
死气沉沉  sǐ qì chén chén







  • 哪里不发动群众, 哪里的工作就死气沉沉
    Where the masses are not roused, work will stagnate.

  • 我们找到了一家死气沉沉的小餐馆。
    We found a drab little joint shoddily decorated for the holiday.

  • 因矿井已关闭, 镇上一片死气沉沉
    The town is dead now the mine has closed.

  • 这些可不是博物馆里死气沉沉的恐龙。
    These dinosaurs were not suffocating in a museum.

  • 它还是先前一样黑暗,冷清,死气沉沉
    It was black, cold, and lifeless as before .

  • 那是一场死气沉沉的演出。
    It was a lifeless performance.

  • 死气沉沉的乐坛,因而萌生了新的风雅。
    Thus the inanimate pop music zone feels the new elegance and artistry.

  • 社区晚会死气沉沉的,让我们活跃它吧~!
    The community party is dead; let's jazz it up!

  • 如果仍然感觉鞋子“死气沉沉”的,那就换掉它们。
    If the shoes still feel dead, replace them.

  • 那儿似乎什么都没有,只有那死气沉沉的单调的煤烟。
    There seems to be nothing there but languid and monotonous smoke.

  • 里昂似乎已濒临衰退为一个死气沉沉,闭关自守的省城。
    Lyon seemed ready to subside into a sleepy and closed provincial city.

  • 假如所有存在的都是一样的,那将会是一个死气沉沉的世界。
    The world would truly be a boring place to live, if all were the same.

  • 在山的低侧,一边是松散连接的系统:不敏感而且死气沉沉
    One low side of the hill was a sparsely connected system: flat-footed and stagnant.

  • 以前我们乡下并不像现在一样死气沉沉,一点儿歌声都听不到。
    Our country has not always been so dead and song less as it is today.

  • 洞里死气沉沉,静得吓人。两个孩子开始压低嗓门,低声说话。
    The boys began to quiet down to whispers, now, for the stillness and gloom of the place oppressed their spirits.

  • 而到这里,死气沉沉的新闻发布会终于响起了一片笑声,圆满结束。
    And here, at last press conference of the lifeless sound Of a laugh, to a successful conclusion.

  • 他把一个死气沉沉的广告公司变成朝气蓬勃盈利上百万美金的企业。
    He'd transformed a sleepy advertising backwater into a thriving multimillion-dollar territory.

  • 父母死气沉沉的生活对周围人特别是对自己孩子的影响,是无与伦比的。
    Nothing has a stronger influence psychologically on their environment and especially on their children than the unlived life of the parent.

  • 满清的文字狱做到了让文人们甘心当皇权的奴才,使整个社会死气沉沉
    The Manchu "word prison" had achieved it's goal, turning intellectuals into minions of imperial authority, the whole society was enveloped in the smell of death.

  • 可是他那样聪明人,怎么能在这样一个死气沉沉的小地方,长远呆下去哪!
    But he was too clever to bide here any longer-a small sleepy place like this !

  • 那对夫妇更愿意住在舒适惬意的小屋里,而不愿住在死气沉沉的水泥大楼内。
    The couple wishes to live in a cozy little home rather than in a lifeless mansion.

  • 至于社会党,仅仅在去年被称为“死气沉沉”,他们势必一步步地复活起来。
    As for the Socialists, described as "dead" only last year, they must take their resurrection a step at a time.

  • 这意味着在北极很多东西在死气沉沉的冬季更便宜,因为它们不需要飞机运送。
    This means that many things are cheaper in the arctic in the dead of winter because they don't have to be flown in.

  • 一些网站之所以死气沉沉,没有多少影响力,问题就在于缺少创新意识,缺少新的思路、方法和形式。
    The reason that some websites are spiritless, do not have the how much influences, the question to lie in lack the innovative ideology, lacks the new mentality, the method and the form.

  • 尽管市场的短期反应可能恰恰是积极的,但投资者应该警惕,美国可能会重现日本经济死气沉沉的一幕。
    Although the markets' short-term reactions might correctly be positive, investors should be wary that the US will be an American version of Japan's moribund economy.

  • 那是一幢破旧的楼房,四邻一片死气沉沉,使你感到只有风烛残年的老人和走投无路的年轻人才住在那里。
    It was a decaying building in a dying neighborhood, inhabited, you felt, only by doomed old men and derelict young men.

  • 哈奇森夫人宣称在裴瑞先生的任期内,该州的教育系统死气沉沉、州政府机关的管理不当、任人唯亲的情况严重。
    Mrs Hutchison claimed that during Mr Perry's tenure the state's education system has stagnated, state agencies have been mismanaged and cronyism has flourished.

  • 他们已经用装卸设备把那些死气沉沉的因维德无机作战机甲从地下大厅里运了出来,以便拆卸人员妥善加以处置。
    They had been using their powered equipment to move the inert forms of the Invid Inorganic fighting mecha up out of the catacombs so that the demolition crews could dispose of them for good.

  • 我们的家在二月份看起来会死气沉沉-老是阴天和室内干燥的暖气夺走了他们的生机,它们和我们一样渴望重新去户外。
    Our house plants are looking wan and weary in February - too many grey days and too much dry heat in the house rob them of their vigor, and like us they long to be outdoors again.

  • 法国人占领的时间越久,这些城市生活组织形式就被消灭的越多,最后,变得一塌糊涂,遭受劫难之后,呈现成一片死气沉沉的废墟了。
    The longer the French remained, the more these forms of town life perished, and at the end all was lost in one indistinguishable, lifeless scene of pillage.

  • 死气沉沉造句相关
