
琳琅满目  lín láng mǎn mù








  • 展品琳琅满目, 美不胜收。
    One is dazzled by the endless array of beautiful exhibits.; The exhibition is a feast for the eyes.

  • 古董商店内琳琅满目的珍贵古物。
    Valuable relics in the antique shop.

  • 通常商场里商品不可琳琅满目
    Usually the department stores are full of different kinds of goods.

  • 商店里现在堆满了琳琅满目的能量饮料。
    You could fill a store with all the energy drinks now available.

  • 我们的药品琳琅满目,但健康却每况愈下
    We have more medicine, but less wellness.

  • 巴林市场上出售的货物琳琅满目、应有尽有。
    Bahrain to sell the goods on the market range, everything.

  • 水泡眼金鱼是琳琅满目的普通金鱼的变种之一。
    The breed is only one in a gallery of bizarre variations of the common goldfish.

  • 商店的橱窗里陈列的商品琳琅满目,熠熠生辉。
    Shop windows display of goods dazzling, brilliant.

  • 一个大“舞台”,琳琅满目的商品则是“演员”。
    A large "arena", a wide range of merchandise is the "actor.

  • 当面对琳琅满目的大量产品时,消费者该如何选择?
    What happens when the consumer has so many possibilities from which to choose that he can no longer decide?

  • 上海琳琅满目的各式处所新旧并陈、东西方并置,令游客目不暇给。
    Shanghai dazzles visitors with its variety of places new and old, East and West.

  • 不同的东西方文化赋予蛇不同的文化内涵,有关用法也是琳琅满目
    However, the snakes cultural connotation is different in the eastern and western culture, and its usage is different as well.

  • 只见交易会上人山人海,人声鼎沸,各种商品琳琅满目,应有尽有。
    The commodity fair is bustling with a lot of visitors and a wide variety of commodities.

  • 许多家装材料超市里都有专门陈列拉手的展区,各式拉手真是琳琅满目
    A lot of home outfit have what display shake handshandle technically to exhibit an area in material supermarket, various shake handshandle is full of beautiful things in eyes really.

  • 城市是商业的中心,许许多多的商店林立,琳琅满目的商品成列在柜台之中。
    The city is the commercial center, great numbers stores standing, dazzling goods display in the counter.

  • 琳琅满目的海军牌各系列咖啡及红茶产品整齐排列在展销摊格中,让顾客任意选购。
    Various types and choices of our products were on display during the Fiesta for customers' selections.

  • “端午节,粽飘香”铺天盖地的广告及商场琳琅满目的粽子让人强烈感受到节日的气氛。
    "Dragon Boat Festival, rice dumplings fragrance" The extensively spread advertising and a dazzling array of dumplings in the marketplace, which create a festive atmosphere around everywhere.

  • 因此,决不能让所有这些琳琅满目的诱人的“杯子”驱动了你!记得我们只需享受自己的咖啡!
    Therefore, never let all of these dazzling array of tempting "cup" drive you! Remember that we only need to enjoy their coffee!

  • 美国商场四周是大面积的停车场,从世界各地来的昂贵商品琳琅满目,闪烁的灯光招呼着顾客。
    Surrounded by many acres of car parks, laden with costly merchandise from all over the world, America's malls beckon with glitter and lights.

  • 对于预备装饰新房的消费者来说,面对市场上品种繁多、琳琅满目的各式窗帘,选择哪种窗帘为好呢?
    For the consumer that decorates new home to preparation, face the tastes kind of various, full of beautiful things in eyes various curtain on the market, which kinds of curtain to choose had better?

  • (到了外面的世界)山姆漫无目的的走著,(面对外面的琳琅满目的新鲜事)它根本不知道要先看什麽。
    Sammy walked and walked and walked. He did not know what to look at first.

  • 面对琳琅满目的促销,有的消费者在心理上可能会非常抵制,有的则在没有经过自己计算的前提下轻易相信。
    Face range of promotions, some consumers may be psychologically very boycott, while others are in their calculation has not been under the premise that easily.

  • 嘉垣步行街是采用智能化管理的商业步行街,经营品种较多,商品琳琅满目,投入运营以来,购物者络绎不绝。
    Jia Yuan pedestrian is intelligent management of the commercial pedestrian street, operating more variety, range of goods, in operation since the stream of shoppers.

  • 商店内商品琳琅满目,门前导购小姐的盈盈笑脸把顾客引入店中或送出店外,售货员亲切的话语陪伴顾客一路。
    Array of goods inside the shop, in front of the guide, Miss Angela smiling customers into stores to shop or out, a saleswoman for the kind words to accompany the customer all the way.

  • 琳琅满目的填充玩具,不仅小孩喜爱,也会勾起成人童稚的快乐。图2:礼品屋中的儿童专柜,设计颇具巧思。
    This colorful array of stuffed toys brings out the child in everyone. 2. An ingeniously designed cupboard for children.

  • 于是,地球上出现了你我他,出现了不同的性格,不同的爱好,不同的特长,出现了琳琅满目,五彩斑斓的大千世界。
    Then, we appeared on the earth he, the disposition that appeared to differ, different hobby, different strong point, appeared full of beautiful things in eyes, multicolored the boundless universe.

  • 那商品虽琳琅满目但千篇一律,导购员虽滔滔不绝但并不高明的话语,总能有那么几样吸引我的目光,让我冲动地把它带回家。
    Though dazzling, but that product uniformity, although Purchasing Guide endless, but not clever words, always so kind of caught my eye a few, let me rush to bring it home.

  • 我酷爱在水都里散步閒晃,除了享受琳琅满目的商店橱窗,我也爱上了在水都迷路的错置感受,徒步穿梭在大街小巷之间,别有一番滋味。
    I especially enjoy wandering around in Venice. Apart from window-shopping, I fell in love with the get-lost feeling. Every part of Venice brings me a different kind of feeling.

  • 这些琉璃制品量多、类全,造型优美,图案别致,花色齐全,琳琅满目,流光溢彩,为清有琉璃瓦件中之精品,被称为三晋琉璃艺术的瑰宝。
    The volume of many of these glass products, class-wide, elegant, chic designs, full color, silver, Ambilight for clearance has glazed tile pieces in the boutique, called Sanjin Glass art treasures.

  • 现在展示在各位面前的这个网站将使远在异地的人们也可通过互联网畅游这座神秘的宫殿,一窥故宫雄奇瑰丽的建筑和琳琅满目的文物收藏。
    The website you are now browsing enables all, even those in distant lands, to enjoy a sightseeing tour of this mysterious palace and feast their eyes on its splendid treasures.

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