader has been supplanted by his rival.

  • 消除猜疑,用信任取而代之
    Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust.

  • 我相信,下次我的作文将取而代之她的作文!
    I believed that, next time my thesis will displace her thesis!

  • 取而代之的是,他们被允许可以制作自己的电影。
    Instead, they were allowed to begin making their own films.

  • 取而代之,你可以用变量来存储与工作流相关的信息。
    Instead, you can use variables to store some workflow-related information.

  • 也许,取而代之的,是加拿大用自己的法律来结束海豹屠杀。
    Instead, it should be using its own laws to ban the seal slaughter.

  • 取而代之的是,传感器将是移动的并分散在陆地、海洋、飞机和太空。
    Instead the sensors would be mobile and dispersed on land, at sea, on aircraft and in space.

  • 弥尔表示,原有的、厚的冰盖逐渐融化,取而代之的是新的、稀薄的冰盖。
    Meier says the older, thicker ice is melting away and being replaced by newer, thinner ice.

  • 取而代之的是,从各种窍门证明你过去和目前的任务表现适合下唯一雇主。
    Instead, define the a lot ways your past and present job performances are not assets to your beside employer.

  • 那么,假设将来有一天没有了政府警察,取而代之的则会是私营的保安代理。
    Suppose, then, that at some future time there are no government police, but instead private protection agencies.

  • 比较新颖的飞行游戏,不再是千年不变的赛车了,取而代之的是可爱的小蜜蜂!
    Relatively new flying games, racing is no longer the millennium change, and replaced by a cute little bee!

  • 你将觉得难以接受你所获得的赞扬和奖励,取而代之的是,在生活中无目的的漂泊。
    You will find it difficult to accept the accolades and rewards you have earned and, instead, drift aimlessly through life.

  • 今年,他们放弃高姿态介入,取而代之的是为理事会选举提交一份非竞争性的篮板。
    This year, they have ceded the high ground by presenting a non-competitive slate for the council elections.

  • 取而代之,我开始打篮球,我爱它,而且我得到了一个机会去新泽西的布莱尔专科学校上学。
    Instead, I started to play basketball, loved it and got the chance to go to high school at Blair Academy in New Jersey.

  • 不经意的一天,我忽然发现家门前的那丛菊花不见了,那块地上取而代之的是一间小小的柴房。
    Casual day, I suddenly found in front of the house Cong chrysanthemums disappeared, replaced by that piece of ground is a little .

  • 我该做些什么来吸引你的注意呢?在报纸上取出一条广告(取而代之以自己的言语)?——神。
    What do I have to do to get your attention? Take out an ad in the paper? --- God.

  • 路易斯安娜州,新奥尔良讯:21世纪在这里已经不复存在了。取而代之的是风、洪水和灾难。
    NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana -- The 21st century was swept away here. The winds and the floods and the disasters that followed took it.

  • 取而代之的是,含有毒化学物质的人工化肥被购买和使用,垃圾随着排水管流下并进入废物处理场。
    Instead, artificial fertilizers with harmful chemical substances are purchased and used, and the waste goes down the drain with the water and into treatment plants.

  • 他可以不象他的许多同行那样为“大老板”写赞美歌,取而代之的是,描绘莫斯科夜晚的万家灯火。
    Instead of writing hymns to his boss, like many of his peers, he made songs about the soft light in Moscow windows.

  • 我们盼望有一天,过去科学界犯的错误,连残渣都给抹掉,取而代之的,是对人类起源与多样性的更佳了解。
    We look ahead to the day when the vestiges of old scientific mistakes will be erased and replaced by a better understanding of human origins and diversity.

  • 取而代之,我们应该计划每次只部署一个组件。不论这是一个替代还是新建的项目,这会带来两个很大的好处。
    Instead, we should plan to deploy one component at a time. Whether this is a replacement or a greenfield project, this has two large benefits.

  • 至少有一点是肯定的:科学,作为人类对外部世界控制的手段,常常发现魔力存在的某种方式,并且经常取而代之
    It is at least true that science, as means of control of the external world, has always found some form of magic in existence, and has always displaced it.

  • 另一些人宣称,苏联军队的一群叛徒在苏军撤出喀布尔之前的最后几小时闯入岩洞,掠走了一些宝物,并用赝品取而代之
    Others claim that a renegade band of Soviet troops broke into the vault in the last hours before they abandoned Kabul and replaced some of the treasure with fakes.

  • 集中的强制的灌输,通常是政治上的或宗教上的,目的在于摧毁一个人的最基本的信仰和态度,以另一套固定信仰取而代之
    Intensive, forcible indoctrination, usually political or religious, aimed at destroying a person's basic convictions and attitudes and replacing them with an alternative set of fixed beliefs.

  • 取而代之的是一系列新的且依然在不断发展的期望,这些期望对于我们怎样筹划事业、生活甚至每周工作都具有广泛的意义。
    Replacing it is a new and stilldeveloping set of expectations that has broad implications for the way we plan our careers, our lives and even our workweek.

  • 上个月,就在距北京奥运会开幕仅有44天之际,察保谢克被解除了中国皮划艇队总教练的职务,来自解放军的一名军官取而代之
    Last month, with just 44 days to go to the opening of the Beijing games, Capousek was replaced as canoe team head coach by an officer from the People's Liberation Army.

  • 约翰逊称,当初我们担心能源价格上涨和提高利率会促使经济衰退,现在取而代之的是乐观的态度,因为现在的经济减速将是平稳的。
    Johnson says earlier fears that high energy prices and rising interest rates might push the economy into recession have given way to optimism that the current economic slowdown will be mild.

  • 所有这些增加了一个对工党的••的大大的奇怪的疑问:即使一个党在朝,也可以找到一种手段来抛弃其领导人并且让其他人取而代之
    All this raises a big and strange doubt about Labour's pitch: even if the party clings to office, it might find a way to ditch its leader and install someone else.

  • 取而代之的是,你们会在需要建墙的时候建墙,由中心开始根据实际情况向外扩展。当走迷宫者在迷宫中移动的时候,“墙”随着他移动。
    Instead, you will create the walls when they are needed, beginning in the center and accordingly outward. While the runner moves through the labyrinth, the wall moves with the runner.

  • 想象一个没有制造厂商的世界。或者,至少不是我们现在所认为的。取而代之的,我们作为单独的个体控制技术,设计或制造我们需要的大部分物品。
    Imagine a world without manufacturers. Or at least not as we now think of them. Instead, we as individuals control the technology to design and make most anything we want.

  • 取而代之造句相关
