
物换星移  wù huàn xīng yí








  • 物换星移,时过境迁,言犹在耳
    Mind, passage of time, still ringing in our ears.

  • 暑往春来,物换星移,时光把蓬中带入新世纪。
    Spring to summer, things changed, the pont in time into the new century.

  • 千年以来,万年以后,多少物换星移的韶华,终究不能忘记。
    Since the millennium, years later, the number of things changed Shaohua, after all, can not forget.

  • 一任岁月逝去,物换星移,在那遥远的地方,我依然思念你如昔!
    Although time passes by, and many a thing changes, I, far away from you, still miss you as usual!

  • 任时光流转,物换星移,地球上有一样独特的天然物质始终永恒不变。
    Time passes. The world evoloves. But there is single unique natural element in the world that remains constant;

  • 物换星移,虽然有些人仍自称为社会生物学家,不过现在风行的却是演化心理学。
    Times have changed. Although some self-identified sociobiologists are still around, the current fashion is evolutionary psychology.

  • 物换星移下,这些区域逐渐的被英国殖民者控制,但此区域仍然有著强壮的多样性。
    In time , all these settlements fell under English control, but the region continued to be a magnet for people of diverse nationalities.

  • 南美安第斯山脉的本土居民所用的盖丘亚语中,有一个词非常符合这个标题,“帕查库提克”--它指的是物换星移,从而带进一个新纪元。
    There's a word for it in Quechua, the language of the indigenous people of South America's Andean mountains. "Pachakutic" means a change in the sun, a movement of the Earth which will bring a new era.

  • 我愿是叶尖上的一滴水珠/从清晨到夜晚对你凝视/在这个特殊的日子里/化为一声默默的祝福物换星移,不会为我们停留,唯有你我的爱情,永藏在心的深处,祝你生日快乐!
    With best wishes for a happy birthday. Each birthday is a milestone we touch along life's way. May every special happiness fill this day for you and may the year bring everything you look forward to.

  • 今晚意外接到陈平同学的一个越洋电话,令到我欣喜若狂,回想起我们分手后二十年的时光流逝,二十个春秋的物换星移,真有点百感交集:我们都走过了多少山山水水,脚下却是高高低低!
    "Happy New Year to Everyone! Time passes by so quickly, It has been couple months since back from China Reunion, "come and go in a hurry", things happened like in a dream from my Reunion memery.

  • 句子意思是这样的:任凭时间给世界带来怎样变化(沧海桑田),随着时光的飞逝(任时光飞逝),纵使所有的东西都改变了原来的初衷(物换星移),我心依然与从前一样坚定不移(我心依然)。
    No matter how the time brings great changes to the world, as the time flys, even if everything changes its original intention, my heart would be firm and unshakable as before.

  • 物换星移造句相关
