
源头活水  yuán tóu huó shuǐ







  • 惟有源头活水来。
    Only has the source running water.

  • 实施大语文教学观,让学生接触社会生活的源头活水
    Apply 揗icro-Chinese Teaching? method, let students contact vivid teach material in real life. 8.

  • 树立全新的语文教学观,把语文教学纳入生活的源头活水
    We should set up a completely new Chinese teaching sight, and bring into the Chinese teaching to the origin life.

  • 其根本的途径是要在中国道德传统中寻找根源动力与源头活水
    The fundamental way of its solution is to seek for its original dynamics in the Chinese moral tradition.

  • 青少年竞技后备力量是决定一个国家整体竞技水平的源头活水
    The cultivation of teenage sport talents is the source of one country's athletic sports which may determine the entire level of its sports.

  • 结论:经络学说是中医基础理论的核心、是中医学说的源头活水
    Conclusion: The meridian theory is the core of basic theories of Chinese medicine is the source of Chinese medicine theory.

  • 为维持得来不易的声誉,迎接新血,注入源头活水,当然是必要的。
    To maintain this hard-earned reputation, it is essential that we embrace new blood and take in new vitality.

  • 易学是中国文化的源头活水,是中华民族五千年生生不息的精神象征。
    Being the origin of Chinese culture, the Zhouyi is a symbol of Chinese spirits that has been constantly lasting for five millennia.

  • 招聘是人力资源的“源头活水”,是取天下之人才资源为所用第一关。
    Recruit "the headstream flowing water " being human resources , be that resources of human talents of taking land under heaven is what used the first to close.

  • 文献名称追寻中医药学思想的源头活水——《儒道佛与中医药学》评介。
    Article Name Review of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism and Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology;

  • 答案是明确的:改革是山川染绿的源头活水,改革是群众治山治沙的根…
    The answer is clear: Reform is mountains and rivers-land contaminates green fountainhead flowing water, reform is the root that masses treats Shan Zhisha…

  • 自然法学在西方法学思潮中源远流长,为法学研究和发展提供了源头活水
    Natural law has a long history in western legal theories and it is the headstream of the development of legal research.

  • 将九龙山的龙嘴凿开,清冽的甘泉就会喷涌而出,源头活水便取之不尽,用之不竭了。
    The latter discloses to him that once the dragon mouth of the Nine Dragon Hill is cut open, an inexhaustible supply of cool and fresh water will come gushing out.

  • 村民选举不仅是乡村和谐的源头活水,而且还为更高层次的民主改革做了试验和准备。
    Villagers elect not only is fountainhead and running water of villager harmonious, but also provided test and motive for higher level democratic reform.

  • “问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来。”能让团队不间断地学习,就是一个好的领导者。
    "Drainage asked Hsu what so clear, as to the source of flowing water. " Uninterrupted team can learn, is a good leader.

  • 《周易》以其精湛的思想义理而成为中国传统文化的源头活水,它是民族精神的凝定剂。
    Book of Change has become the source of Chinese traditional culture for its profound philosophical connotation.

  • 可以说,翻开中国共产党的奋斗史,无论哪一桩风云大事,都离不开农村这个“源头活水”。
    Can say, turn over a Chinese Communist struggle history, no matter important matter of wind and cloud of which one picket, cannot leave a country this " fountainhead flowing water " .

  • 几千年来前人给我们留下的丰厚中医药遗产,是我们今天发展中医药、拓展中医药的“源头活水”。
    The tremendous heritage of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is the springhead of the development and innovation of TCM.

  • 作为“本元文化”的造物文化,是滋养艺术符号的富饶土壤,为艺术创造提供丰厚的“源头活水”。
    Acting as Meta culture, the Goods-Building (GB) culture nourishes the Art Symbol like nutritious soil, which initiates the art creation wealthily.

  • 乡村菜品朴实无华、清新恬淡,是中国菜的源头活水,也是中国宫廷菜、官府菜、市肆菜发展的基础。
    In fact, they are the fountainhead of Chinese dishes. Dishes in Chinese palaces, in administrative organizations and at downtown markets are developed on the basis of countryside dishes.

  • 因此,好的教材应该是提供真知的源头活水,是教师引导学生学习的有效工具,是促进学生全面发展的加速器。
    Therefore, the good teaching materials should be the source of the genuine knowledge, the feasible tools to guide the students, and also the accelerator for the integrated development of the students.

  • 滇池流域洁净地表水的截流与城乡生产、生活污水向滇池的肆意排放,使得滇池缺少源头活水而成为“污水池”。
    Alo ng with the cutting down the surface water of Lake Dianchi variance and sewage of production and living in city and country wantonly letting to Lake Dianchi, Lake Dianchi had become "sewage pool".

  • 然而,对华校生来说,更重要的是,原本像是一潭死水的华族文化,现在开始疏通了,而且还可同源头活水接通。
    that the Chinese culture - much like a pool of stagnant water - will now be able to flow again and even get connected with its source.

  • 然而,对华校生来说,更重要的是,原本像是一潭死水的华族文化,现在开始疏通了,而且还可同源头活水接通。
    For the Chinese-educated, what is more important is that the Chinese culture - much like a pool of stagnant water - will now be able to flow again and even get connected with its source.

  • 要创作必须从生活中捕捉生动的素材,才能长饮生活源头活水,才能有所发现,有所创作,才能使创作之花永不调谢。
    To create must capture from life, vivid materials can be long life origin, drink, can discover, can make creation of never adjustable.

  • 正是因为奥运会找到了商业方式的源头活水,84年以后的奥运会直接经济收入在弥补成本后,都有几个亿美元的收益。
    It is precisely because of the Olympic Games to find the source of water commercially, 84 years after the Olympic Games in direct economic income offset costs have Jigeyi gross proceeds.

  • 它并不是指红润的面颊透红的嘴唇和灵便的腿脚,而是指坚强的意志,丰富的想象和强烈的感情,它是指生命源头活水的清新之感。
    it is not a matter of rosy cheeks. Red lips and Supple runs; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

  • 在儒家的观念中,存在就是生活;因此,生活及其仁爱情感显现乃是一切存在者的大本大源所在,也是价值论建构的源头活水所在。
    Life is or equals Sein in the view of Confucianism, so life and its emotionally appearing is both where all Seiendes are from, and where the theory of value is constructed.

  • 但是仅对民族心灵潜势的顺从和适应,是不可能实现艺术的改良、革新的,要从中国艺术传统本身引来源头活水,才能充实我们的艺术设计以新的内容和新的活力。
    It is impossible improvement, the innovation of realizing art, only attract the source by itself from traditional Chinese art, could substantiate our art design with new content and new vigor.

  • 敦煌通俗小说是中国古代通俗小说的滥觞,在小说史上具有开创性意义,它们以实物形态雄辩地证明了宋元时代话本小说的繁荣并非一种突发现象,而是有其源头活水
    As the headstream of Chinese popular novels, Dunhuang popular novels have epoch-making significance, proving that Vernacular stories of Song and Yuan periods stem from Dunhuang popular novel.

  • 源头活水造句相关
