
极目远眺  jí mù yuǎn tiào







  • 极目远眺,太蓬十二峰历历在目。
    Jimuyuantiao, too Peng Feng Twelve fresh in our memory.

  • 极目远眺,是云雾笼罩下的巴黎。
    And, far off, Paris shrouded in smoke!

  • 你可以极目远眺,看到海岸。
    You can see as far as the coast.

  • 极目远眺,甜菜地一望无边。
    As far as the eye could see stretched the beet fields.

  • 极目远眺,迷人的草原风光尽收眼底。
    Jimuyuantiao, a lovely panoramic view of grassland scenery.

  • 海洋十分辽阔,他们极目远眺无边无涯。
    The ocean stretched as far as they could see on all sides.

  • 极目远眺可见苏格兰中部常年冰雪覆盖的延绵群山。
    Far away are the mountains of central Scotland, often covered with snow.

  • 我站在大桥上,极目远眺,眼前是一望无垠的庄稼。
    I was standing on the bridge, the , is an oasis in front of the crops.

  • 住电梯房可以极目远眺,越高越好,虽然越高越贵。
    Housing can Jimuyuantiao lift living, the higher the better, although more expensive higher.

  • 像是刚刚走上愉快的旅程,极目远眺——向远方的美景欢呼!
    As in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward-Bidding the lovely scenes at distance hail!

  • 海风日夜吹袭孤独的海岸,连绵险峻的悬崖峭壁,极目远眺大西洋。
    Desolate stretches of windswept coastline lead up to rugged cliffs that overlook the Atlantic Ocean.

  • 像是刚刚走上愉快的旅程,极目远眺——无限辽阔的远景在我们面前展现。
    As in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward - - The vast, the unbounded prospect lies before us .

  • 像是刚刚走上愉快的旅程,极目远眺——无限辽阔的远景在我们面前展现。
    As is setting out on delightful journey , we strain our eager gaze foward——The vast , the unbounded prospect lies before us.

  • 我来到一座山岗的顶上,极目远眺,只见这一带地方渐渐向下倾斜,投入海里。
    On the afternoon of the second day, coming to the top of the hill, I saw all the country fall away before me down to the sea.

  • 临岩伫立,极目远眺,南耸峨眉群峰,西呈泾口烟云,东展嘉州大地,北列逶迤山岭。
    Pro-standing, the Jimuyuantiao, South Emei towering peaks, the West was smoke I Jing, Jia Zhou East earth exhibition, North Wei Yi out mountain.

  • 登上顶层,极目远眺,云山雾海,古廓新绿,尽在眸中,而屏山岩的整体布局也呈现在眼前。
    On the top floor, the Jimuyuantiao, Wu Hai Mountain, the ancient profile of the new green, in Mouzhong do, and the rock-screen as a whole Layout has also just around the corner.

  • 第二天的午前,我来到一座山岗的顶上,极目远眺,只见这一带地方渐渐向下倾斜,投入海里。
    On the afternoon of the second day, coming to the top of the hill, I saw all the country fall away before me down to the sea.

  • 晚饭之后,我漫步在海岸边。极目远眺,只见海天一色,苍苍茫茫,片片渔舟漂浮在静静的海湾。
    After dinner, I walked along the coast. see the same color, gray vast, silent movie fishing boat floating in the Gulf.

  • 游客立在水库大坝上极目远眺,迷人的草原风光尽收眼底,每到盛夏时节,游人不断,野炊遍地。
    Li tourists in the reservoir dam on the Jimuyuantiao, a lovely panoramic view of grassland scenery, every summer season, visitors constantly, a picnic everywhere.

  • 京城北部绿化覆盖率一直位于居京城首位,从园区中极目远眺,只见一片郁郁葱葱令人心旷神怡
    Beijing's green coverage rate has been located in the northern part of Beijing's first Habitat, from the Park In Jimuyuantiao and saw a lush is delightful.

  • 闲坐露台,独一无二的大通透设计,在令您尽享自然空间感的同时,更可极目远眺,社区美景尽收眼底。
    Machine balcony, large ensemble unique design, in the sense that you enjoy the natural space, but also Jimuyuantiao community beauty spreads out below.

  • 从山顶极目远眺贡嘎山、夹金山、峨眉山、瓦屋山等名山秀峰尽收眼中,四面绵延不断的群山一揽无余。
    Gonggaji mu yuan liao from the Peak Hill, folder Jinshan, Emei Shan, mountains, etc. wa wu shan Xiufeng collect all eyes, surrounded by mountains and continuouslywu yu a package.

  • 他觉得像一个人极目远眺,结果却在自己的脚跟前面找到了他所要寻找的东西,他觉得他就是这样的人。
    He felt like a man who finds what he has sought at his feet, when he has been straining his eyes to seek it in the distance.

  • 从这广场极目远眺,一进又一进宏伟肃穆的古建筑,伸展着闪闪发光的琉璃瓦屋脊,整洁排列在中轴线上。
    From overlook of this square look as far as one can, enter another into grand and solemn and respectful ancient building, extend is worn glisten glazed tile fastigium, orderly arrange in in on axes.

  • 站在长城的峰顶上,极目远眺,群峦耸立,连绵不断,长城从远方云岗深处奔腾而来,又朝天蜿蜒而云,不见首尾。
    At the peak on the Great Wall, Jimuyuantiao, the group stands Luan, continuous, Yungang depths of the Great Wall from afar from the Pentium, and the air meandering clouds, but not both.

  • 每个人都可以在伊利诺州洲找到自己合适的户外活动,漫步在国家公园,站在高处,极目远眺,鸟瞰湖水,心情无比快意。
    Outdoor enthusiasts can do it all in Illinois. Hike through scenic state parks and be awed by the sights of sandstone canyons and sparkling waterfalls.

  • 但是如果你住在宽旷开阔的农村或者住在海边,当你极目远眺那天地会合之处时,你常常会发现分辩天和地确有几分困难。
    but if you live in the wide, open country, or near the sea, you will often find when you look far away to the place where sky and earth seem to meet, that this is a matter of some difficulty.

  • 园内各景点错落有致,无论香樟古韵、红岩飞瀑,还是涓涓细流,垂柳拂水,极目远眺,绿茵春晖、湖光舟影,美不胜收。
    Ancient camphor trees, red rock, waterfall, brook, weeping willow, green land, spring sunlight and boat on the lake contribute to picturesque scenery.

  • 即使每日黎明,总是在一片迷蒙的天空里出现那一轮生命,我还是愿意隔着层层化学烟雾极目远眺,以一种近乎崇拜的心情远眺
    Even if the daily dawn, always a murky sky where there was a life, I was willing to chemical fumes Jimuyuantiao across the layers, in a mood almost worship overlooking.

  • “学者之顶”包括一个血精灵的观星台,他们在那里既可以极目远眺飘渺的星光,也能低头凝视太阳井的水波,确保一切的计划都能顺利进行。
    The Terrace contains the Blood Elve Observatory, where they could gaze on the stars and look down on the Sunwell to make sure everything went according to plan.

  • 极目远眺造句相关
