
登堂入室  dēng táng rù shì







  • 盗贼以令人惊异的频率登堂入室
    Houses are burgled with alarming frequency .

  • 这些讨论使独立董事制度在我国正式大规模登堂入室
    These discussions promote to legislate the Independent Directors system in our country.

  • 当陶瓷和大理石让人们感觉到笨重,轻灵的玻璃开始登堂入室
    when ceramics and marble let people feel heavy, the glass started moving things.

  • 旅游新概念的登堂入室,使旅游的价值提升到一个崭新的高度。
    The new tourism concept reveals the tourist new ideas of the tourism value.

  • 当陶瓷和大理石让人们感觉到粗笨,轻灵的玻璃开始登堂入室
    Let people feel ponderosity when pottery and porcelain and marble, the glass of light spirit begins become more proficient in one's profession.

  • 它不具备任何法理上的正当性,但这并不妨碍它登堂入室,覆雨翻云。
    It does not have in any legal principle theory of law validity, but this does not hinder it to reach highest knowledge, the duplicate rain turns the cloud.

  • 所以对我来说,看着他们每个人是否拥有这些气势,能够逐步登堂入室
    So it's good for me to look at each individual and see if they have the character and can make the step up.

  • 伪,通常不是什么好东西,伪饰和虚伪、伪装一类词通常也不好登堂入室
    Fake carries a negative meaning. Pretend, disguise and superficial are not positive words either.

  • 教堂是如此缺乏牧师,以至于几乎任何人都可以登堂入室,对这些怪胎也放了行。
    The Church was so needful of priests, they let anybody in, including these monsters.

  • 居室装饰也有“脸面”,那就是登堂入室第一步所在的位置,建筑术语叫做“玄关”。
    Bedroom adornment also has " face " , that is the position that the first pace is in become more proficient in one's profession, architectonic language is called " porch " .

  • 此外,“恶搞”这一概念也开始登堂入室,被网民和网络内容提供商广泛谈论和效仿。
    In addition, the "Practical Jokes" This concept has begun Tap, the Internet and Internet content providers widely talked about and emulated.

  • 据悉,时至今日,绝大多数有实力的企业都已通过3C认证,贴上3C标志登堂入室
    It is learnt that as of today, the overwhelming majority of powerful enterprises have adopted 3C certification, with 3C signs added.

  • 同时,有更多无法在当地政府文物保护计划中登堂入室的徽宅正在日晒雨淋中濒临倒塌。
    At the same time, more could not be added to the local government heritage conservation plan Emblem house is from the sun and rain, on the brink of collapse.

  • 厨房登堂入室是一次解放空间的革命,是谁也无法改变的潮流,我们要做的就是做得更好。
    kitchen space added as a liberation revolution, who also could not change the tide, we have to do is to do better.

  • 檀宫的经典欧洲风格及豪宅体量,决定着能“登堂入室”进得檀宫的家具,绝非泛泛之辈。
    Classic European style and luxurious design ensure all furnishings complement Sandalwood Private Resort's unique aesthetics.

  • 但是,由于它的速度慢,功能低以及高额的开发成本,电力线通讯技术从来都没有登堂入室
    But the technology has never seriously caught on due to its low speed, low functionality and high development cost.

  • 在厨房练了1小时发生的猫猫大概已是饥寒交迫,开始抓门,抠门,撞门,想要从新登堂入室
    After 1 hour, feeling exhausted and cold, she started scratching, bumping against my door.

  • 民国七十一年十月号「总统府」的报导,带领读者登堂入室,一游人人熟悉却又难得进入的总统府。
    Our October 1982 article on the Presidential Palace took readers up the steps and into the rooms of a building we all know of but seldom see from inside.

  • 或者你们只有想要舒适和追求舒适的欲望?这些鬼祟东西任他们登堂入室为贵宾,继而为主,终而为主宰?
    Or have you only comfort, and the lust for comfort, that stealthy thing that enters the house a guest, and then becomes a host, and then a master?

  • 《西洋古董洋果子店》翻拍自同名日剧,把原作中遮遮掩掩的同性恋话题发扬光大,变成登堂入室的喜剧。
    "Western Ocean antique fruit shop, " a remake of the same name from the Japanese TV drama series, the original cover in the topic of homosexuality carried forward into the Dengtangrushi comedy.

  • 在中美关系“殿堂”中,共有理念是“穹顶”,共享利益是“支柱”,而共守规范则是“登堂入室之门”。
    In the hall of the China-USA relations, the beliefs held by China and USA are the roof, the shared interests are the mainstays and the criterions abided by both sides are the doors to the hall.

  • 许多房地产项目的广告上,除了设计单位、建设单位、发展商及销售代理商以外,园林设计单位也登堂入室了。
    Many real estate projects advertising, in addition to the design of units, construction units, developers and sales agents, the unit has added a garden design.

  • 上海人的厨房,已经进入开放式时代,地位也扶了正,从油腻的后门口、楼梯过道登堂入室,跟客厅连成一体。
    the kitchen Shanghai has entered the open era, the status is also supporting from oily after the door and staircase aisle states with the living room across.

  • 一瞬间,无声电影的明星成为过去,新型影星和新型故事登堂入室,电影的写作、拍摄及放映方式全都发生了改变。
    Suddenly silent film stars were out and a new type of star and a new type of story were in changing how movies were written filmed and shown.

  • 备受瞩目的电影《哈里波特与密室》还没来得及进入各大院线开始上映,影片的盗版却已经通过因特网“登堂入室”了。
    Illegal copies of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" have already begun appearing on the Internet, days before the film is scheduled to hit theaters.

  • 据老艺人们讲,刀功能达到 “圆如秋月、尖如麦芒、方如青砖、缺如锯齿、线如胡须”的技法效果,才算是登堂入室了。
    According to the old artists, knife "round moon as functions, such as MaiMang, pointed, serrated, such as blue beard" techniques such as line, is illegal.

  • 如果这种粗野的举动被应用到其他方面——比如用来对付如今谋求登堂入室的叛乱分子——那么民族和解的目标将无法达成。
    If such crude methods are used elsewhere—for instance, in handling insurgents wanting to come onside—national reconciliation is unlikely to be achieved.

  • 心态控制登堂入室,是因为你没有确实赢利的做法。因而开始质疑你自己的交易方法,同时对自己的交易方法越来越没有信心。
    Psychology becomes an issue because you have no edge and your mind begins to question what you're doing as your confidence in your method erodes away.

  • 它不具备任何法理上的正当性,但这并不妨碍它登堂入室,覆雨翻云。而它的不断壮大,正是以食品安全机制的不断变形、不断衰微为代价。
    It does not have in any legal principle theory of law validity, but this does not hinder it to reach highest knowledge, the duplicate rain turns the cloud.

  • 一个偶像是看到作为艺术家镜面反射给登堂入室的印度教女神杜尔伽偶像为即将举行的杜尔加课诵在阿拉哈巴德,印度,星期二,9月1号,2009节。
    An idol is seen reflected on a mirror as an artist gives final touches to an idol of Hindu goddess Durga for the forthcoming Durga Puja festival in Allahabad, India, Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2009.

  • 登堂入室造句相关
