
画梁雕栋  huà liáng diāo dòng







  • 正面五间上房, 皆是画梁雕栋
    In front were five rooms with painted beams and carved pillars.

  • 正面五间上房,皆是画梁雕栋
    In front were five rooms with painted beams and carved pillars.

  • 从正南门入,殿宇轩昂,
    From now into the south gate, and imposing temples, houses paintings carved beams.

  • 楼为双脊大殿型,,刻有龙凤无数。
    House of Double Ridge hall-type, the buildings carved beams, carved dragon and phoenix numerous.

  • 此楼翘檐如翼,四飞八乍,,刻有精龙无计其数,千姿百态。
    Alice the house eaves, such as wings, fly 8 4 At first glance, the buildings carved beams, engraved with dragon and countless fine, strange things.

  • 殿堂建筑玲珑剔透,,飞檐耸背,傍山而筑,层层递升,雄伟壮观。
    The palace building is exquisitely carved, picture vulture Liang, the upturned eave peak back, approaches Shan Erzhu, layer upon layer rises gradually, grand magnificent.

  • 戏台的高度和面积各村基本相同,土木结构,,挑脊按兽,筒瓦叩柁。
    Stage height and area of the village is basically the same, civil engineering structures, the buildings carved beams, and choose the ridges by animals, Pantile call-tuo.

  • 整个城楼,红柱蓝瓦,,富丽堂皇,甚为壮观,具有很高的文物保护价值。
    The entire tower, hong zhu blue tile, painted ridges and carved beams, magnificent, very spectacular, with high conservation value.

  • 红墙黄瓦,,金碧辉煌。殿宇楼台,高低错落,壮观雄伟。朝暾夕曛中,仿若人间仙境。
    It is a magnificent sight, the buildings' glowing yellow roofs against vermilion walls, not to mention their painted ridges and carved beams, all contributing to the sumptuous effect.

  • 整个建筑错落有致,,工艺精巧,并设有“小姐楼”、“绣花楼”,整个庄园富丽堂皇。
    Cuoluoyouzhi the entire building, painting-dong carved beams, sophisticated technology and a "Miss House, " "embroidered floor, " the magnificent manor.

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