
法力无边  fǎ lì wú biān







  • 我不是怪物,但,我法力无边
    I am not a monster, but, my power is endless.

  • 死:此无边法力,吾献与那为深红之石所择之王者!!
    Death: This power… I offer to the king who wields the Crimson Stone!

  • 哈哈。(唱)我的法力无边,马上就要成为小镇的主人。
    I will become the host of the town right now .

  • 每天都展露一点新奇,总会使人有所期待,觉得他“法力无边”。
    Expose a little strange every day will always be people something to look forward, feeling that he "almighty."

  • 无论转向哪一面,你都不得不承认自己的无知和造物主的无边法力
    To whatever side your turn, you are forced to acknowledge your own ignorance and the boundless power of the Creator.

  • 二十年前,这里出了一个法力无边的邪恶魔法师,一个名叫特伦特的青年。
    Twenty years ago there had been one of the greatest of the Evil Magicians: a young man named Trent.

  • 传说湿婆在喜马拉雅山修成无边法力,经常乘着神牛云游四方,惩恶扬善。
    Fokelore wet mother-in-law builds immensity supernatural power in the the Himalayas, often multiplying all directions of divine ox roam, be apt to of punish evil raise.

  • 在我眼里,泥塑木雕的佛像并不具有无边法力,只是精美的艺术品而已。
    To my mind Buddhist statues were no more than idols carved in wood or molded in clay—exquisite artefacts at best, but nothing to suggest they have boundless magic power.

  • 佛教徒认为,观音菩萨是一位大慈大悲,救苦救难,法力无边,神通广大的菩萨。
    To all Buddhist believers, the Goddess of Mercy is an omniscient and omnipotent god dedicated to the relief of afflicted and suffering humans.

  • 但文殊菩萨毕竟法力无边,很快就降服了五位小龙王,让他们分别住在五座台顶。
    Manjusri, after all, but boundless power quickly five small Longwang surrender so that they were living in Taiwan, the top five.

  • 她具有无边法力,可以使土地肥沃,五谷丰登,也可以令田园荒芜,万物凋零。
    She has limitless power, can make the land fertile, it can be made barren countryside, everything passes away.

  • 时间法力无边,创造了不可估量的奇迹,也记载了行行色色的罪恶和各种各样的人间悲剧。
    Time almighty, and create an inestimable miracle. Wolfensohn also records the sorts of crime and all kinds of human tragedy.

  • 但他们发现法力无边的魔法师不过是一个同样被龙卷风刮来的魔术师,根本没有什么法力
    But they discovered that the supernatural power boundless magian is one similarly the magician who blows by the tornado, simply does not have what supernatural power.

  • 时间法力无边,创造了不可估量的奇迹,也记载了行行色色的罪恶和各种各样的人间悲剧。
    Time supernatural power boundless, has created the inestimable miracle, also has recorded all the various professions all kinds evil and various world tragedy.

  • 这一回,一个农夫忽然想到,“让我们求辛法师帮忙吧。他法力无边,一定能做些什么的!”
    This time, one of the farmers first had a good idea. "Let's ask Master Xin for help. He's so powerful, he ought to be able to do something! ""

  • 舍利弗曾说他有变树成金、变土成金的能力,可见修行者也有可能成为法力无边的炼金术士。
    Shariputra ever said that he could conjure tree and earth into gold. Thus man of practice possibly becomes a mighty alchemist.

  • 舍利弗曾说他有变树成金、变土成金的能力,可见修行者也有可能成为法力无边的炼金术士。
    He can be a magic doctor. Shariputra ever said that he could conjure tree and earth into gold.

  • 造像记的大意是,佛的法力无边,它象一面十分明亮的镜子,照耀、沐浴着世世代代、十方万物。
    Figures in mind the effect that the Buddha of boundless magic, it is very bright as a mirror shine, a shower from generation to generation, to ten things.

  • 造像记的大意是,佛的法力无边,它象一面十分明亮的镜子,照耀、沐浴着世世代代、十方万物。
    Figures in mind the effect that the Buddha of magical powers boundless, it is very bright as a mirror shine, bathed in generations, 10, all living things.

  • 以方锥形结构建筑的印度兴都教古庙,则表现出超凡脱俗的大家风范,象征着释迦牟尼教义的无边法力
    Israel cone structure is the construction of India Hing Temple, show exceptional ability of all style, a symbol of the teachings of Sakyamuni preached practitioner;

  • 象日食一样笼罩了整个上半场“﹖看来姚明法力无边﹐倘若到美国是为巫师队效劳﹐早是满手冠军戒指了。
    Judging from his first few minutes against the Spurs, Yao looked determined to eclipse that total in the first half.

  • 据说那是一位法力无边的巫师-他与恶魔立下约定,并且给他们生命, 但没有知道事情始末的人活下来。
    They say it's a powerful wizard who has made a pact with the demons and gave them their live, but no one has ever lived to tell the tail.

  • 我最大的爱好是看动画片,也许是看动画片多了的缘故吧,经常幻想自己有一双无所不能、法力无边的魔鞋。
    My largest interest is to see cartoon, perhaps be to see the reason with much cartoon, often imagine oneself to have brimless of a pair of omnipotent, supernatural power demon shoe.

  • 传说集齐了所有七颗龙珠的人就能召唤出伟大的神龙,而这个法力无边的神灵将能实现他们心中所想的任何一个愿望!
    Legend says that whomever collects all seven Dragon Balls can call forth the awesome Eternal Dragon, a powerful creature that will grant whatever wish their heart desires!

  • 且说里格比大娘在新英格兰,也算一个最为聪明、法力无边的巫婆,她可以毫不费力就做一个稻草人,丑陋得谁见谁怕。
    Now Mother Rigby was one of the most clever and powerful witches in New England, and might, with every little trouble, have made a scarecrow ugly enough to frighten anybody.

  • 有了“一”,然后将其交由道去领导,自由的选用最适当的抉择;这样天就可以成天,地就可以成地,神就可以法力无边
    Once there have "One" and consign them to Tao that makes the best choice, then, heaven has the function of heaven, earth has its function of earth, and god has her all mighty power.

  • 大罗宫,取意于“三清上,曰大罗”,是比“三清”所在的三十六重天更高的三重天,寓意为至高无上,法力无边,泽及万物。
    The Daluo Temple AreaThe Daluo Temple is named by Taoist concept that "above the three Pure Realms there is Daluo Sky", its moral is supremely high in power and in service to all.

  • 正如任何一个伏都教大师都会告诉你的,假如你想置某人于死地,根本用不着去碰他,只需用脚踩碎那人脱落的一颗臼齿就够了,剩下的事就交给“无边法力”去办。
    artist will tell you, if you want to grind someone into powder, you don't need to touch him at all. It's quite enough to stamp on a missing molar and let "contagious magic" do the rest.

  • 正如任何一个伏都教大师都会告诉你的,假如你想置某人于死地,根本用不着去碰他,只需用脚踩碎那人脱落的一颗臼齿就够了,剩下的事就交给“无边法力”去办。
    As any voodoo artist will tell you, if you want to grind someone into powder, you don't need to touch him at all. It's quite enough to stamp on a missing molar and let "contagious magic" do the rest.

  • 普陀山是供奉观世音菩萨的圣地,佛教徒认为,观音菩萨是一位大慈大悲,救苦救难,法力无边,神通广大的菩萨。普陀山上一草一木、一洞一石,皆充满佛国的神秘色彩,山上山下,佛寺林立,到处是“观音圣迹”。
    Mount Putuo, acclaimed as the "Buddhist Kingdom on the Sea", is one of the four great sacred mountains of Buddhism in China, the others being Mount Wutai, Mount Jiuhua, and Mount E-mei.

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