
海纳百川  hǎi nà bǎi chuān







  • 上海的城市精神就是海纳百川
    Shanghai's urban spirit is Hiner hundred Sichuan.

  • 水至清则无鱼,海纳百川,有容乃大。
    From no fish, the sea, many rivers.

  • 我的心纯洁,我心永恒。我心海纳百川
    My heart is pure, my heart forever. My heart Welcome to Wikipedia.

  • 海纳百川,有容乃大!
    All rivers run into sea.

  • 海纳百川,云起龙镶。
    Haina rivers, clouds from Long set.

  • “诚信为本、海纳百川”是公司的核心文化理念。
    "Honesty, Haina rivers" is the company's core cultural ideas.

  • 我们应该以一种虚怀若谷、海纳百川的态度去审视、挖掘它。
    We should take a humble and compatible attitude to examine and tap it.

  • 我觉得海派建筑的风格应该是海纳百川、兼收并蓄、为我所用。
    I think that should be the leader architectural style deep things, new ideas, for our use.

  • 这套体系海纳百川可以单独使用也可以和其他演讲系统一起用。
    It's all inclusive, and can either be used all my itself, or in conjunction with other speaking systems.

  • 你在别的地方碰到什么人,在上海就能碰到,所谓海纳百川也。
    You elsewhere who met in Shanghai will be able to meet the so-called rivers also Hainer.

  • 让“海纳百川,有容乃大”的精神,成为每一个成员国的座右铭。
    we should also make the spirit of "the sea admits hundreds of rivers for its capacity to hold" the motto of every member states.

  • 中国人提倡“海纳百川,有容则达”,主张吸纳百家优长、兼集八方精义。
    We Chinese hold that one should be as tolerant/encompassing as the vast ocean which admits hundreds of rivers and should draw upon other's strengths.

  • 中国人提倡“海纳百川,有容乃大”,主张吸纳百家优长,兼集八方精义。
    We Chinese hold that one should be as tolerant / encompassing as the vast ocean which admits hundreds of rivers and should draw upon other's strength.

  • 中国人提倡“海纳百川,有容乃大”,主张吸纳百家优长、兼集八方精义。
    They stand for" coexist with various countries in harmony", advocate that "The sea admits hundreds of rivers for its capacity to hold.

  • 其二,今日的上海是海纳百川之城,正开放地迎接各地人士前来创业发展。
    Second, today's Shanghai is a city of growing things, is open to all who come to their development.

  • 仁尔玛将以海纳百川的宽广胸怀,热烈欢迎来自全国各地的众多优秀人才加盟。
    As the ocean accommodates all rivers on earth, Renerma will welcome numerous outstanding talents from all the corners of the country warmly with its broad mind.

  • 上海人一贯有海纳百川的气度,但“本地原创”建筑的急速萎缩,总是让人倍感失落。
    Shanghai people have deep currents of tolerance consistently, but "local original" shrinking rapidly building, always people feel lost.

  • 南山北海,孕育了古老的全真文化和山海文化,形成了山载万物,海纳百川的人文精神。
    The Mt. Nan North Sea, has bred ancient quan zhen jiao cultural and the shanhai culture, formed the mountain to carry the myriad things, the Hiner hundred Sichuan's humane spirits.

  • 具有开放型思维的广州开发商不应只把目光投向海外,也应东南西北走走看,海纳百川
    Guangzhou developers with an open mentality should not only set our sights on overseas should'll stop speaking, the growing things.

  • 毋庸置疑,当酿酒行业内纷纷改制创新海纳百川的时候,行业景气度也将会有一个提升。
    There is no doubt that when the wine industry restructuring have been a time when rivers khanazir innovation, industry boom will also have a degree of upgrading.

  • 在新的发展时期,哈工大人正抓住机遇,迎接挑战,着力打造一个海纳百川、开放式的哈工大。
    In the new period of development, people are HIT seize opportunities, meet challenges and strive to create a sea takes in hundreds of rivers, open HIT.

  • 公司遵循“海纳百川,有容乃大”的核心理念和“开放、进取、超越、创新”的企业精神精益求精,奋力开拓。
    Companies to follow "to Wikipedia, there is greatness lies in the capacity" of the core concepts and "open, ambitious and beyond, innovative" spirit of enterprise excellence, strive to open up.

  • 酒店在充分体现“海纳百川,兼容并蓄”的海派文化特色的基础上实现了传统与现代、气派与精致的完美融合。
    Hotels in fully reflected "Heiner rivers, inclusive, " the Shanghai cultural characteristics on the basis of the traditional and the modern, sophisticated style with the perfect fusion.

  • 而是全新的、无远弗届、包容一切的网络,有如海纳百川,把亿万个体的涓滴奉献凝聚在一起,在大千世界中举足轻重
    The new Web is a very different thing. It's a tool for bringing together the small contributions of millions of people and making them matter.

  • 新加坡是个美丽的国家,人们友善而好客;新加坡又是个海纳百川的地方,在这里可以看见历史与现代的结合,本土和外来的结合。
    Singapore is a beautiful country, friendly and hospitable people; Singapore is a place Heiner rivers, can be seen here in modern history with a combination of local and foreign combination.

  • 邢台人民素有热情好客的优良传统,邢台教育工作者具有海纳百川的广阔胸怀。美国开尔文大学学生管弦乐团到我市开展文化交流活动。
    The people of xingtai have had the fine tradition of enthusiastic and hospitable since ancient times. People in the field of education are of great breadth of mind.

  • 21世纪的日照正以其独特的优势、开入的姿态和海纳百川的胸怀,进一步加强对外交流与合作,努力建设美丽富强、文明开放的新日照。
    Rizhao will further enhance the international exchanges and collaborations with its unique advantages. We will build Rizhao a beautiful, prosperous, civilized and open city.

  • 老金喜欢金子不假,好象一美女,老金固然喜欢,但是美女要是长着牛皮癣他就肯定不喜欢了。海纳百川,有容乃大嘛,老金还是要修炼。
    Laojin does like gold, just as taking a fancy to beauty, though you like, but the beauty is not so nice looking, you won't like her. It seems that Laojin still needs training.

  • 海纳百川,有容乃大”是同洲视讯的发展理念,通过灵活多样的资本、技术、运营的合作,实现广播电视行业在经济、社会效益上的双丰收。
    Through flexible and diverse forms of cooperation in capital, technology and operation, Coship Media achieved double harvest of radio and TV industry in economic and social benefits aspects.

  • 公司在国际性人才的培育方面具有很强的前瞻性,为培育更多适应允发发展的国际性精英,特海纳百川,广招贤才,欢迎有才之士加入,共谋发展。
    With a strong forward-looking of nurturing international special talent to meet the development of international market, Pilarquim is seeking excellent candidates to join and grow together.

  • 海纳百川造句相关
