
甚嚣尘上  shèn xiāo chén shàng








  • 是和是战, 闹得甚嚣尘上
    A great clamour has arisen around the question of peace or war.

  • 到那时,个人自主性将会甚嚣尘上
    There would be a radical increase in individual autonomy.

  • 美国对于中国的愤怒显然甚嚣尘上
    America's anger at China is clearly growing.

  • 两种由这次自然力的表演所引起的争论甚嚣尘上
    Two arguments spout up from this demonstration of earthly power.

  • 在国际米兰1比1战平不来梅,这种观点甚嚣尘上
    In the Inter Milan 1 1 draw with Bremen, which made a great noise point of view.

  • 从此之后,其他关于人类变成狼人的传说便甚嚣尘上
    Since then, other legends of people turning into were wolves have made the rounds .

  • 这使得中国曾经“过剩”的劳力资源枯竭论甚嚣尘上
    leading some to conclude that China's "surplus" labour has been used up.

  • 这种胡乱猜测甚嚣尘上,已经到了必须立即解决的程度了。
    has reached such a pitch that a decision will have to be made immediately.

  • 现今这做法已流传到美国并被视为常态:尽人皆知,甚嚣尘上
    Now the habit has reached the United States, and Americans are doing what they do naturally: shouting about it from the rooftops.

  • 我觉得现在的社会是甚嚣尘上,抵制各种诱惑的确需要非一般定力。
    I also think we are having a virtually material society, and everyone needs an unusual resistance to those tempatitions.

  • 因此,当鲍尔森宣布他宏大的救市计划的时候,乐观主义甚嚣尘上
    And when Paulson announced his plan for a huge bailout, there was a temporary surge of optimism.

  • 但这一旧的总统遴选方式于1824年让位给了甚嚣尘上的大众选举。
    But the old ways of choosing a President were giving way in 1824 before the clamor for a popular choice.

  • 即便在受污染牛奶事件甚嚣尘上之前,中国产品已经被质量丑闻所诟病。
    China's products were hammered by quality scandals even before the uproar over contaminated milk.

  • 第一次世界大战最初几个月,德军丧尽天良向英国护士行凶的报道甚嚣尘上
    During the early months of World War I, reports of outrageous behaviour by German troops against British nurses were widespread.

  • 如果没有法律,无政府状态就可能甚嚣尘上,并且最终导致这个社会的瓦解。
    Without the rule of law, anarchy would likely reign supreme and ultimately result in the destruction of that particular society.

  • ——“华人与狗不得奥运”一场卑鄙的妖魔化中国运动现正甚嚣尘上
    A shameful campaign of demonization of the People's Republic of China (PRC) is underway.

  • 同时,被福山视为自由民主社会羁绊之一的民族主义在之后的发展却是甚嚣尘上
    Nationalism, being regarded as a fetter on the development of a free and democratic society by Fukuyama has turned out to grow aggressively afterwards.

  • 由于自从上周政协会议开幕以来刘翔一直缺席,对他的政协委员身份的怀疑也甚嚣尘上
    Doubts over his membership with the CPPCC were in the air because of his absence since the opening of the conference last week.

  • 新浪娱乐讯 前段时间,“张柏芝再度怀孕”传闻甚嚣尘上,但一直没有得到当事人的回应。
    Some time ago, "Cecilia Cheung pregnant again" rumors were flying around, but has not been a party's response.

  • 由于未能预测或阻止2008年的金融危机,一股令人失望的气氛在整个经济学界中甚嚣尘上
    THERE is widespread disappointment with economists now because we did not forecast or prevent the financial crisis of 2008.

  • 中国房地产市场似乎已成为众矢之的,关于房地产是否存在“泡沫”以及房地产金融风险的争论甚嚣尘上
    China's real estate market seems to have become common knowledge. on the existence of the real estate "bubble" and real estate financial risks caused controversy.

  • 随著俄罗斯人口的减少,以及中国的商人和务工者在俄罗斯城市中日益增多,“黄祸”的可怕议论开始甚嚣尘上
    As Russian numbers sag, and as Chinese traders and labourers become more visible in Russian cities, fearful talk of the "yellow peril" has flourished.

  • 金融危机之初,欧元区缺乏“不平衡”的言论甚嚣尘上——这与美国在过去和现在都向国外大肆借贷的做法不同。
    At the start of the financial crisis, there was much talk of the absence of "imbalances" in the euro area—unlike America, which had (and has) to borrow so much abroad.

  • 在2006年球季初因小民起步较慢,上个球季又因肩膀旋转肌腱受伤危及他美好的未来,可能这些疑虑还曾甚嚣尘上呢!
    Maybe those doubts were warranted given that Wang had started 2006 slowly, a season after suffering a rotator cuff injury that seemed to threaten his bright future.

  • 据称这位23岁的球星的新合同谈判进展远称不上顺利, 因此,关于他将要离开奥林匹克球场的转会传言一直甚嚣尘上
    The 23-year-old Aquilani has been heavily linked with a move away from the Stadio Olimpico, as talks over a new contract had not been going at all well.

  • 所谓“文学的衰微”只不过是文学对“人间本位”的回归,技术理性的甚嚣尘上并不能真正压制人类对超越性精神的永恒追求。
    The essence of literature's decadent is back to itself and the popular of technology cannot compress human being's ideal for pursuit transcended spiritual value.

  • 市场一直传言雷曼兄弟打算出售颇具价值的资产管理业务以及数目巨大的商业抵押贷款相关资产。过去几日,此类流言更加甚嚣尘上
    Talk that Lehman is looking to sell a chunk its much-prized asset-management business as well as large amounts of commercial mortgage-related assets, has intensified in the past few days.

  • 虽然全球经济危机仍处在初始阶段但是它所产生的威胁让各种“规避危机”的讨论甚嚣尘上。“减弱震波”理论被当作潜在的“安心毯”。
    When the global financial crisis was still in its infancy – but threatening enough to stir thoughts about how to ward it off – the theory of "decoupling" emerged as a potential comfort blanket.

  • 发动先发制人的打击的说法甚嚣尘上与南北韩紧张局势不断加剧的政治大氛围相关。南北韩从未正式结束1950年到1953年的战争。
    The flare-up over preemptive strikes is part of a broader political landscape of heightening tensions between North and South Korea, which never formally ended their 1950-53 war.

  • 基德的缺阵让他在网队过得不如意的传闻甚嚣尘上,大家纷纷风传他要求交易。这样一来,星期五晚对阵火箭他能否上场就变得不可知起来。
    The guard's absence has fueled speculation around New York that Kidd is unhappy in New Jersey and seeking a trade, leaving his status for Friday's game against the Rockets somewhat in question.

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