
波光粼粼  bō guāng lín lín







  • 白丝带似的河流在阳光下波光粼粼
    The white belt-like rivers were gleaming in the sunshine.

  • 密歇根湖在阳光下波光粼粼
    Lake Michigan shimmers in the sun.

  • 波光粼粼的样子不像是水吗?
    Doesn't it look like glittery water?

  • 那些波光粼粼的小河,宛如夜晚的星空;
    Streams  full  of  stars,   like  skies  at  night ;

  • 阳光下,大海波光粼粼
    The sea sparkled in the sunlight .

  • 湖面并没有显现波光粼粼的景色,但我们对此并不介意。
    So the lake didn't shine at first; and we didn't mind the grayness a bit.

  • 她靠在石栏边,眼神迷惘地凝视着夜幕中波光粼粼的湖水。
    She takes Shilan edge, eyes staring in the darkness and confusion in the shimmering waters of the lake.

  • 游艇在海岛周围转了转,早晨的阳光照在水面上,波光粼粼
    The barge chugs around an island, the morning sun now coruscating brilliantly off the water's surface.

  • 眺望厦鼓海峡,或波光粼粼,或波涛汹涌,令背包族流连忘返。
    Overlooking the Strait, or sparkling, or rough. It's so beautiful that backpackers always reluctant to back .

  • 主卧室可通往一个良好大小草坪,和波光粼粼的游泳池和暖水池。
    The master bedroom opens to a good size lawn and is highlighted by a gated sparkling pool and hot tub.

  • 节日期间没有他们只会一半闪烁,波光粼粼,明亮:复活节兔子和巧克力圣!
    Without them festive periods would only be half as glittering, sparkling and bright: the Easter bunny and the chocolate Santa!

  • 一湾湾小溪,一条条江河里流淌着的波光粼粼不仅是清水而是我们祖先的血液。
    This shining water that moves in the streams and rivers is not just water but the blood of our ancestors.

  • 观赏太阳通过轻轻随风摇曳的棕榈树或放松在温暖的沙滩在波光粼粼的绿松石湾。
    Watch the sun set through gently swaying palm trees or relax on warm sandy beaches in a sparkling turquoise bay.

  • 套房特有的观海景设计,让您尽览海滨风景,波光粼粼,渔光点点,尽享浪漫风情。
    The special design for ocean view in the suite can make you fully enjoy seaside views and romance of ripple markings, as well as the scenes of fishermen's families.

  • 今天,巍巍青青山下 ,波光粼粼的大海边,芸芸众生,莘莘学子,谁将成为英雄?
    Today, at the foot of the high mountain with sunshine on the sea, of all the people, who will be the hero?

  • 人生如海,老年时夕阳的余辉照耀在大海上,最美不过夕阳红,是波光粼粼的大海。
    Life is like the sea, old age afterglow of the setting sun shining in the sea, the most beautiful red sunset, however, the sea is sparkling. Life is like the sea …

  • 在太阳的照耀下波光粼粼,闪着点点金光,像夜空中眨着眼睛的星星,这风景美极了!
    In the light of the sun sparkling, flashing little golden, like the night sky of eyes, the beautiful scenery!

  • 近处的月光看起来要明亮的多,月光将婆挲的树影撒在地上,疏疏点点,波光粼粼,着实迷人。
    The moon looks to close more bright moonlight shadow will be the rustle in earth, dredging and the shimmering, really fascinating.

  • 我看见波光粼粼的河水,这样踏水,这样踏水,我看见波光粼粼的河水,上学路上,这样踏水。
    I saw a little robin and he hopped like this, hopped like this, hopped like this. I saw a little robin and he hopped like this, all on my way to school.

  • 峡谷中拥有众多秀丽迷人的岩床溪谷,其溪床岩石连片,光洁如玉,清澈溪流流淌其间,波光粼粼
    In the canyon has the numerous beautiful enchanting sill ravines, its brook bed rock piece, the bright and clean like jade, during the limpid brook flow, the wave light is continually clear.

  • 躺在其中,波光粼粼的水面倒映着窗外如画的风景,就算是一片叶的波动也会被阳光直接带到身边。
    Lie amid, the surface with wave crystalline light is mirroring the picturesque scenery outside the window, the wave motion that is a leaf also can be taken directly by sunshine beside.

  • 沿着波光粼粼的泰晤士河南岸,越过滑铁卢桥,他们就到了伦敦社交界,霍尔或者马里波恩的工作地儿了。
    Along the South Bank, past the gleaming Thames, they come flying over Waterloo Bridge, to their places of work in Mayfair, Holborn or Marylebone.

  • 全年宜人的气候、一流的海滩和比斯坎湾波光粼粼的水域衬托着这座与其多元人口一起律动的国际大都市。
    Great year-round weather, top-ranked beaches and the sparkling waters of Biscayne Bay are the backdrops for a cosmopolitan metropolis, pulsing with the rhythms of its diverse population.

  • 一位独行侠正在刚尼逊岛上的山头小憩,该岛位于波光粼粼一望无际的大盐湖中心,这个湖是西半球最大的盐水湖。
    A lone man perches on an outcrop on Gunnison Island amid the shimmering expanse of Great Salt Lake, the largest salt lake in the western hemisphere.

  • 莫里斯·格林每天上午会在大约9点钟打开阳台的门,站在阳台上眺望波光粼粼的海面,深深吸一口略带咸味的空气。
    Maurice Greene opened the door to his balcony each day around 9 a. m. , stepped outside, looked at the glittering sea and took a deep breath of salt air.

  • 随着可口可乐?公认的世界抯最有价值品牌,该公司市场四个世界抯波光粼粼的五大非酒精性饮料品牌,包括健怡可口可乐?
    Along with Coca-Cola? recognized as the world抯 most valuable brand, the Company markets four of the world抯 top five nonalcoholic sparkling beverage brands, including Diet Coke?

  • 每张长凳的下面有一个注满生命之水的波光粼粼的水池,见证了从我们身边被夺走的生命,寄托着我们心中对他们永久的铭记。
    And beneath each bench is a shimmering pool filled with the water of life -- a testament to those who were taken from us, and to their memories that will live on in our hearts.

  • 有些暗夜精灵认为并非所有的恶魔都已经被驱逐了,他潜伏在波光粼粼的水面下珊瑚丛生的海洋中等待着合适的时机发起反攻。
    Some night elves suggest that not all of the demons were banished, lurking even now beneath the glittering waters of the Coral Sea and awaiting the time to strike back.

  • 秋叶翻飞飘落在地面上,它覆盖了我们曾经在岸边像孩子般喜戏过的湖水,还有我们手牵着手沿着湖边散步,那时的湖水在阳光的照射下波光粼粼
    The autumn leaves were floating in measure down on the ground, recovering the lake, where we used to play like children, and walked along the lakeshore hand in hand, under the sun was there to shine.

  • 盐湖的平静被载人动力船泛起的波浪打破了,波浪溅起点点水花,波光粼粼的水面上泛起层层涟漪​,船尾卷起了巨大的浪花,留下了一条长长的白色波纹,“真美啊!”我情不自禁地感叹着。
    The calm Salt Lake was broken out by the fast manned power vessel with the sprays being splashed by the strong waves and white ripples being left behind, and I marveled at such a graceful scenery.

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