
气息奄奄  qì xī yān yān







  • “谢谢。”他气息奄奄地说。
    "Thanks, " he said feebly.

  • 方言在新加坡已经日薄西山,气息奄奄
    Dialects are already slowly dying in Singapore.

  • 那位气息奄奄的人费力地说出他最后的愿望。
    The dying man panted out his last wishes.

  • 气息奄奄的哑叔,从收音机里听着女儿熟悉的歌声,怀着思念、悲愤的心情,离开了人世。
    Is at the point of death mute uncle, is listening to the singing sound which from the radio the daughter is familiar with, harbors missing, the grief and indignation mood, left the world.

  • 死神无法逼你气息奄奄, 你将永生于不朽诗篇。只要人能呼吸眼不盲, 这诗和你将千秋流芳。
    So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

  • 丁勤时先生在他任内,无数次宣布政绩辉煌如日中天,现在市政厅里却似乎是日薄西山气息奄奄了。
    Mr. Dinkins has declared high noon so many times in his administration that by now it seems like four o'clock at City Hall.

  • 虽然使用了绕过气息奄奄的IPO市场的特殊方式,但这也不能使MYR免于2008年熊市的压力。
    Although the IPO market to bypass the dying of a special way, but it can not MYR from the 2008 bear market pressure.

  • 山上吹来的每一股气息都是如此洋溢着生气,仿佛无论谁吸进了它,即使是气息奄奄的人,也会复活。
    Every breath from the hills so full of life , that it seemed whoever respired it, though dying, might revive.

  • 他跌进了干燥温暖的草丛中,躺在那儿直喘气,既不能呼吸,也不能移动。“救命,”他气息奄奄地呻吟着。
    He landed in the dry, warm grass and there he lay gasping for air, unable to breathe or to move. "Help, "he groaned feebly.

  • 那是想像力的疯狂的盛筵,在一个垂死的人的头脑里祝酒,垂死者气息奄奄地哭泣着,衰微不去的心脏却仍然狂跳。
    It was a mad orgy of imagination, wassailing in the skull of a dying man who half sobbed under his breath and was quick with the wild flutter of fading heart-beats.

  • 《藏羚羊的故事》是一个催人泪下,引人深思的故事,讲述了一个老送羚羊为了让路过的人救他气息奄奄的孩子,冒死截车。
    "The story of Tibetan antelope" is a moving, thought-provoking story about the antelopes to send an old person in order to let pass by dying to save his children, risking cut-off vehicles.

  • 有时出现“鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利”的情景,两个机器人在一旁死拼,拼得气息奄奄的时候,另一个机器人过来,不费吹灰之力就赢了。
    Sometimes appeared "snipe Clam struggle economies" that the two robots were fighting to death when another robot came effortlessly win.

  • 气息奄奄造句相关
