
珠联璧合  zhū lián bì hé








  • 中西建筑风格在这里真是珠联璧合
    The Chinese and Western architecture styles set each other off perfectly.

  • 一对儿新人珠联璧合,是吧?
    to refer to a newly married couple, right?

  • 成双未必能配对。天下夫妻多,珠联璧合少。
    It is not every couple that is a pair.

  • 所有珠联璧合葡萄酒都是手工制作,精心细致。
    All Portfolio wine is handmade with painstaking attentions to details.

  • 崇尚外在形象的美丽与内在保健功能的珠联璧合是鞋品消费的新潮流。
    Advocate of explicit figure beautiful a perfect pair with function of immanent health care is the new trend that the shoe tastes consumption.

  • 景诗互映,诗石相衬,珠联璧合,构成了封龙山这座历史文化名山的主调。
    Jing Shi Ying each other, Shi Shi-phase, Zhulianbihe, letters constitute the Longshan culture, the history of the famous melody.

  • 日吉辰良兮风和日丽,鸾凤和鸣兮珠联璧合。让我们也一起祝福这对新人吧!
    What a perfect pair and happy combination at this beautiful day! Let us give our best wishes to the bride and groom.

  • 解放后,任上海民族乐团古琴演奏员,和孙裕德合作的琴箫合奏堪称珠联璧合
    After the liberation, he served as the Shanghai National Orchestra Guqin performer, and Xiao-Qin Sun Yude cooperative ensemble rated as a perfect fit.

  • 两文珠联璧合,相映成辉,成就了中国共产党党史中农民运动和农民革命的一段佳话;
    The two articles, coordinating with each other, makes up one of the most splendid achievement to the peasants' campaign and revolution led by the CPC party.

  • 它与Oracle iLearning珠联璧合,为网络学习系统提供强大的动力。
    It, with a perfect partner of Oracle iLearning, offers strong motive force for the network study system.

  • 一方面林志颖的形象气质和性格特点与《口袋西游—蓝龙》的游戏特色可谓是珠联璧合
    On the one hand Lin Zhiying's vivid makings and the disposition characteristic "Tour - Blue Dragon with Pocket West" the game characteristic is a perfect match.

  • 将“惊奇”的动漫角色与迪斯尼通过成功的连锁经营赚钱的才能相结合,真是珠联璧合
    Marrying Marvel's characters with Disney's talent for making money from successful franchises is a good idea.

  • 围绕艾伦扮演的天真浮躁的女主角,伯恩斯多以冷面引逗作噱,两人珠联璧合,令人捧腹。
    Their act was built around the dizzy Allen persona and yet it was as much Burn's deadpan reaction to her which induced laughter.

  • 与他结婚的安妮·迪亚斯·格里芬出生于法国,也是一位对冲基金经理,他俩可谓珠联璧合
    Anne · Diyasi · Griffing who marries him is born in France, is also one to flushes fund manager, their perfect match.

  • 方便实用:海吉布是三位一体的产品,胶、壁布和涂料的珠联璧合,装饰性和实用性二者兼得。
    Convenient and practical: Haijibu is Trinitarian product, a perfect pair of cloth of glue, wall and coating, adornment sex and practical both hold concurrently.

  • 品尝说明:淡黄色的酒液,散发着柑橘的气息,与橡木的味道珠联璧合,口感圆润,新鲜,清脆。
    Tasting notes: This wine shows a light yellow colour and citrus aromas, well married with a touch of oak. In the mouth feels round, fresh and crispy.

  • 我用宜家的仿古色四斗柜充当梳妆台,它与我那面旧的藤边镜子有如失散多年的爱人,珠联璧合
    My archaize with appropriate home is lubricious 4 bottles of ark act as dresser, it and I the mirror side that old cane is like the sweetheart with old be scattered, a perfect pair.

  • 品尝说明:淡黄色的酒液,散发着柑橘的气息,与橡木的味道珠联璧合,口感圆润,新鲜,清脆。
    Tasting notes: This wine shows a light yellow colour and citrus aromas, well married with a touch of oak.

  • 那个小伙子是否完美,或者那个姑娘是否完美都不重要,只要他们能珠联璧合。——《骄阳似我》。
    It doesn't matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they are perfect for each other. ——Good Will Hunting.

  • 稳健的地标造型,精湛细腻的材质工艺,恒久百年的外墙西班牙石材,与大上海都市风貌珠联璧合
    Solid landscape , exquisite craftsmanship, eternal outer wall of Spanish stone , perfectly pairing with the urban feature of Great Shanghai.

  • 那个小伙子是否完美,或者那个姑娘是否完美都不重要,只要他们能珠联璧合。--《骄阳似我》。
    It doesn't matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they are perfect for each other. ——Good Will Hunting.

  • 长期的战略合作伙伴关系,早已使“珠江”“合生”珠联璧合,而今在京合作只是换了个“棋盘”而已。
    Long-term strategic partnership has the "Pearl River" "Hop Health" Zhulianbihe, cooperation is now in Beijing for a "board".

  • 一位在海珠板块奔走多年的资深楼市记者说,金碧都市广场犹如一块珠联璧合的璞玉,其热销是情理之中的。
    Hoi Chu plate running for many years in a senior market reporters, layered like a piece of the city square Zhulianbige the Diamonds in the Rough, the best way is reasonable.

  • 而昆曲音乐细腻到可以称之为“水磨调”,文辞以风雅绮丽为要义,文学与音乐之间的珠联璧合更是其显著特点。
    and Kun Opera music, fine enough to be called "water mill tune, " diction in order to Fuga lai order to righteousness, literature and Music is the perfect match between the salient features.

  • 每个年份的珠联璧合葡萄酒在法国新橡木桶中发酵的24个月中,每天两小时都会听到詹尼薇为它们精心挑选和播放的古典音乐。
    She plays two hours of classic music each day to each vintage during the 24-month new French oak barrel fermentation.

  • 某种程度上他们可算是珠联璧合,但是另一位国会议员MuhammadHikam说,尤多约诺先生急迫的需要证明他才是老板。
    In some senses they are a good match but, says Muhammad Hikam, another parliamentarian, Mr Yudhoyono urgently needs to show he is boss.

  • 王先生对装修房屋有自己许多独特的见解,又有了“安居先生”―――家庭装潢好帮手的参与,装潢的过程简直就是“珠联璧合”。
    Mr many of its own unique decoration Housing opinion, there is a "home, " -- just good family helper participation, the process simply just "Zhulianbige.

  • 纳帕谷同时酿造许多特优精品,如艾伯如、珠联璧合、约瑟夫·菲尔普斯、卡尔·劳伦斯、海之女神、斯坦格林家族及白宫道等知名品牌。
    N apa Valley also makes many 'super premium' wines such as Abreu, Portfolio, Joseph Phelps, Karl Lawrence, La Sirena, Staglin Family and Whitehall Lane among many other well-known brands.

  • 作为“布道者”珠联璧合的补充,设计团队需要一个脚踏实地指导完成具体项目的领导,条理化的思维帮助她确保任何细节都不会出现偏差。
    To complement the Evangelist, every design team needs a leader who directs the finishing touches on each project. The Conductor's analytical mind helps her to ensure that no detail goes unconsidered.

  • 西方丈学的叙事传统和中国诗歌的简约风格珠联璧合,使其诗作既具有了深厚的历史积淀,又具有了鲜明的时代特征,从而产生了深远的影响力。
    Because the two perfectly match, his works not only have the deep historical factors but also the sharp characters of the period. So his poems had a profound influence on the poetry.

  • 珠联璧合造句相关
